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View Full Version : from former hate filled radical feminist :)

8th October 2007, 08:43 PM
Hello -- are survivors of child sexual abuse more likely to be attacked spiritually throughout their lives than others -- how about heavy drinkers or former heavy drinkers - or how about really hate filled radical feminists (referring to my own former self)? I just ordered your psychic protection book on amazon, but don't know if this is in it. thanks so much - was very impressed by interview you gave art bell a few years back - heard rerun this past weekend. thanks! rr

Mods please don't move this, Robert may want to answer it-CF
Dear rita: You may want to take a look at the psd subforum and maybe the serious neg abuse forums. In it there are many threads that speak to your question, besides Robert's.

Robert Bruce
4th November 2007, 04:45 AM

The reasons behind psychic and entity attacks cannot fairly be boiled down into 'bad people get attacked' and 'good people don't get attacked'.

The evidence does not support this.

A blanket excuse like 'karma' can be used, but in this case it becomes a throwaway line.

Some things are beyond our understanding.

We can only make observations and logical deductions.

I think the truth of this matter can be found in the evolutionary purpose of life, and in the fact that sometimes it takes a lot of pain and distress before persons wake up, in a spiritual sense, and see life for what it is, and in this way take the step up from the unconscious masses into the conscious spiritually aware minority.

Take care, Robert