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View Full Version : Is this normal ?please help !!!!!

25th September 2007, 02:47 AM
For the past 5 days my heart chackra opened up and it started spinning rapidly and generates a lot of heat and tears.My heart chackra always comes on and goes off by itself but not now.I feel kind of uncomfortable because I feel like all my chackras are open but mostly the 4th,5th,6th and 7th.Did this happen to anyone else? please help,I kind of feel like a beacon.I couldn't sleep all night last night and I couldn't even take a nap today.Does sleep become obsolete at a certain time ? :roll: :cry: :? :shock:

25th September 2007, 06:59 AM
Your chakras are always "on". They don't shut off.

You probably just need to try some grounding techniques. You can do a forum search to find some if you don't know any already.

25th September 2007, 09:51 AM
Hello, niki123,

I don't think it is Kundalini-related.

Why tears?

It could be that you are healing up some old wound. Dissolving a blockage can induce warmth/heat. Before you let go of an old emotion it might resurface, but it is not a new, but an old feeling. Blocks are mostly old stored feelings.

When your heart opens up, it might just melt what was giving it grief in the past and what you never got rid off emotionally.

Try to develop the lower chakras, especially the base and its secondary centers, sink (emotional) energy below your feet. This should help grounding you. Reattain some calm and rest in the body. Ungroundedness results in agitation and spacy feelings, and random energy phenomena and rushes.

Sleep does not become obsolete. Your need for sleep will lessen with development, except in phases of development leaps.

Take good care,

25th September 2007, 12:31 PM
Phew,do I feel better today ! thank you for your comments.I think I'm baaack!Lol ! No more craziness ! I feel so damn determined today, it's scary!I slept so good and no dreams. :D Time to go to work !He,he, whatever that might be! :shock:

29th September 2007, 04:48 PM
not sure what's "normal", but i had this happen too, with the tears and the heat. best i could figure after looking it up was a stimulation of the lacrimal glands... it occured spontaneously several times, randomly, often without any sustaining or corresponding emotions, though there were plenty of those too, at varying times.