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View Full Version : Just sharing some thoughts on my feelings and experiences

new baby
28th September 2007, 12:20 PM
I have done energy work for a few month with intrerruptions and I am now at the end of week three of MAP (I've done some of the exercises for a long while). In the beginning I had only some energetic feelings (some tingles) which have developed in time. I had no ideea how one should feel the energy and the blockages but I did carry on with the work on the energetic aspects.

I can tell now that developement took place in the energetic sensations when I am doing the exercises and not only. Now the energy feelings are quite strong and I can feel the energy movements when working with energy. The interesting thing is that starting for a few days ago I cand feel the energy from my body not only when I am doing the exercises, but also when I sit down and I am not moving. It's like small vibrations are present all the time especially in my legs and in my arms and the area where I feel them is larger than the real size of the legs or arms. It's not a disturbing or unpleasant feeling, on the contrary, I am enjoying it a lot.

I have learned a few things about energy blockages as well but only after a while. I am feeling them like a barrier or some solid placed in areas of my body. When I am getting there my awareness can not pass through them. I can compare them to a river in which you have a stone in the middle of it and the water can not pass through it, it has to go around. So my awareness has to go somehow around and I tried to figure out a way in which to remove them in my exercises. So I imagined that instead of sponges that are cleaning the legs, or big sponges that resemble wooden logs that are moving the whole body (that's how I imagine) I have some devices with cutting wheels that go and cut through the energy blockages to break them into little pieces that can be removed afterwards easier, and it seems to work for me.

I haven't managed to induce an OBE since now even if I have tried but I had some very interesting experiences. I am sure it will happen sometime in the not too distant future. I am also aware that there are a lot of things to work upon like fears, feelings...
Also I am sure that the energetic developement is far away from being completed and that other pleasant and interesting finding and experiences are awaiting.

Hope that this post may be of some help.

28th September 2007, 10:52 PM
New Baby,

Your experiences are classic and it sounds to me like you're doing very well and using your imagination as a tool to adapt the basic exercises to your needs.

Have you found an increase in your dream recall?

Have there been any emotional reactions?

Do you believe there has been an improvement in your general well being?

new baby
29th September 2007, 11:14 AM
It's interesting about the dream recall. I've done some thinking on the subject. When doing the energy work the dream recall is poor. When I stop the energy work I remember a lot in great detail. Perhaps it is related to the energetic developement of my body and I suppose that a great part of energy is directed in this way and it's not much left for the dream recall. Just a supposition, have no ideea. I have to mention that I am listening also to meditation music everyday and I am reading all the books I can put may hand on them that are connected to OBE, Consciousness, personal improvement and so on.

About my emotional reactions, hmmmmmm.... A big improvement in my life took place. In what way? In my attitude towards life itself. I am happier, I enjoy small things ( the clouds in the sky, the smell of the air, the nature in general, a song that I like), every day is a good one, and life in general it's lovely, I love it. Also the way I see other peoples actions has changed. I know that each one is building its own life (it's true if you give a little thinking on each person's life and actions) and I am trying (and starting to be) less judgmental on others. I am trying also to be less judgmental on my actions.

In fact Nothing has changed in my life, just my attitude and the way I see it. Is' s a wonderfull trip and adventure and many wonderfull things are awaiting to be discovered.