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View Full Version : Quantum Physics, the Cosmos, and the Soul Part Two

27th September 2005, 06:31 PM
In my last post, I addressed the idea of the soul existing "outside" of what we know of the universe, as well as the idea that the soul influences our universe by what we know of as quantum events. In this post, I will explore the topic of the domain of the soul.

Consider a universe with only two directional dimensions. Imagine it as a perfectly flat piece of paper extending a very long way in all directions (except up and down, of course). A plane, in other words. Since this plane does not have a time dimension, however, everything is frozen at one instant.

Now let's add a time dimension. Before, there was just one plane. Now there are an infinite number of them, stretching in the up/down direction--representing past and future--for infinity. From our perspective, this universe has just become a 3D shape--well, not really a shape, since it has no bounds, but it is 3D nonetheless.

The difference between our universes, though, is this: since have a total of four dimensions in our own universe and only three dimensions in the example universe, we can see the entirety of the past and future of the example universe at once. In other words, from our perspective their time dimension is just another direction.

This means that time and direction dimensions are not different creatures after all. I'm not sure whether this is confirmed by contemporary physics or not, but I believe it to be true for a number of reasons which I shall list in a few paragraphs.

Now, if we can see the past and future of the lesser-dimensional universe all at once, it would imply that if we could experience a higher dimension as time and the other four as directional, we could see all of the past and future at once. This would also imply that our entire future/present/past structure exists at only one instant of time in the fifth dimension. It's not as simple as this, but assume that it is for the time being.

In another post, the possibility of the existence of the 11th dimension--as mentioned in superstring theory--was raised. I believe that it is possible that this 11th dimension could be the fifth dimension that I mentioned. Since my theory requires an outside dimension for the soul, it would be logical to conclude that the 11th dimension is it, as to posit the existence of two seperate outside dimensions would make things too complicated.

At this point you're probably wondering what this has to do with psi or OBEs. But bear with me, and you will see.

So what if we were raised to this 11th/5th dimension? We would suddenly be able to see the future and the past at once. We could go to any time period just by the equivalent of stepping backwards or forwards. Not only that, but we could change anything we wanted--without our hand being observed, unless we wanted it to be. We would be omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent from the point of view of those experiencing only 4 dimensions.

The point that I am trying to make here is that it is possible, perhaps likely, that God Himself experiences that additional dimension, and that it is this which gives Him all power. Let me explain further.

There is a theory, called the quantum multiverse theory, that posits the existence of infinite universes like our own. Supposedly, at the occurence of every random event or choice, the universe splits. But there are some who think of it another way, specifically cosmologists. What some have theorized is that these infinite quantum universe already exist--we do not create them. Instead, time is just a sequence of passing from one quantum multiverse to the next, with each universe representing one instant of time.

Let's go back to the plane analogy. The plane universe wants to go into the next instant of time. What determines what the next instant will be like? Randomness? Or choice? Perhaps both?

Perhaps they are one and the same. We, as beings with souls existing in the fifth dimension (but who experience time in the fourth), could cause changes by our will that influence the next "universe-instant." But choice itself comprises only a small part of our universe. What of the rest, which consists of randomness mysteriously organized into some kind of order? If we can make and break laws, what is it that holds the laws together? Since God exists in this fifth dimension, could it not be that He, experiencing time in the fifth dimension and thus possessing infinite time to organize, could create these laws?

If this was the case, then the next universe-instant would be determined by human choice and God's power. Based on what God and we decided, the pattern would call the next universe-instant to us to serve as our next moment in time. And on for eternity.

What of the astral planes? It's quite possible that they are different universes existing outside of our own, obviously with different laws and perhaps with different levels of superstring vibration. It is easy to see that since the soul exists in the fifth dimension, it can be two or more places at once--thus allowing for Robert Bruce's split-consciousness theory.

