View Full Version : Knitting geese? o_O

Palehorse Redivivus
5th October 2007, 10:48 AM
So last night I had a dream that seems like it's bizarre and random enough to be symbolic of something, but after much pondering and poking through the dreammoods website I don't have much of an idea.

I was on a series of flights, and for some reason ended up in Italy on a layover (I've never been to or planned on going to Italy). I had enough time to walk around a bit, and in one of the shops I found and bought a goose egg. This type of goose apparently hatched with a lot of a yarn-like substance attached to it. Either it was explained to me or I knew and explained to someone, that when this goose hatches, if it doesn't get in a power struggle with its mother over this yarn, it will immediately start knitting and make something out of it. Soon after I was back in California with this egg (without another flight in between, I don't think), it hatched, I held the yarn, the goose started knitting with its beak (pretty funny thing to watch :lol:) and out came a big multicolored tube of fabric. A friend of mine who is a knitting fiend had showed up at some point, and I asked her if she'd mind doing something with it, like closing up the ends to make a blanket. At some point in this sequence of events I was also upset that I had somehow neglected to bring everybody back something from my travels.

From looking around the dream dictionary, geese may have something to do with "motherly love" and knitting may have something to do with one's home life.

It may or may not be relevant that before I went to bed, there were some attacks going on, and I had been trying to connect with the divine in the form of Sophia, which often helps. Could be some sort of message but if so I have only a vague idea of what it might mean, based on those explanations.

5th October 2007, 11:59 AM
Sorry I got nothing. Knitting geese....Still nothing. Sorry I had to jump in to say nothing of value.

5th October 2007, 12:21 PM
often in my dream scenarios the majority of the symbolism is wildly beyond comprehension, for eg. a few nights ago i dreamt that i was in the ownership of a hyperactive and overly aggressive tangerine :?

i think you just gotta take what you can and leave the rest.

5th October 2007, 12:27 PM
Ok, I got one:
Mother goose is knitting a yarn. Get it? Telling a tale? Mother Goose is a fairy tale, and the goose is knitting a yarn, so who's telling stories?
That's all I got.

5th October 2007, 10:56 PM
We can do it!! :D :) :o

I'm sure this dream means something, it isnt random stuff. I get the impression that there is something in there about your relationship with mom. You were helping the goose knitt the yarn, so it is something you are doing in your concious life, but you arent totally controlling it. Im sure the trip on the plane, and that the goose hatching when you landed rather than on the plane, has meaning. Airplanes are a symbol in DMs.. it isnt in there, but I would say a direct flight means that you are going along a direct path or a phase in your life. I dont know why italy, could be you have some italian in your blood.
That it happened after an attack means this dream has a very high chance that it relates to that... are you sure you were under attack? Were you tranquil when it happened, or could your mind have been 'spinning a yarn'? (our thoughts can create what is in our dimensional field)

I wish I were more clearheaded atm, sorry im not much help right now.

7th October 2007, 11:39 AM
as requested, here is a dream I had in the early hours of this morning:

I was in a dingy room, with no windows and there was a knitting machine, kinda big , and there were these 3 women in charge of it, wearing little cotton frilly caps, and who squawked, and were like jemima puddleduck from the Enid blyton stories.
I wanted to be controlling the machine, but they didnt think i could handle it, but they were so busy flapping and fighting amongst themselves that i just snuck in and did it anyway.. and the machine knit this really loose, soft, stripey, colorful blanket tube, really fast, that i just wanted to curl up in, cause it felt so safe and warm.

I dont ever usually dream in metaphor like this, my dreams have always made sense to me.

Palehorse Redivivus
7th October 2007, 12:54 PM
(Relevant detail: Eris and I live together and I told her to post because we felt that this dream very well could be somehow tied to mine.)

Alaskans -- upon further digging through my brain, lol... I'm not sure I actually saw the thing hatch. The details are pretty jumbled but I don't remember if I bought it as an egg or an already hatched bird. But at some point between buying it, getting the explanation of what it does, and seeing it knit the fabric, I somehow transitioned between the shop in Italy, and California.

Yep, it was an attack. The sort that it was effects my system in a very specific way that leaves little room for doubt, and this one... wasn't subtle about it. It was also independently confirmed.

7th October 2007, 10:29 PM
as requested, here is a dream I had in the early hours of this morning:

I was in a dingy room, with no windows and there was a knitting machine, kinda big , and there were these 3 women in charge of it, wearing little cotton frilly caps, and who squawked, and were like jemima puddleduck from the Enid blyton stories.
I wanted to be controlling the machine, but they didnt think i could handle it, but they were so busy flapping and fighting amongst themselves that i just snuck in and did it anyway.. and the machine knit this really loose, soft, stripey, colorful blanket tube, really fast, that i just wanted to curl up in, cause it felt so safe and warm.

I dont ever usually dream in metaphor like this, my dreams have always made sense to me.

Eris, I think you dreamt of the three sisters of fate, the Moerae/Moirae.


The egg is also a prominent mythological symbol, Palehorse. It might be worth investigating "The egg in mythology" in a google search.

I saw your dream as a straightforward analogy about birth. Children are literally born covered in stuff and metaphorically born with a whole lot of emotional, possibly karmic, strings attached out of which they weave/knit the fabrics of their lives here on earth. This may entail power struggles with parents who have definite ideas about how the fabric should be woven.

You guys aren't considering parenthood by any chance?

Palehorse Redivivus
8th October 2007, 12:39 AM
You guys aren't considering parenthood by any chance?


No. No we are not. :shock: :lol:

I think you may be on to something BK. I've just had a mini epiphany and I think I may have gained some ground on figuring this out.

My idea is along the lines that this involves the birthing of one's potential and purpose, and as you said, the weaving of one's destiny. In my case, I'm a wanderer type, and paradoxically I've found comfort and security by relinquishing those very concepts, deliberately giving up whats routine and familiar, traveling here there and everywhere and ultimately settling on another continent. Italy may have something to do with my theology geek phase, and even institutional religion in general, a time period that laid the groundwork for a lot of what I'm doing now. Eris has also had to create her own comfort, security and family life in a paradoxical way -- by minimizing the influence of the biological family, and by wrestling control of her life away from other people and influences.

Still pondering on all this, but thats what came to me after I read your post. :)

8th October 2007, 07:27 AM
Cool 8) Still, it would be nice to hear the pitter-patter... okay, I won't say it. Maybe Oliver :lol: Then they could make astral visits and we'd ride a magic carpet to an astral zoo. :lol: :wink:

8th October 2007, 10:22 AM
*Later thought* Does this mean that your dream mind sees you as a bit of a goose, Palehorse? :D

8th October 2007, 12:03 PM
You guys aren't considering parenthood by any chance?

im already a mama to two adorable lil girls.. and them and one PH is enough for me to deal with :wink:

8th October 2007, 10:36 PM
I'm already a mama to two adorable lil girls.. and them and one PH is enough for me to deal with

Yes, that would surely be enough for anyone! :lol: :lol: