View Full Version : Why r u people doing this please?

2nd July 2007, 05:21 PM
I got on this site because I'm a fellowette astral travler. I love listening about others experinces. But why r u taking engery from your foot to your thigh? One lady said her whole leg heated up. I could understand if u had pain there and medicine didn't work. In that case, it seems to me a heating pad would be quicker and easier. I guess what I'm asking is what r u getting from all this time and effort? Thanks.

2nd July 2007, 05:38 PM
If you are asking why we move energy, then you haven't read Robert's tutorials on Astral Projection. We do this to stimulate the energy body and to learn to increase our energy for the generation of a projected double.
If you are asking why do energy work for healing, then the question would be, we are made of energy, and energy flow assists in healing.
A heating pad may be beneficial for some types of muscle problems, but detrimental to other types of muscle problems, because it promotes inflammation, and it really is up to a medical practicioner to determine what type of therapy is good for a specific injury or illness. Energy work, on the other hand, can be a good complementary practice to whatever else you're doing, and can't hurt.
In other words, energy work is not recommended as a substitute to medical help, it should be considered independently of it, or as a complement to it.

2nd July 2007, 08:45 PM
Thankyou. I will now read what Robert has to say about this all. I have been able to AP all my life and create another me, towns, etc. without this engery work. So, if not broke don't fix it. My power to you-all of course. I do enjoy reading up on all these different things people do, even though I think simple is best.

2nd July 2007, 10:17 PM
Absolutely. But if you do yoga,almost any style any martial arts, tai chi, chi kung- and some forms of meditation you're already doing energy work. Hee hee! :wink:

3rd July 2007, 07:50 AM
yeah what he forgot to mention is that you could damage your energy body permanently and have a scare for life. even enough to not be able to project.
I'm not done with this yet

3rd July 2007, 12:01 PM
yeah what he forgot to mention is that you could damage your energy body permanently and have a scare for life. even enough to not be able to project.
I'm not done with this yet

ghost_in_the_shell, where did you get this information from? A teacher, a book, a website?


3rd July 2007, 12:05 PM
For ghost in the shell - Actually, Robert is very careful to point out the possible negative sides to even simple things like energy work & he repeats often that if anything untoward occurs while doing the work, you should stop.

To continue on over the top of strange sensations in spite of the cautions isn't a clever thing to do, but you shouldn't blame the person whose advice you ignored.

On a brighter side, it would be extremely difficult to give yourself permanent damage doing energy work - more likely the itching &/or pain simply creates a fear reaction that causes further problems. Overcome your fear of possible pain & the chances are you will find a healing process that works.

The way the mind works means that while you're scared of the hurt, the mind will not allow you (the being) to focus on the area of possible pain & this will hamper any healing you attempt.

I trust you have stopped energy work for now? Particularly in the affected area?

3rd July 2007, 12:28 PM
Further info for ghost in a shell...

From the site you found the 'nerve burn' description...

"Nerve burn" is a term I have coined to describe a condition I have often undergone and which I've heard described by many, many others. The sensation is like having pinched a nerve, but it comes only after working with energy. There is a painful tingling in the fingers and hand, and sometimes this extends all the way up to the elbow. A lack of coordination in the fingers can result, as can slight to severe trembling. Additionally, there can be streaks of pain which run down the wrist and arm, usually following the major energy channels. The muscles of that limb can also feel exhausted and trembling, and this will strongly resemble the kind of muscular exhaustion that results from an electrolyte imbalance after prolonged exercise.

One becomes nerve burned after shunting too much energy through a particular part of the body, (generally the hands, as these are the most common focus for any kind of energy manipulation or healing work). Basically, it's like running too much current through a wire. The wire can be damaged, if it doesn't burn out entirely. Fortunately for us, our "wires" can burn out, but they usually naturally repair themselves over time.

Nerve burn seems to be an effect which prolonged and unusually intense exposure to energy has on the nerves and energy pathways. In most systems which acknowledge vital energy and which have devoted some study to its understanding, the nerves are thought to either run parallel to the natural internal channels along which the energy courses, or they are themselves concurrent with those channels. Over-using those channels is just like over-using any other part of the body. Too much energy over too prolonged a time will result in pain and tingling, until the channels are allowed to rest and recover.

