View Full Version : Extracting energy from the sun with your nipples

29th May 2007, 11:40 PM
I just like here to share the discovery I have made lately, I have wait to experience it on a regular basis to be shure of what was happening. Here it is, If you stand on the back, exposing your skin during sun is shinning you can extract energy with your nipples, it seem that there are energy center in these area that can do that. First it will begin to feel like something is pinching your nipples and all you need to do is to emphasise the feeling you get with the NEW energy way technics. I hope this message will be send to Bruce so he can tranfer this information in the next modification he will made in his tutorials. I have been working with NEW energy way for a while and I must say that the kind of energy it brings to the energy body is quite strong, I suppose this is probably because the nipples are near the heart chakra. Answer me for those who wants to try it or just to say if someone have notice something similar.


Aunt Clair
4th June 2007, 01:04 PM
I just like here to share the discovery I have made lately, I have wait to experience it on a regular basis to be shure of what was happening. Here it is, If you stand on the back, exposing your skin during sun is shinning you can extract energy with your nipples, it seem that there are energy center in these area that can do that. First it will begin to feel like something is pinching your nipples and all you need to do is to emphasise the feeling you get with the NEW energy way technics. I hope this message will be send to Bruce so he can tranfer this information in the next modification he will made in his tutorials. I have been working with NEW energy way for a while and I must say that the kind of energy it brings to the energy body is quite strong, I suppose this is probably because the nipples are near the heart chakra. Answer me for those who wants to try it or just to say if someone have notice something similar.

The breast are quite sensitive to sunlight and this might cause harm but yes there are energy centres there . We were taught a method to form sun and moon energy from the breasts in order to form a vortex for projection . In our case the members of the circle sent energy out of the breast though .

Naturally Effluent centres ;
Also Effluent centres ;
Third Eye
Naturally Influent centres ;
Third Eye
Also Influent centres ;

Here is the method ;
The most basic vortex is formed from three spheres by the magician .The magician powers up thru breathing into a trance as usual but will have to remain awake while lying down .So this is an unusual trance in two ways as the magician will be lying down instead of sititing up and they will have their eyes open for a portion of the session .

Relax in bed in a comfortable room without music or other distraction .Have the room dimly lit . The magician will accomplish this best unclothed above the sheets so that the skin is fully exposed . This will allow more energy to be inhaled thru the pores into the organs to effect a greater sphere .To make oneself comfortable, consider locking the door beforehand as one would in a bath . And disconnect the phone.
Lie in the da Vinci pose
as the Vitruvian Man arms out and the legs spread apart to form a star. This is a good pose for projection . When he star is fully open, it is optimal for projection and can be used effectively for astral projection too .Note that when the arms are at the side and the legs are together the magician is closed .Always protect ."We lock our house and cars why not lock our bodies ??"

Now coordinate the mind body and spirit. The palms lie open and upward slightly cupped . Deep Breathe and fill the lungs with prana .If you can breathe up through the kundalini channels do that now . If not take 3 deep cleansing breathes and power up as you do . The upper body will be stronger than the legs of the magician so we will use the arms and heart to form the beginner's vortex .

Take in breath and energy from the crown to the heart to the right arm .
Breathe in only fire in the right arm.Iimagine it ,visualise it ,then clairvoyantly see it and clairsentiently feel its warmth .Affirm it aloud . My right arm is fire . In my right hand i have a fire ball . It is orange and bright and light and dry . It is hot . I have fire .

Take in breath and energy from the crown to the heart to the left arm .
Breathe in only water into the left arm . My left arm is water. In my left hand i have a ball of ice . It is indigo and dark and heavy and wet . It is cold . It is frigid . I have ice .

Now at the heart you will manifest the pale yellow flame of kundalini godhead .This will be twice the circumference of the palm spheres. "I breathe in the solar plexus . My heart is warm with the rays of the sun . It is pale yellow and bright and light and dry . It is hot . I have sun "

Continue to concentrate on these spheres taking the magic mind to the right , then left , and again to the heart . Hold these spheres in a triangle made by the palms and the heart but do not shift the physical body only the mind .

See the spheres become larger and rounder with each breath empowering them from your magic impregnated prana . Feel the circle of energy going from the right palm down and across to the left palm and up to the heart widdershins with each breath . Begin to feel yourself breathe into these spheres making them bigger and stronger with each exhalation .

To balance the force in hands , try bringing force up from feet into body .Draw up red electric from the right leg into the heart and out to the right arm . Similarly draw up blue magnetic fluid from the left leg into the heart and out to the left arm .

When the triangle can be seen clairvoyantly as three spheres, these will start to make the sides of light themselves attracted to each other by the energy of opposites fire to water and water to sun in this way .Do not pause but begin to see that with each breath, the magic mind makes a pass to strengthen the vortex.

"This is fire hot and bright , This is ice cold and heavy , This is sun warm and light .Then exhale .Go faster in time with your breath . Continue until you perceive the opening of a vortex into which the magician may take thier conciousness to visit higher realms . This will form the basic vortex .
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Variations of this method can strengthen and enlarge the vortex .The opening becomes stronger if you will then project akasha into the spheres and form a silver door .When you inhale bring in akasha to fill the spheres making them glow with silver . Finally a golden door made from amoris , the fluid of the great work's effort is stronger still .

Akasha can be exuded from the breasts and eyes in trance while you form the vortex as above . Or akasha can be substituted for the water prana in the left arm . And amoris can be substituted for fire prana in the right arm At some stages sillver akasha moon will exude from the left breast and golden amoris sun will exude from the right breast concurrently .

