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View Full Version : Question about the primary energy centers exercises

new baby
12th October 2007, 10:19 AM
Hello to everybody,

I am now at the end of week 4 of MAP. I am working on all seven primary centers for two days.

Today, when doing the 5 minutes breathing exercise the base center started throbbing and it contined untill I finished the breathing exercise and the breathing for mind taming. Is it normal that the primary centers activate themselves during breathing exercises? Should anything be done or just ignore them?

During the primary centers exercises the base centers activated immediately. Later, when working at the throat center the eye center activated on its own and started throbbing heavily ( I belive that I have a sesitive eye center, I can feel it whenever I concentrate just a little bit on it). On MAP Roberts says that if a primary center gets activated it should be skipped and start working on the following center. On the other hand if the centers are not worked for the same amount of time an imbalance can occur.
My question is how to do from now on if a center gets activated on its own, work it or skip it? If to skip it there will be no problems (imbalance)?

I have to mention that after approx two hour after finishing the energy work the base center strted throbbing again on its own. Is it normal? Should I do something about it or not?

12th October 2007, 10:32 AM
Please keep in mind I cannot know your sensations, new baby, but here is my take on it:

Sometimes primary centers pulsate or vibrate. I think it is a sign of them being active and energy flowing. I have this sometimes for the base. I'm not sure whether this means whether they are clean, however it seems to denote they have a good energy flow. It could be that this sensations might lessen or at least change over time for those centers. I think it is a good sign and shows development going on, these centers are IMO surely active.

Remember that the centers are connected through the main energy lines of the body. If you unblock one or activate it, energy flows might reestablish, especially in neighbouring centers - like you wrote for Third Eye and throat chakra.

These energy flows are to be expected - energy circulates and flows up and down on different currents in the body, balancing itself out whenever it gets the chance. Freeing up something or activating inactive or blocked parts may lead to such reviving and rebalancing energy flows. Something got unstuck, and now the centers try to find a new balance amongst themselves.

As long as no pain is involved I am inclined to call these very good signs. The energy body is naturally rebalancing. Blockages and inactive centers tend to impede these natural mechanisms. Energy is working best when it flows. When it gets stagnant, it blocks. All the throbbing or pulsing usually means that energy "sweeps the pipes" and is shifted where needed. I think this should lessen when a better balance is established and the energy body is more clean.

If ever in doubt, ground your energy. Don't force your way and give yourself a rest.

I would focus on trying to get sensations from every center and then go on to the next. Throbbing centers I would skip or work less.

Conscious Breathing is a very powerful energy work and meditation tool. Many words for denoting energy, soul or consciousness also mean breath in many languages. That is why breath work can be a powerful tool.

Take good care and further good success,

new baby
12th October 2007, 10:48 AM
Thanks Oliver for your quick reply.

The centers are pulsating. My doubts were on if to work on them or not if they are already active.

I will skip the active ones and continue with the ones that are not so active. I would like to mention that all of them are activating when doing the energy work, at least I can feel something.
But if all the centers will unblocked ( I don't know how it should feel) should the primary centers energy work be ceased or should it be continued as instructed in MAP?

:D Lia

12th October 2007, 11:03 AM
You're welcome. :D

Well, it's a bit about developing your own intuition as well, Lia. See, sometimes the body tells you its needs - what should be worked on next, how much, what is still is beneficial, what is too much.

Strain, pain, exhaustion, tiredness - too much. Pause, rest, recover, sleep, ground and do less next time until your capacity grows.

Agitation, nervosity, feelings of being spaced out, going from feeling energetic to crave doing something - that's definitely too much, too, and grounding and rest are required.

Calmness, peace, feelings of smooth flow of energy, refreshing coolness, comfort and comforting warmth, joy, feeling of no effort at all - signs of you being in your comfort zone about energy work and making optimal progress.

When reviewing your own feelings and sensations you usually can soon tell what you should do how much and when and work out a routine that matches your needs and lets you develop yourself at optimal progress without drawbacks.

It's always a bit of experimenting - energy work is part of self-discovery. Your body, your mind, your energy.

Take good care,

new baby
12th October 2007, 11:14 AM
Thanks again Oliver,

You are right about feelings, intuition and how it works but sometimes guidance is useful and welcome. This new energy way is something that you discover as you practice. In time you'll know wahat the author meant, but not when everything is new to you.

Have a nice weekend,
