View Full Version : NEW worked a little bit too well on me - help!!!!

10th October 2007, 03:52 PM
Alright guys,

I read Astral Dynamics years ago and have tried the techniques off and on since then, with limited success. Recently though, I decided to buckle down and REALLY apply myself and do it. So I started working through my energy body looking for blocks, using NEW. Sure enough, when I really did it carefully, I noticed that HUGE portions of my energy body were COMPLETELY blocked. Blocked so much I couldn't even focus my body awareness there! So for a couple of days, I worked on these blocks constantly, and managed to get some energy flowing in the affected areas, much to my delight (with all the HEAVY sensations you'd expect.) I've also been raising energy and storing it in the sub-navel area, because I figure all the energy being used to attack these blockages could use replacing!

Here's where the problem starts. Yesterday I did all of these things intermittently throughout the day. As the day went on, my entire energy body was really buzzing, more and more! Great, right? So I got home last night, and I was REALLY buzzing. At this point I needed to sexually relieve myself -- twice, actually. Not long after that, I noticed that the buzzing and tingling throughout my energy body was getting stronger. WAY too strong. VERY PAINFULLY strong. I went to sleep in fairly severe full-body pain, figuring I was just experiencing the necessary effects of removing a severe blockage.

I got a nice, long, restful sleep, and today I'm physically destroyed. The pain hasn't let up at all, and may actually be worse. Every inch of my skin stings, and the areas I focused on the most (thighs, left arm) sting twice as much. I had to call in sick to work, and I think I even have a fever. I'm barely even able to type this message! I'm sure THIS isn't supposed to happen -- what does this mean?! What did I do wrong??

I'm obviously completely avoiding energy work until this dies down and I feel better. But after that, what do I do? Abandon hope and never try NEW again? I don't think so! So, I really need help ensuring that this won't happen again!!!

Thanks in advance for all advice :)

Edit: I'm 22, male, and have no physical or mental health problems. I tend to be extremely well grounded in general.

10th October 2007, 04:23 PM
If you have a fever it's not energy work that brought this on. Body pain is a symptom of the flu, and it's getting to be flu season.
However, if you think that energy is causing your problems, I suggest grounding (a quick search in the forum should bring up lots of ideas) and stop all energy work until you feel better.
Buzzing and excess of energy is a side effect, and if this is problematic then do it in the morning when you do, not in the evening unless you're planning to try to OBE, in which case a little energy raising should be ok.-When you're normalized-.
Good luck, CF.

10th October 2007, 04:40 PM
I checked, and I don't actually have a fever. It just feels like I do because my entire body is on FIRE :? My stomach's a little queasy too. It's obvious to me that I don't really have the flu though, although I have virtually all of the symptoms on a subjective level.

After checking through the forums I see that other people have experienced things like this when doing too much energy work too early. I've been using more "force" than I probably should have in pushing through the blockages. I guess I'll just wait for this to go away and then try again VERY gently, doing only a little work each day...

In the meantime, the way I feel is TORTUROUS. All the usual "grounding" activities have barely helped. Any other ideas anyone?

10th October 2007, 04:50 PM
A salt bath may help. Even though it's for other things, healers sometimes have used them to feel better. I'm sure other posters will have other ideas. Myself, I'm partial to salt baths. And lots of sleep, if you can schedule it.

10th October 2007, 05:00 PM
Is there somewhere you can go for a swim? Aside from just plain cooling you off, you can unload excess energy into the water by intending to let go of everything no longer working for your highest good.

Until then, for in general and future reference, you can draw in all the energies you happen to need by thinking the word "accepting" when you breathe in and you can get rid of harmful energies by thinking "releasing" when you exhale. The energies are carried on your breath. The important thing is to really intend to accept and to release. It has helped me when I have been so far out of balance as to be unable to apply anything more involved.

Remember what this is like for future reference. You will probably have long periods of time in the future when it will seem like nothing is happening. It helps to be able to look back on times like this to keep you going with your daily efforts at energy work and meditation.

10th October 2007, 08:53 PM
RB talks about this in his books. It is better to work on one blockage at a time in the beginning if you do not like pain, blisters and rashes. These are effects of the friction between the blockages and the energy you're throwing at them. RB warns not to try too hard to remove blockages all at once. Reread the book/s. Balanced, long-term energy work is the way to go. Start slow, then work up. Each blockage I have removed has caused visible rashes or water filled blisters just like RB said they would. Slow down and when you feel ready to give it another go, don't spend ALL DAY working on your whole body until all major blockages have been individually improved some. I made similar mistakes but I'm back on track so, don't feel like you are the only one this has happened to.


