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View Full Version : Crown to Toes & Toes to Crown cleansing Kundalini Chann

Aunt Clair
21st August 2007, 05:09 AM
There is a need for cleansing the energy body because it builds up stale prana , toxins , negativity , dis-ease . Words , thoughts , acts of non-love pollute the energy body . Basically it is darkened by that which we do as a bully to others or as a victim from others who bully us .

This can be purged and should be cleaned daily . There are two main paths to bring energy into the body for cleansing one is crown to toes and the other is toes to crown . By deep cleansing in one direction and raising in the opposite a greater cleaner light comes to the energy body for work.

I do not agree with the terms kundalini energy & reiki or divine source energy used in this manner as in this link
but the images are correct imho and are useful to demonstrate that energy comes in through these two mainkandas

Moon Goddess light & Sun God's fire FIRE
.................Kether ,Reiki , Divine Source
...........................Alpha os aka star point ,soul star etc
....................crown of Goddess
.............................nose ...............Prana AIR
.......................Throne of God
..........................Omega OS aka earth point ,grounding point etc
........................... kundalini
...........WATER left foot... right foot EARTH

The problem of terminology exists in semantics only as Kundalini occurs initially at the throne but also comes to the kandas at the crown & heart so it is incorrect to label toes to crown as K energy .

21st August 2007, 07:38 AM
I recently snagged the Reiki Tummo book (I got it at a good price) to see if all the claims of the path of enlightenment are true etc etc. I have to say that this book is NOT a safe alternative to having someone awaken your kundalini. I also think that they are full of crap when they claim a three day period to not only cleanse up, but down as well.

As said, I agree with the image but not with the nice little theory behind it.

21st August 2007, 08:41 AM
Careful, Benares.

The downward direction of moving energy, down from the heavens, is very calming, healing and soothing. The upward direction is spiritualising and energising. It is very sound practice to move energy down to allow for a counterbalancing stream of energy upward.

I know I benefitting strongly from energy downward, from sinking energy. Why do you jump to the claim that this is "crap"?

Note, I do not know the specific claims or technique discussed here, but your claim is so general, I feel you should add more detail to validate or explain it.


21st August 2007, 06:34 PM
I was attuned to to Reiki Tummo. It just didn't do as much as regular Usui Reiki, or Kundalini Reiki did for me.

Aunt Clair
23rd August 2007, 05:06 PM
I have had Reiki attunements I & II but not Reiki Tummo . I only found the images intriguing because it shows the method graphically that I find most advantageous to cleaning and clearing the bodies ascension channel . SO I have no opinion on Reiki Tummo and do not take offense that Bendares would find it ineffective, personally.

When the Throne of God opens upward past the heart to the crown and the Crown of the Goddess opens downward past the heart to the toes , then the heart opens up dramatically. This convergence of flows concurrently is even more opportune . The magician can then cause the channel to flow in a wide swath pf moon energy from down behind the spine in the rear of the ascension channel and to draw upwards a n equal swath of sun energy from the toes to the crown . With each breath this slow fanbelt of energy moves causing the body to enter trance fully and open clairiently and when the magician tunes back out or off this slow "fanbelt" of energy comes to rest . This ability begins in the Dragon Initiations II .

23rd August 2007, 05:52 PM
Thats interesting, around the time I was attuned to many sorts of Reiki, I also was given Shaktipat, you know that totaly set my heart on fire, literaly. All that energy flowing through my heart and oragns associated really helped me out.

Aunt Clair
21st September 2007, 03:23 PM
Here are some more links and exercises utilising the kundalini channels to facilitate energy flow ;
http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewto ... highlight= (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?t=9712&highlight=)

3rd October 2007, 11:52 PM
My post may have been misinterpreted, or maybe I just wasn't completely clear :S

The cleansing from the divine energy is wonderful and extremely helpful. It expands the heart and removes a lot of negativity from your body. The part I was disagreeing with was the Reiki Tummo system. The images are correct and should be shared, but the system and book suggest you to open your own kundalini by yourself and attempt to give instructions on it. I completely disagree with that as a concept, but the rest is very good.

Sorry for confusion :)

7th October 2007, 03:42 PM
Well anyone should be sceptical of kundalini awakenings being easy and safe, even when specifially said by someone selling their technique.

7th October 2007, 05:55 PM
Why should Kundalini awakenings be hard either? There are enough sources indicating they can be smooth. We just tend to hear about the tough cases a lot more...


