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View Full Version : Feeling drowsy during Full Body Circuit energy raising.

8th June 2005, 07:52 PM
Hi All,
I am currently facing a weird problem. Every time I start doing Full Body Circuit energy raising, I start to feel drowsy and sleepy, if I do it with my eyes open I find it difficult to keep them open after 5 minutes or so. Besides this I have faced no other body sensations.

Has anybody faced similar issues and how did they handles it.
Any information would be greatly appreciated.


8th June 2005, 08:07 PM
do you meditate while doing it ?

My suggestion would be maybe do some exercises, physical. Get your body pumped up, flex and stretch. Then try again with your eyes open ?

If you are getting drowsy maybe it is because you are to relaxed. Relax your body but maybe not your mind ?

take care,

8th June 2005, 09:02 PM
do you meditate while doing it ?

My suggestion would be maybe do some exercises, physical. Get your body pumped up, flex and stretch. Then try again with your eyes open ?

If you are getting drowsy maybe it is because you are to relaxed. Relax your body but maybe not your mind ?

take care,

My whole focus is on feeling the imaginary hands and raising energy through them when I am doing it.

Although I can give a light physical workout a try before I do energy raising.

Thanks for the advice.


8th June 2005, 11:30 PM
Are you not getting enough sleep? I've been neglecting my sleep habits lately and staying up waaaay too late, and I can hardly stay awake while doing energy work. I know the problem will stop when I start going to bed at a reasonable hour.

9th June 2005, 01:40 AM
Are you not getting enough sleep? I've been neglecting my sleep habits lately and staying up waaaay too late, and I can hardly stay awake while doing energy work. I know the problem will stop when I start going to bed at a reasonable hour.

Actually I have been sleeping a little these days. I am trying to cut my sleep hours from 9-10 hours to 6-7 hours. I can give normal sleeping hours a try too and see if I get drowsy.

Thanks for the tip.

9th June 2005, 01:44 AM
I've a question: is there a particular point along the circuit you usually reach when the tiredness hits? I've noticed that for myself, when I try to bring energy along the top of my head and also the front of my nose, I sometimes feel an almost immediate wave of sleepiness hit me. If that's the case, I'd recommend you do thorough clearing exercises along those spots where the tiredness seems to come from. If not, it might be the result of a general clearing along your meridians happening, which feels like tiredness. Unless you strongly feel otherwise, I'd continue doing the full body circuit and see whether in time the drowsiness increases or decreases.

9th June 2005, 03:16 PM
I've a question: is there a particular point along the circuit you usually reach when the tiredness hits? .

I actually feel a slowing down effect, after couple of minutes of full body circuit, it seems that everything around is slowing down and yes that is specially marked when I take the energy over the head into mouth/nose back inside, I feel like I might dose of any moment at that time.

What kind of clearing exercise I could do there (crown ,forehead ...)? I think Robert specially mentions not to stimulate Crown or Brow areas.

Thanks for the comment.

9th June 2005, 04:14 PM
Drowsiness used to be a much bigger problem for me than it is now. I could fall asleep within a minute of sitting down to meditate and would even start to dream before hitting the floor. It was very uncomfortable to fall asleep sitting up, and all my efforts to fight it just made things worse. If you know that it is going to happen, just set an intent to practice for however long you plan to (set an alarm clock if you have to) and don't resist the drowsiness. Just watch with curiousity to see exactly how it is triggered and what sensations come along with the drowsiness. It was usually cold and tension for me. The watching the process with curiosity will help avoid both resisting the drowsiness and giving into it completely.

9th June 2005, 04:18 PM
Hi negishail,

Very interesting situation. There are many forms of energy and a person can circulate many forms of energy. Have you ever meditated on different forms (different feeling energies). Magicians talk about energy in relation to elements earth, water, air, fire. There is a whole range from earth to fire. It goes from heavy strong vital earth energies up through to fiery light energies. The type of energy we circulate can affect us. Positive water energy is very relaxing and calming. It can put a person to sleep. This is actually a great thing to be able to do after a stressful day.

If you do not feel comfortable with magical terms I could use Eastern India terms. Really it is all the same energy...we just label it differently.

Here is a possiblity to try -- think of more exciting happy energies while doing the full body circuit. For example: To feel the fiery/air end of the spectrum I think of young children running around at a birthday party squealing and playing, having a blast. I then imagine myself fully emmersed in this joyous rambuncious energy. Feel it all around me even imagine hearing the squeels of joy. Then start drawing it in - following the recommended path for the full body circuit. The imagination is a powerful thing and it is helpful to intensely feel and recall the types of positive energies we would like to bring more into our being and lives.

Very Best Wishes,

9th June 2005, 06:53 PM
Drowsiness used to be a much bigger problem for me than it is now. I could fall asleep within a minute of sitting down to meditate and would even start to dream before hitting the floor. It was very uncomfortable to fall asleep sitting up, and all my efforts to fight it just made things worse. If you know that it is going to happen, just set an intent to practice for however long you plan to (set an alarm clock if you have to) and don't resist the drowsiness. Just watch with curiousity to see exactly how it is triggered and what sensations come along with the drowsiness. It was usually cold and tension for me. The watching the process with curiosity will help avoid both resisting the drowsiness and giving into it completely.

Dear Tom,

I think I'm going to try this, I have kind of lately while trying to phase. For me I guess, what harm can/could it do to let myself go?

-Take care,