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19th June 2020, 06:07 AM
The thread category is right: it is about deliberate manifestation - in a very direct sense of the word.

People has false idea that they don't decide about the shape of the world, what they use, and how much technology is involved in their lives and landscape. This is in large part due to the fact that we are encouraged to focus on our personal "little garden" (a house and everything around, as our little "kingdom") and discouraged to have any interest in bigger garden (the planet) - other than media tell us.

What I'm missing here and seems obvious to me, is being globally-wise. Global is the effect of a sum of billions of local (individual) decisions about people's small "gardens". You decide about a phone, a car, a house, garbage etc. Your neighbour, and his / her neighbour, and neigbour of their's neighbour as well.

Every single year I can see less and less trees in the world, and more and more people. Where will it end? When there would be no trees any more, and only people in the same number as were trees before? How come? Should not it be the other way? How the Earth will look like in the next year? Next decade? In the 2080 A.D.? How many trees would you count? Or how much pollution or waste you would measure? And how much technology?

And how much in 2180 A.D.? Artificial trees, genetically modified, replaced by the nature that had existed long, long before first man appeared on the planet? Is this our decision about manifesting the future?


You are taught not to tell people what to do. But the global situation affects you anyway. So maybe it is a time for a deliberate manifestation about the planet, like asking yourself whether you're a slave of technology or are you a master of it? Do you control it and its influence on your life, or it is the other way around? Are robots only the machines, or they tell you what to do and control you? The world controlled by machines:




19th June 2020, 09:45 PM
I manifest with my computer a bit myself. The humming Hu sound you can hear between your ears... it is tech-savvy. So I created a folder just for the purpose of mind controlling my reality.

Analysis is a very deep subject. Analysis sees no pain in the other. Ultimately, analysis sees no pain in the self either. An ascension route... soul star.

20th June 2020, 02:35 AM
The choice between technology and wisdom - wisdom is old-fashioned really, does what it knows. Technology however, is always bound to press boundaries. So, you do technology when you want something more? No, when you want something different.

Wisdom always gets more - that's why it likes it. 8)

20th June 2020, 06:23 AM
The choice between technology and wisdom - wisdom is old-fashioned really, does what it knows. Technology however, is always bound to press boundaries. So, you do technology when you want something more? No, when you want something different.

Wisdom always gets more - that's why it likes it. 8)
There is simply a choice to be made: would you buy another computer or phone, or another tree? ;) Choose whatever you prefer. ;)
Choice is very simple BTW. Tree is what gives life, doesn't it?