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20th September 2007, 03:28 AM
Is there anything else you can say about the kundalini light body that you haven't already said

Robert Bruce
11th July 2008, 06:48 PM

Yes, there is a great deal more I could say. However, this would take a book, and so to do this properly I will write a book on this when I am ready, when I have explored this phenomena enough to do a complete work on this.

I have been far too busy with life and etc the past several years to do much by way of kundalini work, and worked myself to exhaustion. However, things have changed and my energy levels are rising rapidly so I am back in the saddle so to speak, kundalini wise. Now I will explore the phenomena more and begin gathering information for a book on this, which will include a how to.

I am writing a feature article on this, and am open to questions. That's the best I can do at the moment; sorry.
