View Full Version : More Frequent Lucid Dreaming

11th August 2007, 08:52 AM
Since I have started meditating and attempting to understand and perform AP (Which hasn't been long), I have been having more and more lucid dreams and suddenly a great lack of the dreaded Sleep Paralysis that used to keep me from bed many nights. It is really weird how these lucid dreams become lucid. All of them start out as normal dreams, but one of the characters in my dream will look at me and tell me I'm dreaming. This has never really happend before. I came very close to vibrational stage last night coming out of a lucid dream

My friends and I snuck into a warehouse that we weren't supposed to be in. It was filled to the brim with lumber and old equipment. We found a pile of old circular saw blades in the middle of this warehouse and started talking. The conversation was short.

"Dudes, we shouldn't be here" - Me
"Spencer, its okay man, this is just a dream" - My Brother
"Whatever! Prove it" - Me

At this point my little brother picked up a circular saw blade and flung it through my best friend's head. No blood, just a saw blade sticking out of his head....

"Yeah, Spence.... Your so dreaming" - Best Friend

At this point, I forced the dream out of my head and ended up in a sort of deep trance. My body was paralysed and for sure asleep. I couldn't believe how loudly I was snoring. I tried to calm down and focus on the ringing in my head in order to induce an OBE, but ALAS! I am weak and untrained therefore fell back into another dream that lasted until I woke up. (this one I didn't remember)

I'm pretty sure the sawblades came from the fact that I was watching the movie "Idle Hands" before I went to sleep. I always found the idea of cutting off someones head like he did entertaining.... so I suppose that is why I dreamed about them.

11th August 2007, 03:21 PM
I couldn't believe how loudly I was snoring.

:lol: :lol:

it just occured to me that maybe it isn't my dog that snores. I could be hearing myself when I'm only half awake in the middle of the night.

I'd rather think it's my dog. :wink:


11th August 2007, 06:09 PM
No No... I was painfully aware it was me. It may have been half the reason I failed to completely awaken my mind before slipping into another dream. I was astonished.... Hehe. I never knew I snored. My woman hasn't said anything.

11th August 2007, 07:11 PM
Two things:

I'm pretty sure the sawblades came from the fact that I was watching the movie "Idle Hands" before I went to sleep. Or the sound of your snoring induced the visual enhanced by the movie. Once you start APing a lot you will find (maybe) that you're sorry that you saw all those horror movies, 'cause they'll come back to 'haunt' you.

I always found the idea of cutting off someones head like he did entertaining.... so I suppose that is why I dreamed about them.

11th August 2007, 08:08 PM
It is very lucky to have dream characters doing all the reality checking for you.

My last few lucid dreams were spontanous ones. I have noticed that my awareness switches on by itself; I don't need to test my environment anymore. There's also always a silent dream character looking at me, wondering if I'll get lucid or not. If they'd just asked me all the time, I'm sure I'd get lucid more often lol.

I can be lazy like that.

12th August 2007, 05:02 PM
I always found the idea of cutting off someones head like he did entertaining.... so I suppose that is why I dreamed about them.

Bah, it was just a funny scene in the movie. The dude's head rolls off and down the stairs and says "... Cool" It was hilarious.