This theory is not an entirely new idea, of course. Many have speculated that God operates outside of time. But I don't know of any who have posited that He functions in the 11th dimension of superstring theory.

There are many unresolved questions in this theory, of course, and it is nowhere near complete. But I hope it will give some insight into the way our universe works, even if parts of it are entirely wrong.

If I am right, however, then we may soon experience this fifth dimension. For the Book of Revelation clearly says:

Chapter 10
5 And the angel which I saw stand upon the sea and upon the earth lifted up his hand to heaven,

6 And sware by him that liveth for ever and ever, who created heaven, and the things that therein are, and the earth, and the things that therein are, and the sea, and the things which are therein, that there should be time no longer:

7 But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets.

18th June 2006, 07:04 AM
Or perhaps there exists things outside of dimensionality. As long as you put 'God' within dimensionality, then you are not describing 'God' as clearly at least one dimension is 'larger' (or contains 'God'). Beings outside dimensionality can play with universes in the same way a child plays with doll house.

In my mind, there actually exist creatures outside of dimensionality. The creator of our universe would seem to be one such creature. Note I do not consider the creator of this universe to be a 'god' of any type, just a being of larger scope.

There is no reason to assume that the Astral (or other places) share any dimensions with this universe. The nature of Astral travel is not clear and it seems different from travel of common experience, so its difficult to ascertain the 'physical' relationship between places visited. It seems to me that the Astral Planes already have another dimension as each plane seems to be at least 4 dimensional (3 space + 1 time). In order for there to be several stacked, another dimension is required.

I have memories of living in another universe with 5 spatial and 1 time dimension. As far as I know it did not 'contain' any degenerate 4D or 3D universes. The experience was not fundamentally different than the current one. There were just more directions one could travel in.

I would suggest that the Akashic records are a better candidate for a place where an extra dimension is added to this universe. It is reported that all time is available in 'one' place and can simply be looked up. Perhaps the indexing mechanism is simply another dimension.

18th June 2006, 01:29 PM
Hmmm I like where you are coming from. But does the future exist? IF we exist in only one continual moment wouldn't the future be the present and the past be non existant. Not trying to debunk your theory. It is quite well thought out. Or am I just getting the wrong end of the stick :p
If so i am sorry I am wasting your time.

18th June 2006, 04:43 PM
hmm exactly.

I believe personally in Subjective reality. Which basically means (For those that don't know) that the world is a creation of my consciousness and everyone and everything is part of the same whole. Thus the past doesn't exist. it is only a creation of my thoughts so I can keep track of time and keep existence moving forward. The future is also just a fantasy I create, all that exists is the NOW.

This is why I didn't agree totally with the original post. Because I believe that anything and everything is a creation of my mind. Nothing is objective. Time/space/cosmos/God, would only be like that If I believed it to be.

God I love talking about this. (I drive my family crazy, they think I am a nutter)

18th June 2006, 06:43 PM
Nah you see thats where people make the mistake.

We are all part of the same whole. I am you, you are me. we are one! :shock:

18th June 2006, 09:53 PM
Nah you see thats where people make the mistake.

We are all part of the same whole. I am you, you are me. we are one! :shock:
We're a figment of our own imagination :shock:

18th June 2006, 11:30 PM
Nah you see thats where people make the mistake.

We are all part of the same whole. I am you, you are me. we are one! :shock:
We're a figment of our own imagination :shock:
Yeah and I'm considering why I need to have a long discussion with myself.

And if this is YOUR reality, please let me out.


I can go with the God being reality view. In this view God includes all dimensions (however many). Then there is no need for God have another dimension as all is already contained and accessible within.

This deal with the future being set or not seems to cause considerable problems for people. Just because our limited experience suggests that the past is set and the future in unwritten does not make it true. I believe that they are equal, either both already fully existent or both being nonexistent.

If there is only the present, then the future has not happened and the past has already happened (and is no longer). But neither currently exists other than our memories of it.

