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View Full Version : Learning centre?

Neil Templar
3rd October 2007, 03:49 PM
okay so recently i've had a number of dreams that all take place in or near a school.it's not somewhere i've been in "real" life,and every time i dream of it i find myself in new/different rooms,but definitely in the same school.
also,the lessons never seem to be the focal point of the dreams-it's more about stuff that's going on with the other pupils,for example-one time i was there and discovered that it was in Norway-so i couldn't understand anyone and had to work everything out for myself,even though everyone else could understand me fully.
another time i had to trek across miles of mountainous countryside before even getting to the school,that seemed to be the focus of the dream that time.
another time i had to do physical ed in my underwear-just like when we were kids and had forgotten our kit.

Anyway-i'm wondering if this is one of the astral learning centres i've read about in so many books.there always seems to be some sort of problem/obstacle that i have to work out how to overcome,and although it's sometimes confusing or strange-they're usually quite pleasant dreams..

3rd October 2007, 04:41 PM
Aunt Clair call these 'dreamstate lessons'. My recommendation is that you start keeping a dream diary (if you're not already) and see what the ongoing theme is, and if it's difficult to discern, ask your guides or HS to be more clear. This usually works for me.