View Full Version : Tensing the Perineum

16th June 2020, 09:47 PM
Does anyone who has successfully raised Kundalini tense the perineum as you raise energy into the base chakra to initiate the Kundalini rising? If so, how hard do you tense the perineum to initiate a Kundalini rising? Is it a mild tensing or do you tense up pretty strongly? Also, do you tense and hold it for a long duration while continuously pulling energy into the base chakra or do you do frequent tensing in short spurts?

Robert Bruce
17th June 2020, 01:02 AM
I never did this when I raised kundalini, and I've done it hundreds of times.

Tensing the perineum, and sitting on a knotted towel to produce sensation in the same area, are ways of focusing body awareness in the perineum.

However, once you know what body awareness is and have learned how to use it - 30 minutes is all it takes - you no longer need to do those things.

Everything needed for raising kundalini can be done with body awareness tactile imaging, which is very simple to do.


17th June 2020, 02:37 PM
Ok, thank you. I didn't know if tensing was even beneficial or not. Tactile imaging works excellent by the way. It's the best method I have ever used for energy work.

18th June 2020, 10:52 PM
The bandhas create not, so in essence with them you are learning how not to create difficulty. The Muladhara Bandha removes doubt, for instance. It is a clean way to be realised, to get rid of the physical rubbish.