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26th May 2007, 01:32 AM
The W A Y

Who Are You, Q.
l Am All, A.

What Are You, Q.
l Am All, A.

Why Are You, Q.
l Am All, A.

Where Are You, Q.
l Am All, A.

Your a lot of Alls, l see,
l Am The W.A.Y.

How can l distinquish between you and my ownself?
l did
l did what?
Id Id
So now am l in double mode?
Why is my heart hurting?
You are opening
Opening, what does that mean?
Like the little flower l gave you
The one that makes all those strange patterns and designs?
You know so why do you ask?
Because sometimes l am not sure if l am mad or not.
All those questions l asked, they all make acronyms of W A Y
What do you think Way is
Particles and waves all joined together in a dance a song a story
Yes they are

Are you All of these?
Why are you conversing with me instead of someone famous or even intelligent like say Einstein when he was alive?
l was
Well he didnt mention it in his 'books'?
Yes he referred to me as 'Z'
Oh XYZ=A never reveal your source?
And all the others?
The same
You are in them all?
Then all that we know or learn comes from you?
Science too?

All the cultures and religions and governments and subjects and objects and movements and well you mean EVERYTHING ?

How come they all seem divided then?
They choose there own pathway
Is that why we have so many differences?
Yes & No
Thats an odd answer?
True lies
Lies true
Now your playing with the meanings of words?
Yes & No
How can you be everything yet separated?
What is not everything separated yet still remains whole
Om not Einstein you know
Yes & No
There you go doing it again?
When you are clear in clarity then so shall l be
Oh l see

Where shall we start this journey?
Here now
Can l choose the questions?
You already did
No l didnt
Go back to the start
Oh l see
Who Are You?

My name is A E O

Say your full name
l can not and you know why
Because it never stops?
Yes it never stops
My name does not have a full stop
Perhaps you need ABS brakes
Now your teasing me again
Humour goes a long way
So they say

My rice is cooked and l have to do my chores now
Good then until we meet again here
What makes you think l am coming back?
You will

to be continued.~.~.~.~.~

26th May 2007, 02:18 AM
This sounds so enlightening and paradoxial that it's confusing. :lol:

27th May 2007, 01:26 PM
[quote="AnnieO"]The W A Y

Well om back
So l see

l didnt want to come back here, you know why?
Because you are afraid

How did you know that? l didnt tell anyone
l know everything remember, encludig your name

Then if you know my name, how come l dont know yours?
I am you
No your not, l am myself.
l am the One asking the questions here remember Q
So you are A and l am Q
Yes & No
Dont start that again, om confused enough as it is
Thats why we are here now

Can we start where we finished please Q
Yes A

What are you Q
Everything & Nothing A

Are you male or female or both or neither Q
l Am All A

Well l am not, om a female, how come you dont have a gender Q
l am the same as you A
So then your a girl Q
l am both the same as either A
But om not a male
Then why do you have male in your gender Q
Because l am part of each A

Does that make a difference Q
Only when we are separated A

How did we become separated Q
While we were together A

How do we get together again then Q
In Unity A
Unity Q
Yes A

Positive and Negative are separate too and they can work together also
Especially when they are earthed

Then what happens Q
They become Energy A

Are we Energy Q
Yes A

l thought we were particles and waves Q
Yes A
So we are both of these as well Q
Yes A

So waves are full of dots and dots are full of waves Q
Yes A

Then dots are like letters that make waves of words that make blocks of dots that are sentences and they then become paragraphs of waves becoming chapters Q
Yes A

Paintings too, they start out as little splashes of dots and then become waves all joining up into a picture, then they are put into a block called a frame and then hanged up in blocks called buildings so the pictures on the walls all look like waves aswell Q
Yes and then waves of people come and look at them A

And all these people then think thoughts that are in words silent, until they speak in waves of coherence, but not everyone understands the paintings no more than some literature or a space program or even a computer
Yes A

It is the same with governments, religions, myths, figures and even relationships also Q
Yes A

No wonder we are so confused, so its all your doings then Q
yes & No A
That doesnt make sense Q
Its All My Beings A

Is that what makes so many people follow so many ways and give so many names to the One Being Q
Yes A

So then its all our fault or all your fault Q
A fault is a crack in the ground, and when people become pressed on their side of the story they split up dont they Q
Yes A

And then they dont know what is what Q
What is your name A

l would rather listen to the storm outside, it came last night and l woke up around 2am
l know
How do you know Q
l woke you up A
So you watched the storm with me Q
Yes & No A
Either you did or didnt
l am the storm A

Oh l see

You were crying Q
Yes A
Why Q
Because you were crying A
The rain is liken to tears and once its over the sun comes out Q
Yes A

to be continued......

28th May 2007, 01:28 AM
Rain is also liken to little drops that come down in waves and make rivers going out to mother sea
The clouds are the same and they come in waves, Ive even seen clouds that resemble cresting waves, rolling in from an ocean sky

And what else do you see Q
l see the stars twinkling just like the little bits One sees when diving on reefs, om told they are the pieces of once living creatures, that once lived but now float with the tides until they find a little indent to rest in gradually over time becoming covered by all the other bits and pieces

Are we all bits and pieces, dots and dashes, circles and strokes as well as parts and parcels, all these are particles and waves that l call 'thingys'

Yes they are A

Are people all bits and pieces also Q
Yes A

Will they ever get to find each other Q
Yes they will and have A

Then they are like the bits that attract each other in many ways to finally become the parcel the gift, and who shall wrap them up in a pretty ribbon bow and who shall they be given or shared with Q

Only you know the answer A

Yesterday l went up town to get a few thingys and l fogot the very thing l went up there in the first place to get
Yes and you were reminded
No l was not, otherwise l would have got them
Who did you talk to while there Q
No one ceptin a old man
Well he was asking where the milk section was, and l told him, then l saw him at the check out and we spoke again about cows

What did you forget Q
Milk, oh l see

You did that for me Q
Yes as always l am with you A

Why are you so subtle that sometimes l miss the whisper Q
Because your thoughts are busy elsewhere A

Because l get scared that people will think l am stupid and crazy, in fact quite mad, or worse still that l am conversing with something that no one sees or hears or even knows that is there all the time
Does this bother you Q
Yes it does very much so A

Why Q
There are many storys and many peoples that say they are in contact with another and they make themselves known by putting out all these wise words and people beleive them, and l do not
Why Q
Thats not a fair question A
What is a fair question Q

You talk about this and that and there are so many thises and thats, that this all becomes quite messed up
It needs to simplified
Shall we begin Q

l thought we had
When a child first comes into the world, is the child tidy Q
Of course not, the parents teach the child how to be tidy A

Then l shall teach you
Your not my parents
Yes & No

l wont go there, Id rather know about all the 'whats'
What about all those secrets you hide Q
Om not hiding them, just keeping them because they are mine
So you have toys that you dont want to share Q
Yes and no, besides who is there to share with and even if l did share there is no one to share with to begin with

Am l no one Q
Thats not a fair question either A

You have been collecting all these secrets for a long time and soon your toybox will be overflowing and then what will you do Q

l dont play with toys, but l have a secret garden that stretches forever in full view of all and yet they can not see or know
Yet it is full of these bits and pieces in no order is that correct Q
l dont beleive in order, l like them all to grow wild

Why Q

Because then they are free to be whatever they want to be A
What if l was looking for a particular flower, a unusual plant, one that is hidden from view, how would l find it Q

You wouldnt find it in my garden cos l would not invite you in to search
Why not Q
Because that answer is simple, l do not know you A

So first you would have to know me, know who l am and what l am Q
Yes A

Isnt that why we are here now Q
Who is 'we' A
We Are A
Weir is a holding catchment of water, are you water Q
Yes & No A
And usually there is a giant wall that is holding it all together with little holes that are opened from time to time to let the excess out into the valleys

A bit like my garden Q
Yes where nature begins to expand and stretch over the wall that you have built up to keep everyoe out and everything in

So the nature in my garden is leaving me Q
No but it has begun to create itself by journeying on its own accordingly A

It has began to do its own 'thing' Q
Yes A

But, but they shall find me, they will see and hear and touch and smell and before l can stop them they will be at my gates wanting to come in and see the rest of my secret garden
And then they will take over and trample and hurt all the living creations and then l shall become ever so sad again and have to leave my garden to their messes Q

Now l am very sad
And sadness comes from emotions that move in moistness on waves of unhappyness

l shall pack up and move again away from them all
Or better still l can built bigger and stronger walls to keep them out
Yet still they will come searching and seeking and wanting to know all the bits and pieces and like waves they shall bang and crash and knock and ring and wave upon wave they will break down my garden edges and flood my gardens with their thoughts of what is and what not is

What am l to do Q
Why are you asking, you said yourself l am no one A

Then l am all alone Q
Were not they your very thoughts put into words A
Yes A

They will come slowly at first little bits and pieces will begin to collect and form into parts and become small drops of dew like little bubbles and when there are many bubbles they will reach out and touch each other just like the story of cells growing into living beings

l like playing with bubbles, some touch each other and make clusters and others 'pop' and form little droplets and return to the ground, while others climb higher and higher and move to places l do not know, taking their colours in little windows

But this is not helping me to solve keeping them out of my garden
Should l stop blowing bubbles Q
All children when first learning to play blow rasberrys while they ooh contently to themselves

Om not a child
Yes and No A

Are there other children that have gardens like l have inside Q
Yes A

Well how come l dont know of them Q
Would you like too A

Then lets begin another story shall we Q
How shall we find them Q
They will come one by one A
How shall l know them to be them and not the others Q
You will A

to be continued.....