View Full Version : Finally met physical angels

14th April 2021, 03:25 PM
I have met many Angels astrally but never physically like I started doing 2019. I remember I was acting strange in the neighborhood because of what had happened during August 2019. I was kind in a shock state. My doorbell rang and I Saw a lady moving away. When I opened the Door three police officers stood there but I felt directly they were Angels. I think they were hashmallim. They were very friendly and respectful. One of Them entered My apartment and was very flexible. I was driven to the ward. At the Ward I got visited by One Beautiful Woman angel that made this gorgeous tree of life painting. She Asked me if I wanted to join her. I Said No thanks. They are very intelligent. One Woman angel came to My apartment in the form of an aquaintance. She Asked me if I did not like humans. I Said yes I do, but not psychiatry. She said She would come back with a flower. I told My aquaintance about this and She did not know anything about it. We both believe it was an angel.

At the Ward I got visited by Angels on at least ten occasions but mostly Ishim.

I am still waiting for Them to return.

I want to thank the demons, Angels, the Vatican, Israel and Previous US administration and THE security police for trying to get me out.

13th May 2021, 08:52 AM
Yes, all of this stuff is valid politically. Under the common law you have truths which are words. So when somebody says that you should manifest your highest purpose (destiny), well may you should, and what choose to read along the way might help you come to terms with this type of "contract" - and this type of contract is the strongest of all because eye said so. Is the contract to the commonality BOLD or DARING? Becuase the spectrum in-between them knows only that light is being used. (Daring people use more light).

The difference, by the way between human, and non-human care protocols is lust - humans feel it alone in caring.

13th May 2021, 07:20 PM
Again, on the bold and the daring and the way that every word was true (including the definition of ascension, from which is alluded another planet or plane):

- bold: i am good enough to choose myself
- daring: i can and will win what is mine to promise

The two sound similar, right? But it's subtle, there is a dance in dare-winning that entails multiples of that fun - that fun called purpose. Your wonderous beings are polite enough. Only a fool...