8th October 2007, 03:38 PM
Well it's based on a few experiences I've read about. They can at least be hard. There may be easy ways, but the practitioner should still be cautious. I'm also guessing that since it's something as drastic as described and coveted by many, it can't be all that easy. Even if the awakening is easy there's always the cleansing. While you may not end up in a mental insitution I'm sure a cleansing of your energy body may be quite hard for some, especially if they've had to deal with a lot more than most people.

Though there seems to be enough people saying how easy they can be that this may be true. Their explanation also does make sense. Though I haven't perosnally read much of these experiences. I just think it's best to always be cautious. Knowing when to stop and rest is also important.

6th December 2007, 06:03 PM
Aunt Clair, i find your posts to be very insightful.

What are your methods for cleansing?

Aunt Clair
28th December 2007, 01:46 PM
...What are your methods for cleansing?I open in protection then draw energy from the crown down and then raise energy from the feet through both legs concurrently up to the crown . This cleanses , energises and facilitates trance .
4*Deep Cleansing Breathing to Open the Human Energy Body
viewtopic.php?t=7666 (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?t=7666)
5* Remove Blockages
viewtopic.php?t=7299#67299 (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?t=7299#67299)
6*Raise Energy; Raising the Dragon
viewtopic.php?t=1949& (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?t=1949&)

5th March 2008, 10:23 PM
Hi all:

I'm not totally convinced that complete pureness should be achieved in order to activate kundalini. It's true that a minimum of physical, emotional, ethical and spiritual cleanliness should be attained before moving on to the next step. I went vegan many years ago and I felt a profound transformation inside myself, but I know that I don't act "purely" everytime, and I don't feel that it clogs me, or whatever.

Besides, I'm a reiki master and it opened up my chakras wide, but I'm still asking myself if reiki did that, or if it was my will.

After seeing the Universe (have some information on astronomy), nature, wild life, our internal biological processes... I've concluded dirty is all around. So to say, earthly crap and divine light walk together, held by hand. So, maybe in some stages of our evolution we must be stopped, and for that crap exists. And in other stages, kundalini is a good plunger.

Just some thoughts in a sleepy state, accompanied by some flu symptoms. Good night.

5th March 2008, 11:08 PM
So, maybe in some stages of our evolution we must be stopped, and for that crap exists. And in other stages, kundalini is a good plunger. I see this as my next sig.
I hope you get better soon.

Aunt Clair
10th April 2008, 02:34 PM
Hi all:
I'm not totally convinced that complete pureness should be achieved in order to activate kundalini.
I agree . I don't believe any of us is completely "pure" but that is not the purpose of cleansing per se . If , we can not hope to attain a state of purity by such an energy exercise , we can hope to revitalise the energy body with fresh pranic intake . This exercise is to cleanse to the degree that we are capable in order to prime the energy body with fresh prana . In this manner , we can then do magical workings , project , heal , manifest , et cetera . An added benefit of which is to raise the vibration of the energy body even if temporarily and so to move towards ascension by the cumulative effect of experience , practice and energy .

17th April 2008, 01:31 AM
Half the problem of all of us who experience kundalini is that we feel undeserving of this experience being completely smooth and blissful. Therefore maybe just maybe our egos believe that we should have to suffer great trails and tribulations in order to achieve this pure state of risen kundalini... (this is one of the reasons why my kundalini wont rise above my solar plexus i still have some power/ego things to deal with.)

19th April 2008, 01:09 PM
I've noticed that everyone I run into has self love problems to some degree. Or some sort of variation, myself included. It takes alot of introspection to reteach yourself out of some bad thinking habits about yourself. I've had to reach back into my memories completely into my middle school and high school days to find the source and even then there are branches off the tree so to speak that I need to work on too.

Its wierd to note that you can have a Kundalini awakening through mental stability alone even if you don't do energy practices. But for someone like me the energy side is a must. Right now i've been working with some more advanced mystics to help me sort out energeticly my problem areas as well as my pysche issues. Balanced approach works well. :)

Oh! I would recommend moving meditation for someone who wants to awaken kundalini - Tai Chi is my prefrence but whatever works for you.

11th November 2010, 09:19 PM
Its wierd to note that you can have a Kundalini awakening through mental stability alone even if you don't do energy practices

amazingly astute observation.Goes to show that Kundalini isnt as invested in energetic practices as we mostly assume it to be ......which further goes to show how pretty much how still its all wrapped in mystique.