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21st June 2007, 04:01 AM
For years...since middle school I've wanted to project. I would get far and then give up, so I feel a daily recording of my progress would be a good way to progress and get help. I was given this idea by a friend so I help it works out for me.

Day I--

I'm having a problem with energy work. I think I may be trying too hard. I tried scratching and using a warm washcloth. I feel a slight tingling, but nothing significant. Hopefully by the end of the week it will have something more interesting to say...

Breathing work is fine. My mind wanders, but not too much.

Affirmations are fine... I had a dream, or I think it was a dream that I was saying the affirmation over and over until I was spinning rapidly around and fly out of my body, but it turned back into a dream. I'm not sure if the affirmation was on autopilot from me saying it earlier over and over if I was just saying it in a dream...

Guess I'll record a lucid dream I had:

Since reading about projection lately I've had more lucid/vivid dreams. The other day I had a dream I was lying comfortably in my bed when a hand stuck out of the window above my bed (there is no window above my bed) and pulled me out of my body. For some reason I knew it was a woman. I was led over a large city and quickly became frightened because I am afraid of heights. I returned and allowed her to help me out of the window again, this time I realized nothing could hurt me and decided to go with the flow. I was taken to a classroom and again lept out of the window where I flew over beautiful hills until my subconcious mind took over and it turned back into a dream.

21st June 2007, 06:19 PM
Today I got the buzzy, tingling and throbbing sensations in my thumb joint. Now, whenever I think about my thumb they come about. I'm thinking about doing an all day session today where I spend a few hours on concentrating on my breathing and praticing body awareness.

2 days down 89 more to go..plus the days I may need a break

22nd June 2007, 11:38 PM
Alrighty then!

Still having a little trouble with focusing on my breathing. I probably just need a quieter environment to do it more efficiently. I'll work on it some more later today in the barn.

I was able to split my body awareness. Still getting subtle energy movements, nothing extremely tingly just a bit of numb feeling. Hopefully by the end of the week that will change quite drastically.

Relaxation is going fine.

No real problems, just need to work a bit more on energy manipulation and focusing on my breathing.

28th June 2007, 05:23 AM
I decided to start doing the energy stuff while I lie down in bed because I don't know, it's easier to focus for me than when I'm in a hard backed chair. So I concentrated on my feet feeling the energy move on the surface, the heel, the sides and so on. I was excited to feel more tingling than before. As I moved it up through my legs I felt a localized pressure in my knees like someone was sitting on them. As I drew the energy up through my thighs I felt a heavier buzzing, pressure that started to build. I was working on both legs at the same time and noticed that my left leg was vibrating violently. Not like actually vibrating, but the energy sensations made it feel that way. I also got a bunch of twitching feelings in both knees. I stopped because of the twitching in my knees. But I'm going to work on it again later.

But ahem yea... there's my energy documentation for today.

I'm not really following the day by day thing now since I'm trying to spend more time clearing my mind. I think I tried it for a little over an hour this morning and then several other extended periods of time throughout the day. I'm getting...somewhere. But my problem...okay well it's partially clearing my mind and partially--after I clear my mind I start thinking "Yes I did it!" "Darn it!" "Stop thinking!" "Now!" "Okay cool..." "Darn!" It's pretty frustrating so now I have to get over that wonderful hump... I'm doing the exercises in the Astral Dynamics book for taming the monkey mind, I think so far counting has helped me the most. Another thing that has helped me is being aware of my surroundings. The smells, colors, tastes etc... it helps keep my mind occupied.


Namaste :)