More likely in my mind is that it has all already played out (free will and all) and can be viewed from a timeless perspective. As such both exist and can be described as another spatial dimension (as suggested above). Those with the capability to move in that dimension can go to any 'time'.


Perhaps a more relevant question is why we can travel in spatial dimensions but not the time dimension?


Alex, I assume that dimensions themselves are part of perception. Or are they part of the fabric of consciousness??

19th June 2006, 09:58 AM
And if this is YOUR reality, please let me out.
It's our reality. In other words, it's my reality. Which is your reality.

There is no escape :twisted:

19th June 2006, 10:45 AM
The ability to be able to interact externally comes from within. So we are literally experiencing ourselves with every 'external' interaction.

I believe this is quite true:

If there is only the present, then the future has not happened and the past has already happened (and is no longer). But neither currently exists other than our memories of it.

I believe this is even more true:

Also "the moment" may just be a perception - everything that is, was and will be could already exist and "the moment" is the part of the everything that your consciousness is choosing to experience.

This is for the reason that we do not ever lose anything. We might think we have lost the past or cannot grip onto the future, but a memory or thought does not always contain the essence of the experience. The essence of each single experience we have cannot be lost because it is permanent and always accessible from the present moment.

Perhaps God, perception and consciousness are all different points of the same Force that creates and binds the reality that exists. I also believe relativism plays a substantial role in how reality plays out similar to what Akashic_Librarian said. Yet how can we control *everything*... Certainly there must be some basis, some core to reality from which everything is born.

9th February 2007, 10:11 PM
Read my post in ask Robert under: THE GREAT CENTRE.there are 2 verse from a book which was claimed to be revealed to man kind over 1000 years ago, the person who conveyed this communion was an illiterate. in this book it explains the nature of this universe and other dimensions it talks about the self and there being more than one side to us, it talks about relativity, how this univers was formed by abig bang and what is to happen to it, black holes, the orbits of stars and planets, the number of chromosomes that make a human, about other dimensions, out of bdy phenomena, what death is, it explains certain attributes of the creator. i can go on and on, it is also claimed it is the literal word of the creator and that no human being or other entities could ever produce any thing like this book, the book has not changed not even one dot even till now. there are no versions of this bok just the one. this book stresses that the creator him self is one and that every thing else is dependent upon it and that it is outside of all time and space. ijust thought you may like the explanation about god or source, it is said in this communion that thare is no power but him the one and he is the central processing unit of every thing all dimensions and that if for one moment it stopped proccessing the entire creation would cease to exist.

9th February 2007, 10:23 PM
iT is claimed that this book is the theory of every thing as it explains the what was before this univers what purpose we are here for and wher we are ultimately going. this book is claimed totalk about biology, geology, cosmology, sociology, economy , polotics, and metaphysics and much much more. this book is around the same size as the bible and all this info is conveyed using the most beautifull rhythem and rhyme, and the whole book has this. the entire book only uses aronud four letters to make the rhyme.

9th February 2007, 10:50 PM
i would just like to add that i am not trying to put any religion or divine book down. on the contrary in this book we are told that we must beleive in jesus , moses, etc as gods teachers to mankind we are also told that god or the source has communicated to mankind through divine revelations or books and that the bible , torah were from the same source and that we must beleive in them. in the book im talking about it claims that the original books have been lost. and that the final book would never be able to be imitated or changed or lost. so im not puting any religion down all religions have com from one source the only difference is in how we understand the teachings of different teachers. it is also claimed that the final book was taken from the akashic records or hall of knowlege and that this was then down graded and sent down the dimensions to us here in something we may comprehend i.e a written communication.

10th February 2007, 12:12 AM
You are talking about the Koran, aren't you?

