View Full Version : "You *are* my child" - really cool experience

19th June 2007, 03:21 AM
Yall had taught me earlier how to ground, and I wanted to report back with how it was going. Today something REALLY cool happened. I hugged a tree and tried to feel its energy for a while for the first time. I got a lot of energy movement sensations in my arm, and also feelings of earth energy coming up through my feet, but that wasn't all...

Now for the really cool part. At one point, I felt somewhat guilty for just taking this energy without offering much in return. "What can I do for you?" I asked the tree and the Earth. I felt their kindness as they answered, "Grow and develop." Feeling I should not accept this as an answer, I thought to them, "No, really, what can I do for you in return?" I felt that they were treating me somewhat as their child, whom they greatly felt they wanted to assist with growth. It didn't offend me at all, but, it frustrated me, because I wanted to reciprocate their help somehow. After I thought this to the Earth, I immediately had a sense of the VASTNESS of the Earth and her energies beneath me. It dwarfed my small energy field, and I sensed I was not wholly separate from it. "You *are* my child," she said. There was not a hint of condescention, or the slightest note of unkindness, in her voice. It felt reassuring and awe-inspiring!

*smiles* Thank you all for your help in getting me to the point where I can experience things like this!!!

19th June 2007, 03:46 AM
That is a cool story!

You ever read Robert Monroe's books? In his last he was on a search for what he called the "missing basic," the fundamental IS in his life.

At one point, in a fit of curiosity, he climbed down a water well and rested deeper in the earth. He expressed the same feelings you did about being spoken to from the earth, and left without question knowing that he had been born from the earth both physically and spiritually. He was spoken to in a poem.

A quick search of a passage I remember turned up the poem online:

"Slowly, the feeling of a warm intelligence seemed to surround me, flowing very gently into my body. It seemed to blend into every part of me, body and mind. I became a part of that intelligence, or the intelligence became a part of me. There didn't seem to be any difference. And there was a message. I could translate it into words only crudely.

"My son of sons of sons, you have found joy in my winds and sky.

We have shared the excitement and peace both on my waters and deep within them.

You have reveled in the beauty and ingenuity of my other children spread across my surface.

Yet it is only now that you have taken a moment in my bosom to be still
and listen. In that stillness, hold this song forevermore.

You were born of me, yet it is your destiny to become more than I can ever be.

In this growth, I revel with you. My strength is your strength; thus you take with you the glory of me to express in ways that I will not understand.

Not understanding, I nonetheless support and share happily that which you become.

Go with this truth within you, my son of sons of sons.

"That was it. The warmth continued for a while, then slowly faded."

What do you think of this Seeuzin?

19th June 2007, 03:45 PM
I enjoyed your experience, Seeuzin. I have always felt that trees are our 'elders' and watch us as we grow and evolve- someday we'll be like them, who give us so much, even looking at them is a pleasure.

19th June 2007, 07:05 PM
Wow! That is a cool story. I have felt echoes of such things from trees, but never as powerfully as you describe it. Your description sure sounds 'Right' though.

Thank you for sharing! :)

21st June 2007, 04:46 AM

That's really cool, thanks for reminding me of that story! I had read that book some time ago, but completely forgot about that part. It was one of my favorite parts, too.

This part intrigues me:

You were born of me, yet it is your destiny to become more than I can ever be.

Is the Earth in some sort of spiritual-evolutionary "dead end?" Why will She not advance too? I don't understand, and it makes me kind of sad. I do hope that she is choosing to stay behind, and that it isn't a permanent thing.

CFTraveler and Moonchild,

I'm glad yall enjoyed it. The experience was both powerful and subtle at the same time. Something in the feeling I get from the Earth says that She is always with me, and I have only to tune in to Her to feel things like this. I suspect it is the same for anyone else, once they learn the key of how to tune in.

I hope one day to be knowledgeable enough to contribute more knowledge, too. =) I'm just getting started learning this stuff but my more knowledgeable friend says I learn very fast. I can't wait!

21st June 2007, 05:21 AM
Seeuzin said

Is the Earth in some sort of spiritual-evolutionary "dead end?" Why will She not advance too?
Look what we do to Her. It would kill any of us. It is killing all of us.

21st June 2007, 07:28 AM
I've been told by a friend that human beings are the beings with the most potential. They can grow on this Earth till the skies and heavens hold no bounds.

Of course many things grow on this wonderful Earth, and all of them are wonderful and worthwhile in their own way, and there are beings out there who seem to dwarf us, but in the end, being human has no real bounds.

Within us is already as much space as in the whole Universe. And oneness with the Source. You also are already enlightened. However, we usually are unaware of this, and to regain this awareness and grow and take in the human experience, this is what I believe we are here for.

The Chinese often extend energy practices to trees - circulating energy with a tree is a good exercise in exchanging energy with another being. The tree becomes part of the own circulation exercise, so both beings get an increased energy flow. I believe the "Hugging a Tree" pose from Qigong stems from actually hugging a tree and exchanging energies.

A lovely experience, thanks for sharing! :D

22nd June 2007, 03:09 AM
Thank you Sueezin, short and profound this thread is, I think it is all totally True for some reason. I had something happen to me a lot like your experience, but not as big. It was awhile ago before I learned everything was alive. I singled out this big tree and was going to steal it's energy, but when I touched it I felt guilty, so I gave it my energy instead. It opened this connection between me and the tree, I knew it's conciousness, it's life and emotions. The words 'ancient child' would be the best way to describe the experience.

"You were born of me, yet it is your destiny to become more than I can ever be." - wow.. profound, blows my mind