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View Full Version : Kundalini Experience with 7th Chakra

16th June 2007, 08:28 PM
I've been experiencing the joys of kundalini for the last couple of weeks... my absolute favorite was when it was sitting at my throat chakra and felt like someone was trying to choke me... I don't know if how I'm describing this is going to make any sense but I have noticed there is a place where the energy sits... and then the next higher chakra is the one that it reaches for, by that I mean I can feel the energy just barely touching the next higher chakra. At the moment it is sitting at the 6th chakra, and reaching for the 7th. In the last couple of days I've noticed what seems like a small but noticeable "clump" of energy above both ears. As the kundalini has gotten into the 6th chakra, these clumps of energy, which are somewhere about half an inch above both ears seem to be becoming more dense. Do they have a use, name(s), do they exist... ?

Also I was curious about whether or not it is a good idea to "gently pursuade" Kundalini to go higher ? Every now and then when I meditate I use a relatively strong burst of emotion to temporarily make it sit one chakra higher than it is currently at. I was wondering if this this temporary move is a good thing to do. I was curious about examples of what it is supposed to feel like when Kundalini is in the 7th chakra, and higher so I'll tell you what I did, and tell me if I did this correctly....

I used emotion and concentration just like anything else to direct the Kundalini from my sixth chakra to the 7th. It was a bit of a stretch, I could feel that I wasn't really ready for it though that's hard to describe how I knew. The energy was sitting in the 7th chakra, and I felt my consciousness move to the top of my head. I saw all sorts of weird things and different ways of looking at things. It was like I was being spoken to by myself and myself was making all these references to chakras compareing the body as being the bottom of a flower, and naturally my earth chakra began making roots of light. Then my consciousness turned back to my crown chakra, and showed it as being the top of a sunflower and it was catching "sunlight" but not from the sun, it was coming from the sun above my head, my own personal sun.. I tried to step up the energy farther, to see if I could take my consciousness and go into this sun which was beaming down energy to my sunflower shaped crown chakra, but I couldn't. I couldn't do it because my consciousness wasn't high enough to go up to that level and my self was telling me that. But it did do something else, I couldn't "be" where that little sun was but it/me showed me image that represented the "little suns" of everybody else and said something like, "see your all a galaxy" and it compared the galaxy of people's stars with the real galaxy.

Then I came to the apparent realization of what can briefly be translated as, "Tour is over." and opened my eyes, looked at the time and though I thought at first that I had been meditating for like two hours, maybe more, my clock told me it was really just one. I measure how good my meditations are based on how much time I lose.. ex, if it felt like an hour, but I was only meditating for 30 minutes, then I say that is good. If on certain occasions it feels like 23 minutes and I was meditating for actual 23 minutes...... not so good.

So what do you feel, what are you supposed to feel when you have kundalini at the 7th chakra, and is there anything past the personal sun ? As I might have mentioned earlier, when I tried to raise my consciousness to that personal sun, that was when "it" took over and just started showing me all those images so I didn't get the chance to "probe" exactly what that personal sun was or to feel what it was like to "be" it aka move my consciousness inside it before it drop kicked me out of meditation like a bad habit. I couldn't be sure if it was my personal sun talking to me, or something else... during the images when they started going out of my control, and the whole sunflower thing happened, it seemed like I was talking to it but just so it could show me the images... for ex. I thought that the sunflower should have been a white lotus, etc. in keeping with the whole chakra stuff.. and that voice, laughing at me with words said, "you don't know what a white lotus looks like." with an extremely rapid explanation that the images had to be of things that I could mentally imagine, aka, things I know

Anyways has anyone had something like this happen to them with kundalini reaching up to the seventh chakra and higher? Also, though the energy is touching the 7th chakra even now, if I wait till it is properly and completely sitting at the 7th chakra, and then do the same meditation again and try to step up to my personal sun, is it possible to "be" at it the same way I do with all lower chakras, does this thing keep kicking you out of meditation after it says something ?

