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5th October 2007, 04:58 AM
My wife works mornings and I work afternoon shift. So this morning she woke me to say goodbye, and after I fell back to sleep. I had a dream(can't recall it), but as I was waking up my eyes were still shut and I felt the vibrations coming on very strong, I began to panic and tried calming myself because I knew what this was now, and I knew this was a good chance to have an OBE.

As the vibrations were building and I began panicking, I felt/saw a woman rush into my bedroom and tried to stop me from astral projecting. She stopped beside my bed, and said "Don't do it" or something similar. I was on my back, eyes shut and to my left I saw a figure rush in to stop me. I thought at first it was my wife, but she had already left for work. So I continued to calm myself and while the vibrations continued I tried to force myself out. I tried rolling back and forth, but it only seemed like I was partially out, but stayed in. After the first failed attempt, I tried imagining myself floating up to the ceiling but as I was doing that, I felt myself coming out of it. Then I opened my eyes. Damn.

Does this sound like maybe I had the beginnings of an OBE, or could this have been a dream? Do people usually report a presence in the room when they have one? I know my mind was awake and my body asleep, because I even heard myself snore before I woke up.
Also, what should I have done differently to project. I think I may have tried too hard.
Any advice and comments welcome. Thanks.

5th October 2007, 06:31 AM
Definitely a projection. The vibrations are the tell-tale sign as is the feeling of leaving your body and astral vision through closed eyelids. The woman is most likely a thoughtform manifesting your anxiety about projecting.

People often report a presence and you can look this up here (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?t=7304&highlight=dweller) and here (http://www.saltcube.com/out-of-body/chat-forum/viewTopic.jsp?t=sp-fear)

Congratulations, Woodland! :D

5th October 2007, 11:48 AM
yeah partial projection, this is the part that gets me every time, theres always something sinister or alarming that manifests in the RTZ when im on the edge of a projection, and i always wuss out, Coming face to face with your subconscious fears of the unknown is quite a challenge.

5th October 2007, 05:49 PM
Definitely a projection. The vibrations are the tell-tale sign as is the feeling of leaving your body and astral vision through closed eyelids. The woman is most likely a thoughtform manifesting your anxiety about projecting.

People often report a presence and you can look this up here (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?t=7304&highlight=dweller) and here (http://www.saltcube.com/out-of-body/chat-forum/viewTopic.jsp?t=sp-fear)

Congratulations, Woodland! :D

Thank you Beekeeper, I just wish I could do a complete exit someday.
Any advice for next time?

5th October 2007, 08:23 PM
Any advice for next time? Next time ask your astral friend to lend you a hand, if you can get over the fear. You'd be surprised, and you'll 'kill' 2 birds with one stone.

6th October 2007, 12:28 AM
Life is truly wonderful. :]

Things manifest in so many strange ways. If I could see a thought form express my feelings 100% of the time, I suspect that I would learn a lot about myself. Yes, the subconscious can go wild with expressing concepts like fear and anxiety, it's all the more reason to work on ourselves and come to terms with what ails us.

This has served as a valuable reminder. I get vibrations quite regularly but I'm always scared of moving forward with it due to previous experiences and 'just wanting t go to sleep without the weird stuff'.

There's a situation in my life that I'm rather resentful of, this has put things back into perspective for me.

Thank you.