View Full Version : Martial arts and excercises

19th June 2020, 07:20 AM
First I was learning karate myself, when I was a kid. It was really fine, I think karate is the most universal and practical martial art type.

Then I attended taek won do course. It was really fine again, not as universal as karate, but probably one of the most efficient and powerful martial arts available.

But I still wasn't happy, so I switched to kung fu. I was more amazed with it than with the two previous ones, but each of them gave me certain development which I would not have without them.

Then I learnt about tai chi, which as I discovered was even better for health and body.

Then I learnt about qi gong, which was even more deeper and better for those.

Finally, I learnt about mental and spiritual taoist practices which are even better than qi gong alone.

So what I learnt is this:

karate < taek won do < kung fu < tai chi < qi gong < spirit practice

mind > energy > body

This does not mean that I focus only on one part; I combine all of those in the excersises.

And spirit practice is where the physical excercise meets magic.

19th June 2020, 09:41 PM
I concur.
- spirit is the emotional self, that supposes self real
- mind is the religious self, that supposes others real

Thus, somebody that is dedicated to the path will ultimately attain proof in/of religion, whereas somebody who starts with religion might find themselves running around in circles looking for ego.