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View Full Version : I believe I'm experiencing the staggered realization process

8th June 2007, 02:05 PM
Hello Robert.

This morning I was reading your writings on kundalini and was amazed when I read the paragraph in which you mention the staggered realization process:

Then begins the staggered realization process where higher knowledge is
gained one small step at a time. But this progressive gaining of knowledge
will only bear true fruit if one has a sound belief system, and if one
applies the empirical process, eg, first build a solid foundation and then
add to it one thing at a time. If this discipline is not applied one is
likely to float away with the faries.

One night several months ago I sat on my bed and had a roughly 8 hour talk with myself in my mind. It began with "I wonder what the meaning of life is?" During this talk, I "realized" so many amazing things. By simply "looking and accepting" at life, nature, the universe.

I've realized countless more wondrous things since that night, things that have deeply changed me. Unfortunately most of this info goes beyond words, and most of what doesn't I find extremely difficult to explain correctly. By correctly I mean in the EXACT same way that my mind revealed the info to me, because it's not really like knowledge but a path to knowledge. It's like I have to take people down the path, and not explain the info.

But you say that this occurs after raising kundalini. I've never so much as even attempted to do that. I don't even practise NEW (or in fact anything AP related). I do practise strengthening my focus though, I've 'realized' a lot about focus.

It was by pure chance that I stumbled across that paragraph of yours. If I hadn't, this amazing thing would still be a nameless wonder to me. I had no idea what it was and had no idea if I was the only person in the world that this had happened to.

But, as I said, my question comes from you saying that this happens after awakening the kundalini. Trust me that has not happened, I wouldn't even attempt to mess with it, I don't know much about kundalini but I think it can be dangerous, even deadly, if awakened when it isn't supposed to be.

This realization process has literally changed who I am. I am much more spiritual and it has driven me to practise meditation.

I don't really know what my question is Robert, I would just like to know more about this utterly awe inspiring gift.

I suppose I'm curios as to why this has happened to me? It has taken my life down a new and wonderous path and I am eternally grateful for knowing the things I now know.

It's so strange though, all this knowledge was simply realized, it feels like anyone can do it, and when I realize enough info it's like building blocks of knowledge that are now able to support an even higher level of knowledge. It's like every single piece of info, no matter how small or massive is constructed of and connected to everything else by litlle blocks of knowledge, and the way I 'realize' more is not by asking myself questions or seeking any particular kind of knowledge, I simply place my mind on the building blocks of knowledge at the edge of any of what I know, right where it touches the unknown.. Once there it's like the next blocks of knowledge, the unknown ones connected directly to the blocks that I know are pretty much effortless to bring into the light, so to speak.

If I focus on the outside of my knowledge (ie past the edge) all I get is theories, possiblities and daydreams. It's when my mind is on the edge, stepping from one block to the next that the info is just intuitivly true, because every single thing that it's based on is also intuitively true. When something fits, it fits. And when something isn't true, it just doesnt fit, it really is like trying to put a jigsaw piece into a hole that is the wrong shape, it simply doesn't fit.

I intuitively know that the knowledge I have gained is true, because despite how complicated, massive or just plain far beyond words something is, it's all 'constructed' of and based upon other pieces of info that are simpler, and I can sort of zoom into knowledge and beak it down to its most absolutely simple building block, a building block of thought, and all knowledge, on this most simple level is constructed of this block. I consider it to be sort of like an atom of conciousness/thought. All knowledge, that is cable of being known, is made of this very same block. I call it the 'infinitely simple concept".

To understand infinite simplicty think of infinite difficulty. The level of difficulty is so high that no matter how much time or effort you put into it, that which is infinitely difficult will never be achieved. Therefore, with infinite simplicity, the level of simplicty is so high that no amount of time or effort can possibly prevent you from achieving that which is infinitely simple.

This is how I believe these unknown things can be realized, because when my mind is on the edge of what I know, the fact that what is unknown is contructed of blocks of knowledge that are infinitely simple, means that these unknown blocks (at least on some level) are so simple that its impossible to not just know them when I get my mind where it needs to be.

Anyway, I apologize for the length of this post, but discovering that this is known to others has really excited me. I love talking about it even though most of the knowledge is so hard say in the right way.

I would be extremely grateful for any of your thoughts on this, Robert.

Thank you.

Robert Bruce
1st May 2008, 04:53 PM

The realization process I spoke of, in the context it was given, does not mean that you need to raise kundalini first to experience the 'staggered' realization process. This was said mainly to clarify to people that raising kundalini, or awakening kundalini, does not cause 'instant realization, or instant enlightenment'. This can trigger the realization process, where one begins to have realizations about how things are. This can of course happen independently from kundalini and the evolution of consciousness that it causes.

The realization process continues, in the same way you are experiencing it, as a flow of information from your higher aspects into your conscious mind.

The importance of my 'Catch Basket Concept' is profound, in relationship to this. And that is to clear the desks and remove all bias and baggage and false ideas and notions, and to proceed only on personal experience.

See here for this article http://www.astraldynamics.com/tutorials/?BoardID=4

If your belief system is not cleansed first, then the contents of higher self communications and realizations will be tainted or misunderstood.

Also see the works of Don Miguel Ruize, The Voice of Knowledge, which is an excellent approach to the same thing, to clearing your belief system.
