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View Full Version : A haunted house or just a haunted area on earth?

8th July 2007, 07:27 PM
I just recently visited my Aunt and Uncles house in S.C. There is nothing historically significant about their house or its location as far as we know. The house is about 45 years old and their the original owners. I'll make this story short as I can to get straight to the point. Basically my mother and I have experienced some kind of spirit activity in one part of the house at different times in our life's. Except for the weird things that have happened, there is nothing else strange about this spot in the house. Its just a couch in a living room. We've both over the years of visiting there have felt and heard foot steps around the couch when sitting there. Also a strange feeling that someone or something is right there leaning over us. Last week when I was visiting, I was trying to call someone on their remote phone and it started to get strong interference when I sat down on this couch. At first I didn't think anything of it until I realized where I was sitting. I got up and left the spot and everything was fine. But the really strange thing that boggles my mind is that My mom and I are the only ones who have had these experiences in this house. Even the owners laugh at us when we mention it. Who knows what up with that? Do you think maybe we're just sensitive to it or maybe we are the ones causing it to happen? I once slept on this couch over night and had really crazy dreams.

8th July 2007, 11:03 PM
Any of the above. I grew up in a house that had all kinds of phenomena experienced in it (you name it) and the neighbors constantly speculated whether it was built on a burial ground we didn't know about. When I moved, we moved to a few apartments until we go our first house, and it was haunted. We talked to the family who lived there (long term) before us, and they never had any manifestations there. Then after eight years, we built the house we lived in and rented out the old house for about 10 more years, and the renters who lived there for about 8 never had any complaints. We moved to our house, and have never had any manifestations except what I experience when I project, which doesn't really count.
So, I think some people bring out some things in some places. But not all. :)

9th July 2007, 12:06 AM
I was reading a metaphysical book which discussed the human body's energy field and how some peoples can effect objects around them. Especially electronics and electrical appliances. Sometimes I've been around touch lamps and caused them to go off within a few feet before even touching them. Maybe thats a common thing with touch lamps, I'm not sure. For no reason I've had 3 to 4 light bulbs burn out within a day or two in my presence at my house. Of course I'm just speculating if I'm really the cause but either way it seemed more than a coincidence. So my best guess is that the ghost activity may have some something to do with this in my aunts house. Thanks for the thoughts though.

9th July 2007, 12:54 AM
Have you tested for a strong electrical field (EMF) at that spot. It can cause all those symptoms. You don't describe the house in detail, but is there a major electrical box or electrical appliance directly above/below the couch?

9th July 2007, 01:38 AM
As far as I know, nothing electrical exist close to that area. The other half of the house has a basement and the circuit braker is down there which is practically on the other side of the house. Ive wondered sometimes if something of signifigence might be buried under ground in that area like remains of an old grave. But, I'm sure that would have been discovered during the construction of the house. One question I have though is what are spirits purpose in hanging around and leaving small hints of thier presence to a limited number of people? Also, if they are trying to communicate to us, should we take the responsiblity to help them out?

9th July 2007, 03:00 AM
One question I have though is what are spirits purpose in hanging around and leaving small hints of thier presence to a limited number of people?
Spirits get trapped if they don't understand they're dead. They don't necessarily mean to leave hints of their presence, they simply interact as though they were alive. They probably wonder why others are ignoring them. I guess if someone seems to notice (the sensitive) then they might try to contact that person more often.

Also, if they are trying to communicate to us, should we take the responsiblity to help them out?
It depends on what kind of person you are. If you're generally the benevolent type, you might want to try. It also depends on your abilities. I suggest you read books by Bruce Moen to understand more about spirit retrievals. You can also take a look at his conversation board (http://www.afterlife-knowledge.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.cgi)

9th July 2007, 06:05 PM
There is the possibility that they may not be real spirits, but imprints in spacetime. If the activity is repetitive and seems to be the reenactment of past activity with no rhyme or reason, sometimes places get impinted with the energy of those that used to live there, and if you're lucky enough to be sensitive you may get to 'watch the show', as it is. It's really probably for a psychic to tell the difference.
I always imagine that whoever moves into my house is going to keep bumping into me as I tend to haunt places that I live in. :shock: :lol:

10th July 2007, 12:57 AM
Have you tested for a strong electrical field (EMF) at that spot. It can cause all those symptoms. You don't describe the house in detail, but is there a major electrical box or electrical appliance directly above/below the couch?

I saw this on an episode of "Ghost Hunters" recently, they said the the high EMF were extremely common among those who think their place was being haunted, in the episode the haunting experience was caused by an old lightbulb fixture...and by fixing the EMF problem the "haunting" experience goes away...Haunting experiences can sometimes be cause by living near electrical towers or powerlines....

24th October 2009, 03:51 PM
Sometimes the building itself is haunted, sometimes it's just the ground below it. For some weeks now I'm participating in paranormal investigation which also include 17-years old building build upon old burial ground with sad history (near the end of WW2 Nazis were building an airport under Russian barrages, over 13 thousand people died then and they were buried on unconsecrated ground). The building itself isn't haunted (well... we're not talking about intelligent haunting now, right?), but the ground is filled with negative energies radiating in every direction, causing bad feelings and negative sensations, leading to many unpleasant things like suicides. When we add residual haunting (like apparitions) to this we have some nice subject for paranormal investigation ;).