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View Full Version : Projection angle and geographical layout.

15th August 2007, 10:43 PM
Good evening.

To shift from the realtime zone to the higher planes, Robert Bruce says
you can fly fast in an angle of 45 degree. But Iv'e seen the realtime zone
shift to another plane in front of me.

Standing along the higway looking at the cars. The the shift came in a
wave. I was looking at a cargo truck with a trailer crossing a small
bridge, then the wave came behind it. The layout of the landscape was
almost the same after, with bumps and curves of the area. Highway
and cars was gone. Still felt I was in the same area.

Listened to the radio downloads. And it's sad that from air view the
geographical layout is different. But I would say different with
slight alterations the further up in the planes until a point there
is no match.

Anyone idea on why this is? :roll: