View Full Version : Cool Minor Abilities (NEW) Skills to be learnt

Astral Exorcist
29th July 2007, 05:22 AM
I made these ones up. I call it frog leap. I start from the sacral chakra and do small frog leaps. By bouncing awareness about 3-4cm's outside the skin located above the sacral chakra. For the start it's uncontrolled frog leaps on top of the sacral. Eventually dig down deep to the core. Once I've started enough I gain full control of where I want the energy to leap. Then I get enough energy. I do horizontal climbing until I reach to the throat chakra. How I do it is, horizontally climb leaping lines of awareness from the left side of my hips to the right side of my hips focusing on the upper level until I reach the chakra above that. I eventually reach the heart where negs get fussy. It's about stimulating enough energy upward. If that doesn't work I breath inward and visualize im dragging smoke up into the head area until it does flood upward. It becomes heated. Like a puddle of mercury but only the color of metallic light. And then it's about releasing imagining that it's a Water Dam, becoming broken and releasing that energy upward by putting imaginary water pressure.

The other one I do enjoy, Is envisioning the moon and putting my awareness hand's on the full moon and surrendering to it's energetic glow giving a good charge up. Much easier to do this one on a non cloudy night.

To enhance awareness hand's stimulate your etheric hand's that will help.

And their is even a possible awareness feet.

I remember I use to be able to get 2 pairs of awareness hand's a long time ago.

Stalling the energy or completely stopping the energy bounce is another very useful skill I do to go against the automatic energy bounce Robert calls. Another useful skill is to go against the current of whirling etheric energy. And moving awareness the opposite direction. Instead of going clockwise for so long try going anti clockwise. Good for strengthening will. Believe it or not the stalling raises energy from not bouncing. The etheric becomes pungent and sweat's energy even though the bounce has stopped. It's better control over the energy doing the stopping action which improves the ability to control energy. The other way of stalling can be to practice is completely stopping a undergoing obsessive NEW session and concentrating on falling asleep without being tempted dared to play around with more energy for that night.

Another one is imagining a burning white lord of the ring 'ring' in the middle of your feet's sole. Imagining your face is behind your foot and you are blowing gently to improve it's fiery glow. Then using 2 awareness hand's finger tips, gripping at the stuck unshakable ring and pulling out towards to the middle of your heart and throat chakra. You know that sensation you get once you pick up a heavy black plastic bag for rubbish day. Yeah well generate that gripping action with imagination extracted this plastic opening from the hole and drag the invisible plastic bag threw your insides with awareness hand's.