View Full Version : Can you do astral projection from a dream?

31st March 2020, 10:09 AM
I've been having some lucid dreams recently, and there's a forum post on a forum somewhere that says you can astrally project from a dream. I had one dream where I projected successfully, and went back to my body shortly after and wrote something down, but when I woke up it was all a dream. And another where I tried but was was interrupted.
If when you're dreaming you have an astral body floating near your physical body, then if you're in a lucid dream can you transfer your consciousness to that astral body, bypassing the need to consciously produce one while staying awake? That would be a neat shortcut.

31st March 2020, 02:57 PM
Hello Minyan,

In Astral Dynamics, Robert states that you can convert a lucid dream into an astral projection by either commanding "take me back to my body!" in the dream or by falling backwards in the dream. He says this will land you either close to your body or in the projected double floating right above your body, in which case you can then get up and take it from there.

Similarly, I was just listening to a youtube video yesterday posted by Astral Club (it's run by a guy who has been projecting since he was a kid) and he also says that he has used a lucid dream to AP by jumping off a cliff or somewhere high and far from the ground. He has good content in my opinion so you might want to check him out and see if it interests you.

Good luck!

31st March 2020, 08:47 PM
Thank you for your advice my good sirormadam, I will try it and I am now listening to a 26 minute and 24 second recording of someone talking.

1st April 2020, 02:39 PM
Yes, I do it simply flying away from the environment (to get to the astral plane) or thinking about my body in my bed until I find myself back half awake, and simply not move and wait until vibrations, and from there have an out of body experience.
Both are doable, the OBE usually isn't long lasting but it's an experience that can be had.

Neil Templar
2nd April 2020, 01:48 PM
Yep. That's the most common way I get out of body. :)

2nd April 2020, 06:29 PM
My first voluntary OBE started this way. I was swimming uphill in the air. In a moment of lucidity I noticed how ridiculous it is and then it started. I had no vibrations though but entire 'Kundalini' energy going through my torso. Then I was in my bedroom and lifted out of my physical body going to the ceiling. I did not know what to do and turned around looking down at my physical body 'asleep' with eyes closed (a sight I never forget). Then I decided that this is enough for a short trip and dived down again into my body into the breast area where I also experienced my own breath for a little moment. Strangely I got into another dream with a false awakening after that. Only then I really woke up. There is much more to this experience, this is the short version.

4th April 2020, 10:44 AM
Tell me, I read that access to the astral projection can attract unfriendly spirits. Does this stop you?

4th April 2020, 04:07 PM
Tell me, I read that access to the astral projection can attract unfriendly spirits. Does this stop you? I've read that too, but it hasn't happened to me in the 60 years (+ 3) that I've done it. So, no.

4th April 2020, 05:47 PM
It’s never stopped me either. I believe I was tested on one occasion with something that looked frightening coming towards me but I just treated it as fun and flew away. The beauty of being conscious during a projection is that you can just fly away or think “ Back To Body “.

5th April 2020, 10:19 AM
I'm waiting to start lucid dreaming again to try these ideas. Falling backwards or flying away in the dream, or otherwise waking up a bit and then projecting. If you can have a false awakening after a genuine projection then I wonder if I actually succeeded the time I had a false awakening afterwards.

I had woken up a bit so I was half asleep or similar, and I tried going out of my body, and as I did that I felt like something was shaking my body, but I didn't believe that something really was shaking my body. I didn't succeed, so I tried again and it felt like something was shaking my body, and I thought it odd if I could succeed because my mind was not completely calm but I tried calming it (or I thought that during the first attempt), and I came up through the roof of my house and couldn't see much, I thought it could have been a dream where I did not know what to imagine for lack of memory of how the area looks from above, but then I could see it was dark because it was night, and it was misty (and you can't see very far in mist but I was above the mist) and I saw a bit but it was dark and misty, and I tried to hurry back to my body and I had a false awakening where I wrote the word "misty" in a notebook that was not where my actual notebook was.

Thanks for the advice. I've got a playing card face-up to check.

In the dream where I tried projecting but was interrupted I thought Odin was an astral projector and Gungdnir was the silver cord and Hlidskjalf was named after the vibrations, and I imagined I was riding a fast-moving horse as I tried to project feeling like I was being shaken, the horse being Yggdrasil. I was interrupted by a person made of stone.