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View Full Version : Removing entities

30th July 2007, 05:44 AM
I've been under attack by a group of dark mages for the last decade. My e body now has hundreds of negs inside of it - they have eaten up half of my mindspace and attached heavily to both the subconscious mind and the chakras.

I've contacted some advanced healers. One of them has called in Archangel Michael in a session, he has removed only a bunch of critters off of my face at once, the other 3 sessions hasn't done a thing. The other, very experienced healer has assured me that It'll be over in a day. She has worked on me remotely yesterday, called in A. Michael and A. Raphael.

Nothing has happened, all of the critters are still inside and a bunch of new ones came tonight as retribution!

Have you ever heard of Archangels *not* helping somebody who is so heavily possessed and do you have any idea what could possibly be the reason for not helping? I don't have much time left, I need help now...

Robert Bruce
23rd July 2008, 04:41 AM

My best advice is for you to read the new sticky post I placed at the beginning of this section, and apply the EMF grounding earthing methods, and magnets and Q link. These are not in my books yet.

These methods are very effective and so far I have had 100% success with them, in serious field situations.

I also recommend you use the self healing methods in my book, Energy Work, and the affirmations and prayer and work with your higher self.

This sticky was also placed atop the psychic self defense section.