17th June 2007, 04:18 AM
I am having a similar problem myself but its at my heart chakra. I am 16 and have not experience true love, and the whole teen love just sickens me.

Also I tend to hold my emotions in...any ideas for me...and I don't know for you i figure its easier too ask in same topic lol

Aunt Clair
17th June 2007, 06:51 AM
As the kundalini has gotten into the 6th chakra, these clumps of energy, which are somewhere about half an inch above both ears seem to be becoming more dense. Do they have a use, name(s), do they exist... ?

These are blocked energy centres having to do with clairience particularly clairaudience .

Also I was curious about whether or not it is a good idea to "gently pursuade" Kundalini to go higher ?
You should deep cleanse and purge the energy body daily . Mother Kundalini knows her own path . There are events where she lies in a stone for a time . But generally each event tranverses the length of the body either ascending or descending .

So what do you feel, what are you supposed to feel when you have kundalini at the 7th chakra, and is there anything past the personal sun ?
Yes there are numerous structures including Kether amd Universal Mind found ie in the purple stone , the heavens stone and the star stone .

Anyways has anyone had something like this happen to them with kundalini reaching up to the seventh chakra and higher?
Yes I have as my peers have had an at AD at least Donald, CFT, Tempestinateapot , and Robert Bruce have .I am confident others will have also .

Also, though the energy is touching the 7th chakra even now, if I wait till it is properly and completely sitting at the 7th chakra, and then do the same meditation again and try to step up to my personal sun, is it possible to "be" at it the same way I do with all lower chakras, does this
thing keep kicking you out of meditation after it says something ?
The effect of a single kundalini event typicall last 1-3 days , it might last a week though . You can prepare your body for next time ,

19th June 2007, 11:46 PM
Thanks for your answers, they helped a lot. I unfortunately have experienced a new unanticipated problem... while meditating two nights ago I had a surprising experience. I normally rest my hands beside me while meditating but this time I put them over my heart, at some point during the old meditation my heart put out a burst of energy that literally pushed my hands and arms, pushing my hands about five inches above me. Am I not grounding enough or something ? I was extremely surprised by this, I think the only reason my hands didn't go up farther was because I had a blanket on top of me. After that huge burst of energy I immediately became extremely hot. I would like to prevent this from happening again I have noticed in the last day that even when I put my hand(s) over my heart there is the same tingleing sensation as if I was making a psi ball. Any ideas?

Aunt Clair
21st June 2007, 12:38 PM
... at some point during the old meditation my heart put out a burst of energy that literally pushed my hands and arms, pushing my hands about five inches above me. Am I not grounding enough or something ? I was extremely surprised by this, I think the only reason my hands didn't go up farther was because I had a blanket on top of me. After that huge burst of energy I immediately became extremely hot. I would like to prevent this from happening again I have noticed in the last day that even when I put my hand(s) over my heart there is the same tingleing sensation as if I was making a psi ball. Any ideas?

The heart is the pump of the energy body and it is an important influent energy centre . As such , perhaps your etheric double 's hands were pulled up and out of the way .

21st June 2007, 12:44 PM
I am having a similar problem myself but its at my heart chakra. I am 16 and have not experience true love, and the whole teen love just sickens me.

Also I tend to hold my emotions in...any ideas for me...and I don't know for you i figure its easier too ask in same topic lol

Have you tried being the one to look up too and set the example for everyone else youir age? :D

28th June 2007, 08:29 PM
I'm not quite sure why my hands were pushed out of the way as Aunt Clair stated it in the last reply, but, while meditating earlier this week, I had my hands to my sides, and my left hand did jerk up in a quick motion before falling back. It wasn't as fast or as high as when I had both hands over my heart but it screwed with my meditation. Its significant because my left hand is my dominant hand being the one that I write with more than %80 of the time and when making psi balls, it is the hand that I sit the ball on and form other energy shapes etc on.