10th October 2007, 09:29 PM
I fully agree with the previous replies, and like to add this:

Energy work on blockages triggers toxin release. The blocked energy in your etheric body manifests as a physical problem, too. The etheric is the blueprint of the physical. This can mean inflammation can happen on old wounds, an immune reaction can be triggered, fever may develop, and you can induce toxins into your blood flow. This is a sign of healing, but to much of a good thing can overtax your system. You tried to weightlift like a pro on the first try and now you have the equivalent of a strained back.

Please consult a doctor. Painkillers can be your friend in such a situation, but please dose them carefully as mentioned and if in doubt, ask a physician first.

This is why you should especially in the beginning not overdo energy work until you get the hang of it. After every session leave time for your body to flush this. Drink water regularly, for example at every full hour a small glass to allow the kidneys to work at optimum and cleanse your blood. Eat with reduced fat to allow the liver to work better, drink no alcohol.

I overdid a powerful energy work exercise by another teacher by trying to force my way and needed several days afterward to recover from the worst headache I ever had, days full of cold sweat and anxiety and pain. Never overdo it. In the beginning, do until you feel something, and then sharply limit. Try to do one part carefully, limit your practise time, and ground your energy below the feet after every session by focusing your concentration below the feet.

Do the breathing exercise Tom suggested, it sounds good to me. Try to inhale "health" or "restoration" and exhale "pain".

You overdid it by quite a big amount, but this should settle down, too. Allow your body to fully rest before you try energy work again.

Take good care and get well soon,

13th October 2007, 02:01 PM
Huge thanks for all the opinions and help in this thread -- I feel completely better now (well, just about!) And I'm DEFINITELY being much more careful about my energy work in the future!!!

28th October 2007, 11:49 PM
Absolutely about the sexual thing. It seems to increase the libido greatly, in me too. I have to try and control myself, and use the sexual energy for other things, rather then expulsion. :shock:

29th October 2007, 08:55 AM
I don't buy into the schools of energy work that say sex is wasteful in energy especially for male. If your libido is acceptable to your partner and not seriously over the top, living it out is usually the best option.

If you however develop strange cravings of any kind or your sex drive exceeds the limits that seem acceptable (hard to judge, I know) then it might be time for more balancing practices and grounding, and some meditation into your sexual issues as well. This might set energy free for the future and rebalance personality and sex life.

Take good care,

29th October 2007, 11:00 AM
Um, lol yes I definitely needs to balance more grounding, but it is not worth worrying too much about.

29th November 2007, 02:26 AM
I just experienced some amazing energy awakening today. Normally, my Son is in homecare today, but didn't go because he was sick with a coughy-running nose. Poor guy had us all up a couple hours earlier than anyone needed. Now I've only been putting the full body circuit (Secondary System, RBs' NEW) through 5 minute sessions, three times a day. C, my son, involuntarily went to sleep just before noon. Not feeling able to nap I remained lying down and began focusing on my breathing, keeping it steady and very gently so that it gradually deepend. I also focused some attention on both my hands and feet.

I guess I essentially put myself into what I feel was a meditative trance state.

Very quickly I felt a feminine and somewhat mechanical voice repeatedly asking if they could take my mind. Can We take your mind? I was feeling very comfortable, relaxed and genuinely felt this to be a form of trust developing for something I'm sure wasn't just a fancifully created distortion. I don't mind, if you take my mind. I mused.

I remember moving through a succession of brief dream sequences. My physical body awakened several times but it was the latest interlude that really got my attention.

Have you ever seen the movie, The Matrix? The vehicles, the real-worlders and dis-engagers manned, pulsed and throbbed energetically. The sound effects created for such craft sounded very similar to the vibes that I was experiencing.

And I was very present within my body. But which body that was, I'm not exactly sure.

After feeling a fluidity of conscious movement, after being rocked by many pleasant sensations, and feeling a warm and enveloping energy wrap me up, I finally fell loose. I drifted away. I felt myself being levitated sideways and away several times and in several directions. My whole body shifted in a half-moon arcing motion from the bedroom through a set of double doors and moved into the living room.

I couldn't see any of this, but I know what I felt. Very soon, my body kind of bounced backward along the same pathway into the bedroom and over my bed.

I don't recall a re-entry of any energy-body back into my physical body but I do remember that my feet felt really alive but also very achy and there was a noticeable fluidity and consistent wavy sensation running through my torso and limbs.

I'm going to have a bath, now, and see if I can get loosened up before going to sleep.


29th November 2007, 03:21 AM
You had a short projection. Well done. Next time, when you're doing that, try to direct yourself away, even if blind. It gets better.

29th November 2007, 01:19 PM
bathing in epsom salts last night helped, but my sleep was curtailed by my Son's early rise this morning.

thanks for the encouragement, CFTraveler.