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View Full Version : Just Like Heaven

8th August 2007, 06:17 AM
A movie about a chick who gets into a car wreck and ends up in a coma. This is a great Romantic Comedy and if you haven't seen it, I suggest you do. Definatly a great film to watch as sort of a "date" with your significant other. Not much to do with the techniques of AP or OBE's but it is fun and sort of fits in with the whole OBE due to near death thing.

8th August 2007, 09:26 AM
Oh, I like that movie. Very romantic. Very charismatic actors.

And some really funny jokes, like when Witherspoon tries to jump Ruffalo, falls right through him, and through the wall, in an angle where it suggests she will hit the street and reappears right behind him and just goes on...

The movie puts a spotlight on NDE, coma states and the weird guys working in new age bookshops (a brilliant Jon Heder! :D). So it is on-topic. ;)