10th February 2007, 01:06 AM
Im not trying to promote any religion or divine book my point is that i am amazed at how science and spirituality are coming together. since reading astral dynamics not only have i been able to understand certain sections of the revelations previously uncomrehensible to me, but i have a much better understanding of not only our enviroment but sort of i can understand how the other dimensions ineract with ours. since reading the book astral dynamics and reading the forums i have had a surge in my learning. like i said i am gob smacked at how what we talk about thruogh latest scientific knowlege to the knowlege in roberts book that how all this has been revealed in earlier spiritual scriptures. by the way i like to read as many different religious or spiritual books as i can, gaining wisdom and knowlege to me is the greatest blessing which human kind has. and it is ashame that the mojority of people just go thrugh life with out the great blessing which surrounds us all. i dont think that this is the right place to start any religious debate this was not my intention. my only intention is to share what i have learnt or understood or found, i could be wrong, its just some thing ithought the members may find quite facinating.

10th February 2007, 05:23 AM
Read my post in ask Robert under: THE GREAT CENTRE.there are 2 verse from a book which was claimed to be revealed to man kind over 1000 years ago, the person who conveyed this communion was an illiterate. in this book it explains the nature of this universe and other dimensions it talks about the self and there being more than one side to us, it talks about relativity, how this univers was formed by abig bang and what is to happen to it, black holes, the orbits of stars and planets, the number of chromosomes that make a human, about other dimensions, out of bdy phenomena, what death is, it explains certain attributes of the creator. i can go on and on, it is also claimed it is the literal word of the creator and that no human being or other entities could ever produce any thing like this book, the book has not changed not even one dot even till now. there are no versions of this bok just the one. this book stresses that the creator him self is one and that every thing else is dependent upon it and that it is outside of all time and space. ijust thought you may like the explanation about god or source, it is said in this communion that thare is no power but him the one and he is the central processing unit of every thing all dimensions and that if for one moment it stopped proccessing the entire creation would cease to exist.Sounds like another religion to me. Without knowing just what the book is, this is difficult to comment on & impossible to accept. Over 1000 years ago? And it quotes chromosomes & relativity? Or do you mean that, now we've thought of such things, someone has gone back through the book to place new interpretations on things?

Sorry, but I'm 100% cynic when it comes to religions created by the one & only creator...

1st May 2007, 01:08 AM
In my last post, I addressed the idea of the soul existing "outside" of what we know of the universe, as well as the idea that the soul influences our universe by what we know of as quantum events. In this post, I will explore the topic of the domain of the soul.

Consider a universe with only two directional dimensions. Imagine it as a perfectly flat piece of paper extending a very long way in all directions (except up and down, of course). A plane, in other words. Since this plane does not have a time dimension, however, everything is frozen at one instant.

Now let's add a time dimension. Before, there was just one plane. Now there are an infinite number of them, stretching in the up/down direction--representing past and future--for infinity. From our perspective, this universe has just become a 3D shape--well, not really a shape, since it has no bounds, but it is 3D nonetheless.

The difference between our universes, though, is this: since have a total of four dimensions in our own universe and only three dimensions in the example universe, we can see the entirety of the past and future of the example universe at once. In other words, from our perspective their time dimension is just another direction.

This means that time and direction dimensions are not different creatures after all. I'm not sure whether this is confirmed by contemporary physics or not, but I believe it to be true for a number of reasons which I shall list in a few paragraphs.

Now, if we can see the past and future of the lesser-dimensional universe all at once, it would imply that if we could experience a higher dimension as time and the other four as directional, we could see all of the past and future at once. This would also imply that our entire future/present/past structure exists at only one instant of time in the fifth dimension. It's not as simple as this, but assume that it is for the time being.

In another post, the possibility of the existence of the 11th dimension--as mentioned in superstring theory--was raised. I believe that it is possible that this 11th dimension could be the fifth dimension that I mentioned. Since my theory requires an outside dimension for the soul, it would be logical to conclude that the 11th dimension is it, as to posit the existence of two seperate outside dimensions would make things too complicated.

At this point you're probably wondering what this has to do with psi or OBEs. But bear with me, and you will see.