We cannot deny that vital energy, which is subtle and almost physically intangible, has a decidedly tangible impact upon the physical body. If this were not the case, we would not be harnessing this energy in order to affect a healing on another person. When healing, or doing other energy work, we channel that energy through our own bodies into the body of another in order to affect a physical change through a subtle act. If we assume that our subtle manipulations can have a physical affect on another person's body, we absolutely have to accept the fact that this inevitably will have a physical impact upon our own bodies as well. And for this reason, we have to take care.

The energy channels have to be seen as equivalent to any other part of the body. Pushing them beyond the limits of what they can safely handle will result in fatigue and pain. Like muscles, it is very possible that they can be pushed to a point where actual damage can occur, and this may take weeks or even months to heal. It is entirely feasible that pushing them well beyond their limits, especially successively over a number of times, will result in permanent and irreparable damage.

Safe Handling
As with any exercise that could potentially overtax a muscle, the best approach to handling energy is to know your limits. In order to build strength and endurance in the muscular system, one must engage in regular exercise. This holds true for the energetic system as well. You cannot run out to a gym and expect to bench press 200 pounds the very first time you're there. You also cannot start working with energy and expect to be able to affect a massive healing with no previous preparation. You have to work up to it, and to try to force yourself to such a level immediately is idiocy, plain and simple. You are asking for all the pain and suffering that you get.

There is a delicate balance that must be struck here. Working with energy for prolonged periods of time can cause nerve burn. But if you are going to build up your strength and endurance for it, if you are going to increase your capacity, you must work with energy regularly. This is not a once a month thing, but more like a twice or three-times a week thing. It's just like exercise. Set time aside in your schedule, start in ten minute increments maybe three times a week, and stick to that regimen. Even this might exhaust you, but as you keep at it, you'll build your endurance. And when working with it that long and that frequently is no longer an effort, lengthen your exercise sessions to fifteen minutes at a time. Work up to thirty minutes, at least three times a week. Over time, you'll probably be able to do more, but I don't recommend anything over an hour at a time, and at least space this out for every other day. You don't need to be an energy Hercules, after allThis is from this site (http://www.kheperu.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=51&mode=thread&order=0&thold=0)
Now if you read the article further, in fact if you read the first paragraph quoted, you will note this is not a permanent condition & it occurs whenever an energy worker pushes themselves too hard or too fast.

So try not to worry about your tingling thumb - the author of the article has apparently pushed him/herself far enough to have the arm up to the elbow react & is still around doing energy work.

3rd July 2007, 09:33 PM
We do energy work to gain more of the force that differentiates something living from something inanimate. although I still dont know if its worth the time I put into it.

20th July 2007, 11:39 PM
Why ?
To be more like that energizer bunny ! :wink: :D

22nd July 2007, 03:57 PM
I do it for more control and healing. Plus in the later future I'd like an awakened Kundalini and all that cool stuff.

24th July 2007, 09:43 PM
I do it for different reasons. There is a natural healing of the body,
a default mode. The body will heal itself automaticly to some degree.

If there is a way to enhance it or speed it up by using mind to body,
I wanna know about it. If this can be used to help others at a later
stage, then I want to do it. Besides this NEW is very effective
and fun to play with. Like discovering new sides of yourself they
didn't teach you about at school. Took me many years to figure
out these experienced vibrations was realated to eastern
philosophy; the chakra system. Completely ignored in the west.

Working on the foot specific, because I read somewhere that this
kundalini energy normally is absorbed from the ground and up.
Don't know, but at least a starting point. The NEW does work
very quickly. And it's so simple at the same time. :D

24th July 2007, 09:50 PM
Triot A LOT of energy is absorbed through feet more so than through anywhere else in the body, so saying most kudalini energy is absorbed through the feet is like saying most sugar enters your body through your mouth ;-).

24th July 2007, 09:54 PM
From the post above:

"The sensation is like having pinched a nerve"

It happened while spinning the awarness under the foot and around it.
Hard to describe, but could be compared to a dentist sticking a needle
with anastasia into a nerve, and then this "electrical" charge going
through the nerve. Makes you jump. It went from top of the foot and
along the front up to the knee, like in a flash.

I'll experiment more with NEW in an hour and see if I cause it to
happen again. :roll:

24th July 2007, 10:04 PM
Triot A LOT of energy is absorbed through feet more so than through anywhere else in the body, so saying most kudalini energy is absorbed through the feet is like saying most sugar enters your body through your mouth ;-).

No wonder it works that fast then.