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7th July 2007, 09:31 PM
I have no problem focusing and moving body awareness, especially when using my other hand as a tool like Robert Bruce did in one of the new videos on the website, however, I find it a bit more difficult when I try to imagine this mobile body awareness as a certain tactile sensation, say a brush for example.

When I do it the easy way the body part gets buzzed up and all, but my question is if it's still much better to imagine a specific sensation?

8th July 2007, 02:35 AM
Specific sensations are just tools to get you started, if you can do it naturally you don't need to worry about what you're supposed to "feel" in a general sense.

These tools are suggested to get you to use the sense of touch to stimulate the energy body. It provides a direct link between the motion within the energy body part and the brain. There is no magic in using a brush, stick or wrap, but the sensations are familiar to people and can thus facilitate the start of energy awareness and targeting.

If you have no problem focusing and moving body awareness, and can feel the sensations as described, then you have graduated from brush school!

You may have to break out the big guns such as tearing and sponging for major movements, but to answer your question I think you are on absolutely on the right track.

8th July 2007, 07:06 AM
Hmmm, I'm not so sure. (Sorry!)

The goal is doing it with the mind alone - using the other hand for assistance is a training aid, like training wheels on a bike. The goal is generating tangible sensations by the mind alone.

If you can use the mind alone and feel a tangible sensation when moving your focus of body awareness, that is good. This could for example register as some sort of electric sensation in your body.

Adding a specific sensation on top can be an added bonus. It shows a greater degree of control and finetuning. The more real the actual sensation feels you associate with a tool, the better the effect, I would think.

Not every energy tool has a specific sensation - energy balls do come to mind. Varying tools in size and strength is also important.

Experimenting and having fun is also very important - that is so great about the energy tools Robert offers. They give the mind something to play with.


10th July 2007, 05:28 PM
Thanks you both for your replies, I think I'm pretty good on my way, the other day the moving back and forth in my little finger just wouldn't stop even after I quit.

The use of my second hand is only a temporary aid, I can do it with my mind alone as well. Question is if certain tactile imaginations have certain positive effects, for example the wrapping of the bandage, I can very easily create a very tangible feeling of pressure being wrapped around my legs similar to a bandage, and shortly afterwards the buzzing and tingling will start, however, if I want to imagine it feeling more exactly like a bandage the tactile imagination will get mixed up with visual imagination and I will lose focus. I'm not sure if it's worth it.