So what if we were raised to this 11th/5th dimension? We would suddenly be able to see the future and the past at once. We could go to any time period just by the equivalent of stepping backwards or forwards. Not only that, but we could change anything we wanted--without our hand being observed, unless we wanted it to be. We would be omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent from the point of view of those experiencing only 4 dimensions.

The point that I am trying to make here is that it is possible, perhaps likely, that God Himself experiences that additional dimension, and that it is this which gives Him all power. Let me explain further.

There is a theory, called the quantum multiverse theory, that posits the existence of infinite universes like our own. Supposedly, at the occurence of every random event or choice, the universe splits. But there are some who think of it another way, specifically cosmologists. What some have theorized is that these infinite quantum universe already exist--we do not create them. Instead, time is just a sequence of passing from one quantum multiverse to the next, with each universe representing one instant of time.

Let's go back to the plane analogy. The plane universe wants to go into the next instant of time. What determines what the next instant will be like? Randomness? Or choice? Perhaps both?

Perhaps they are one and the same. We, as beings with souls existing in the fifth dimension (but who experience time in the fourth), could cause changes by our will that influence the next "universe-instant." But choice itself comprises only a small part of our universe. What of the rest, which consists of randomness mysteriously organized into some kind of order? If we can make and break laws, what is it that holds the laws together? Since God exists in this fifth dimension, could it not be that He, experiencing time in the fifth dimension and thus possessing infinite time to organize, could create these laws?

If this was the case, then the next universe-instant would be determined by human choice and God's power. Based on what God and we decided, the pattern would call the next universe-instant to us to serve as our next moment in time. And on for eternity.

What of the astral planes? It's quite possible that they are different universes existing outside of our own, obviously with different laws and perhaps with different levels of superstring vibration. It is easy to see that since the soul exists in the fifth dimension, it can be two or more places at once--thus allowing for Robert Bruce's split-consciousness theory.

This theory is not an entirely new idea, of course. Many have speculated that God operates outside of time. But I don't know of any who have posited that He functions in the 11th dimension of superstring theory.

There are many unresolved questions in this theory, of course, and it is nowhere near complete. But I hope it will give some insight into the way our universe works, even if parts of it are entirely wrong.

If I am right, however, then we may soon experience this fifth dimension. For the Book of Revelation clearly says:

Chapter 10
5 And the angel which I saw stand upon the sea and upon the earth lifted up his hand to heaven,

6 And sware by him that liveth for ever and ever, who created heaven, and the things that therein are, and the earth, and the things that therein are, and the sea, and the things which are therein, that there should be time no longer:

7 But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets.

gday...l enjoyed your post....and liked the way you presented the 'universes as a sheet of paper'...

l tried to imagine what you were saying and found that when l arrived at the 4 level...there was what we may term in a name 'time'....

Oddly enough while 'viewing' this wonderful conception l saw something marvelous come about or 'grow'....the lines of the out edges that l know of began to vibrate into other lines until the 'flat' part started to rise and expand in all directions as only l know how to 'see' them...the 'square' became another layer of itself and so on until there was one square that seemed to be 'stretching' in all directions (a little like a box that has gone into a diamond shape yet is made up of so many 'levels or planes/realms'...
(its important to me to get this quite clear....imagine if you drew a flat stretched box that looked like a one facet...only with the lines all being the same as it built itself up and out and down and around...a bit like having eyes that 'blured' to other shades and shadows..yes like little shadows that layer and layer)

Now as l dont know what next would happen...due to my lack of scientificals l had to stop and be still while observing such a phenomenon (yes a little like phantoms) while waiting for the next image or imaginational l had the distinct feeling that l wanted to fold it...so l did....now that would be what you were naming as the 5th D...actually the D is quite apt here as it has been folded (notice the straight line on one side! And the other side is curved)

Now the most interesting part of my Imagination allowed me to 'see' something was missing...yet it was there staring me blankly inside and that was and is the 'other half'....the part that had been folded over was in fact still 'open' still there only one had to imagine it being there, never the less or more it was there....
Unseen by eyes but seen by Imagination...

