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View Full Version : Cheese Grater Projections

Aunt Clair
23rd July 2007, 10:03 AM
I woke about 2 am troubled by dreams . It was difficult to get back asleep because my mind was racing, so I thought I would project .

I decided to exit as the dragon, a form new to me . I felt like cheese being extruded through the holes of a cheese grater . I found self coming out of each stone at once. Whereever there was the primary opening of the stone I passed I exited part of self through it . But only the part that was that self came out and the rest continued the travel . I felt the tail of the dragon pass from the stones in my roots all thru the spine to come out of the stone energy centre the air stone known as the cube .

I decided to try a walk in OBE as I had separated easily . I felt self passing through the interior walls and then move through a brick wall outside . I seemed unable to control my projection as if it was a zombie I was watching walking aimlessly straight ahead .

I realised I had split into 5 . I had the tranced physical in my bed , the heavy Earth Stone double in RTZ ,a mini me mental body wandering with control watching the Double and the dragon which was able to watch the wanderings of each . The highest self watched and listened to the guides around me like holding a snowglobe which had the other 4 within it and I was this self on the outside of it all too.

I decided to try to re enter my double and cause it to walk thru my home instead of allowing it to walk in a straight undirected path through walls down the street to other homes lol .

It was easy to sit in it like riding it .Then it followed a well worn path my ritual pattern each morning to the daybed . Bored by that suggestion m I left it to lie on the daybed in rest . I came back to the physical body and tried to come out again in an effort to control another part of self .

I found with the heavier earthstone released my essence became more like buttery light than cheese . I felt compelled to enter the earth stone and so I did . I think I pulled out even more of the bits left behind as I passed thru the second time .

I effortlessly passed into the earth stone and up the centre of the spine leaving more of the body behind and taking a thin form like a skinny chinese style dragon out. I felt so free ! .

Exhilerated , I tried to waken my spouse who was not amused . So I went to my son Billy's room and found I had no arms to wake him . I used my dragon snout to tickle him . This roused him a bit and allowed him to return to his body .

His light body was in a blue lavender white glow . I saw him falling into the body like a cloud of light settling down . I bopped him back up and he woke within the projected body .As he lifted up his cold colours warmed up and he became a golden green .

I feel that the light body settles down when water and cold and lifts up when fire and hot much like warm air rises and cold air falls .

But more than that I wondered if the opposite was also true . That is did he become warm by going up unconsciously ?

I threw his light body over my head and he settled onto my neck . I asked him to come with me to the new temple we had found this week . But it was not new to him . He called it the Moon Gardens .

24th July 2007, 09:13 AM
I just want to say thanks for sharing your experiences, it's really inspiring for a rookie like me to read about what is actually possible!

Hope your physical body is feeling better, I know just how bad back pain can be
