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View Full Version : My Beautiful Mental Block

21st June 2007, 07:49 PM
First a little history: The first time I ever drank I got such a horrendous hangover. I was in complete misery. However after that day I never got hangovers. I figured my body just decided "screw this. hangovers suck and I'm not going to have them!"

Now for the strange part. I was walking down the hall at work after a night of heavy drinking. I was thinking about energy work, blockages and such when I found (this was very abstract and is hard to explain) a mental block in my head. I don't know how to describe it but it was just as evident what it was to me as the sky was blue. I thought to myself "hmm I wonder what this is doing here?" So I removed it. Yet again very abstract. I don't know how I did it but I knew how to do it as naturally as I know how to breath. I just did it. In any case, the second I removed it I nearly projectile vomited right there in the hallway and I felt so sick it was disgusting. I immediately snapped the block back in place thinking "Well now I know what that is for. Lets not mess with it."

I guess I disliked the feeling of being hungover so much that I subconsciously created this mental block. Let me tell you, I love my subconscious!! :o

21st June 2007, 09:12 PM
Hm... maybe remove the block & don't drink? *grins* you know alcohol is bad for you don't you?

21st June 2007, 09:26 PM
I'm so healthy its disgusting. For the most part I am vegan save for certain occasions: family gatherings and the like just so nobody has to go radically out of their way to feed me. I don't drink very often but I live life. I enjoy going out with friends and my friends like to drink. I am very controlled about my body but sometimes I let a little poison past the guards :roll:

22nd June 2007, 08:35 AM
Mental blocks are strange, aren't they?

I had mostly dealt with physical/etheric blockages before, the ones where you strain a muscle or have a circulation problem. Tense, irritated, not right, not belonging there.

The first time I encountered a mental blockage directly it was really a sort of shock - a tension of mind. It had exactly the same attributes as an etheric blockage, but it felt abstract at the same time.

Usually asking the right question to yourself - letting the question "float in your mind" - will expose mental blockages related to it.

I have not dealt directly with them yet, though. Until the energy work refines to the mental level it is usually easier to plan and implement behaviour changes and discipline than tackling the mental block directly, IMO.


22nd June 2007, 08:10 PM
I absolutely agree Korpo. In my circumstance I wasn't looking for anything I or attempting to clear energy I just happened to be thinking about energy and it somehow led me to this blockage and and finding this blockage led me to a new strange sort of abstract understanding and knowledge. I knew just what it was and affecting it (taking it down and putting it back up) was as automatic as thought, once I made the decision. I didn't really do any work on it. I just made it go away and then reappear when I realized that it was something I didn't want gone lol.

I don't know.... it was strange. It was like a reality phase shift but on a mental level.