This part or plainess is what l thought of as being the result of the 5 D and l guess the scientist would say it was the 6 D yet if one unfolded this part or bit being that a bit or byte is one part of 8 parts then a multi would occure and continue to occure as layers over layers or under layers!!

Now if 5 times were multiply'd this would be 25...its total being 7...now upside down this is the angle of a what we call or named a right angle, but as you see its slightly 'bent' or curved...so it is not an actual right angle...unless you draw your sevens very straight, but nothing really is straight is it...they all seemed 'bent' curved that is in an arch....

A bit like an eclipse...you know that the part is hidden but you also know its there tho you dont 'see' the image...

Now l know that we have two sides to our brain...and the brain looks like a very full and folliaged Tree of sorts....branches, stems, trunks, leaves and so on....which reminds me of the images one sees when a leaf is removed its 'image' is still there...nothing is ever lost so to verse...

l guess the part where l was watching or observing was the still part that we call or name 'time'...yes l took the 'time' to listen which would be what you were talking about as the 4D being time ??

In our world of Arts...there is a system a pattern of a 4 sided image that becomes 8 sided and so on...and this took me to what we call the computor...which actually is compure in the ancient meanings of meaning 'communication'[....and that is what our languages are all about is it not....We communicate to understand....we communicate to verbalize and we write and draw and et al.

There are 8 bits to a byte...there are so many bytes to a ect and ect....until now we are up to or over giga bytes....

Now this rings true to me on the actual fact that our mind is much the same...as if we are copying our own workings or systems that operate as our mind or thoughts !

If we only use part of our mind then what is the 'use' of all the other unknown parts that are there as we know they are...is this why some people can go to places that are within the mind or brain and see and do and travel and well you all know the 'score' here and the advantages of all our 'travels' and insights....

The energys are the thoughts and they are or seem to be electromagnetical (please pardon my mispellings as l have no education liken to most or less here and now) now these 'energies' are movements...actions are they not ?

And here in or on this site/sight many train their 'sayings' their 'adventures by the power or movement as l like to name such wonders to go to here and there while still being here and now...in a sense!!

As above so below....

which brings me to a 'gap'....

Now gap is not unlike gape as in 'seeing' and concentrating on one or many particular parts...and if one uses Her own imaginings one can see that reversed this 'gap' becomes page...ahhh now we have gone full circle and once again returned back to the 'start'...of a layer a single layer...

A little like having a wad of papers....and paper comes from the Tree the Tree that shares its All....

The Comp. is liken to the Tree in All Ways....yet here and now we do it without the killing or taking of a precious life that has given and shared all its senses with us...

A Tree has been the basis of all our comings and goings and beings...is that not true...yesssss it is .....

The Tree has been entered in all well known myths and the such like of all semanticals...And with its partner the Ink...we have discovered the inklings...the imprint the blueprint/s of such wonders....

The Tree also has its own 'ink'....which we name the sap...which feeds the paper with information and the tree with its nutrients...being and meaning we are educated with the writings of our past and the writings of our future and its all processed and experienced in our day..in our Now...

Most mysterys or magicals and lots of other names all bear a resemblance to the humble and most beautiful of them all...The Tree...

l could go on here forever as there is no endings as we know it to be...in fact l do doubt that there was ever a beginning also...as we operate in the middle part continually...called the present or the now...

You know this is the most exciting time being that has finally arrived within my own imaginings....

l am truely grateful and honoured to have been here now to experience all these wonderful insights...tho l may sound a little like a child playing with words as my toys or tors of communication...all in all its so exciting that l cannot help but breath a breathe of one sighhhh....

Because l do so love our adventures...in this great and marvelous garden we call Earth...

thank you and tah AO