The magician can learn to manifest a 5 sphere vortex with four limbs and the Blue third eye making an salmon red right sphere at the foot and a chartreuse green sphere on the right foot .By adding three spheres from the Tan Tiens , Ruby Earth at the throne, Blue Gray Moon at the crown and Pale Yellow Sun at the Heart Dan Tien, it becomes larger and stronger still . Again if you can manifest silver akasha from the moonstone and golden amoris from the sunstone the vortex is stronger still .

http://home.xtra.co.nz/hosts/Wingmakers ... 0Line.html (http://home.xtra.co.nz/hosts/Wingmakers/The%20Tan%20Tien_Hara%20Line.html)
If you have a good working relationship with your guides ,at this time , you will go where the mahatma or immortal ascended mastrers take you to class . But if you are new to the realms then look to the ashrams in the monadic plane first . These are easier to access. Serapis Bey has an ashram over the Great Pyramid of Luxor . This is a brilliant first spot . Then you might try the Golden Chamber of Melchiezedek . Dr. Joshua David Stone offers an extensive list of realms to project to .
Make your intention known aloud , before you begin to form the vortex .

You might say as part of your prayer , I humbly evoke the presence of Archangel Michael to protect me on my journey to the Ashram of Serapis Bey in the Great Pyramid now .

A stronger vortex will allow a further and higher projection and allow the guru to take a student to project with them . Once this practice is perfected , the magician may work fully clothed in a warrior postion standing http://www.photospin.com/search/?page=single&id=16966 or sitting in an armchair with legs spread and arms raised over the arms of the chair like the on a Throne of Thoth . Peers may enter the vortex to project consciousess with the magican in this manner during circle .


4th June 2007, 03:22 PM
You can absorb from your penis' center, as Mantak Chia states in one of his books. The glans seems to be good "pipe" (easy pun) to take energy inside.

Franz Bardon, in one of his exercises, instructs the reader to gather energy through every single pore of the skin (energy breathing was the name?).

Anyway, while I'm having a sunbath, I get really tired (maybe blood vessels' dilatation?) and I'm nearly a clumsy. By the contrary, at night, in darkness, in the sofa, watching TV, I absorb with no problem.

Aunt Clair
5th June 2007, 03:01 AM
You can absorb from your penis' center, as Mantak Chia states in one of his books. The glans seems to be good "pipe" (easy pun) to take energy inside.I don't have that equipment but I believe that the pipe is more effluent than influent . I believe the female enjoys the advantage of energy release during intercourse or rather the receiving partner receives energy .

Franz Bardon, in one of his exercises, instructs the reader to gather energy through every single pore of the skin (energy breathing was the name?).Yes I agree . Pore breathing is possible and it works better unclothed . In the post above I suggested privacy for that reason .
"The magician will accomplish this best unclothed above the sheets so that the skin is fully exposed . This will allow more energy to be inhaled thru the pores into the organs to effect a greater sphere."

Anyway, while I'm having a sunbath, I get really tired (maybe blood vessels' dilatation?) and I'm nearly a clumsy. By the contrary, at night, in darkness, in the sofa, watching TV, I absorb with no problem

I have always found it curious how humans absorb energy . For example some like me love to bathe in full moonlight but some actually dislike the moon and feel it agitates them . And some like to lay in the warm sand by the ocean but others hate the sand under them finding it coarse and uncomfortable . I have learned little about the different comfort zones , I am just musing .

5th June 2007, 06:18 AM
About the penis:

I thing this artifact is more for emitting than for receiving, but maybe it functions that way due to the polarity difference in between planes. Bardon spoke about that, too. If your physical penis emits, your astral penis absorbs. Perhaps there's the trick.

I have not tested it, anyway. But I've had very good results generating sex energy (through my penis) and moving it in the MCO circuit.

Aunt Clair
8th June 2007, 02:17 PM
About the penis:I thing this artifact is more for emitting than for receiving, but maybe it functions that way due to the polarity difference in between planes. Bardon spoke about that, too. If your physical penis emits, your astral penis absorbs. Perhaps there's the trick....

I do not have the equipment in this life to make such observations but I feel that extension in physical means extension in astral . That is that what is done with the physical body is not equal and opposite but directly related to what is done in the energy body . When the physical arms think of hugging the energy body arms do not reject and turn away but hug also .

A man can draw his consciousness and his energy into ching in the red earth stone and then emit with his ejaculation into and through his partner . This type of intimacy allows a union for a moment that is more complete than the physical act of intercourse can possibly afford . The emission is felt passing beyond the organs and tissues and seems like a form of white blue electrical energy coursing up the body and exploding in ecstasy out the crown .Energy then envelopes the lovers , allowing them to fall into each other more closely than physical parameters allow feeling in the energy body that they are truly one .

Maybe one of the reasons humans leave loving relationships is because of the longing for such complete intimacy . Supposing we could choose to find it in the relationship we are in , we might eliminate the pain of divorce for some families . That is if familiarity bred the only chance for such orgasms we might find less contempt for monogamy and might seek it as the ultimate union.

Tantra is wide and expansive and is not limited to the vulgarity of extending the time a male can go without orgasm . It is poorly explored an d constrained in its availability .

A mature love manual for magicians beyond the tantra or sex magick would be a wonderful blessing for humanity .

9th June 2007, 03:37 PM
I myself have never felt my astral body do the opostie of what my physical body does.

It apears tome that they are linked perfectly. Sometimes the astral body exagerates what the physical body does, so in the case of an orgasm where kundalini is raised that is the exageration of whatever fluids or muscle contractions are happening in the physical body.

I have noticed that one can either absorb energy in or emit energy out of the penis. I would think it would be the same for women as well as any other part of your body. All it takes is the intention to move energy in the oposite direction.

Ever done the MCO in reverse? :p