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View Full Version : General Energy Sources

9th June 2005, 05:37 PM
I am wondering if there is a page or a roster of energy sources somewhere...? I remember that sunlight and air have both been mentioned. RB speaks of windy days and nature places. In another place I read that evergreens like pine emit a lot of energy and you can charge up just by aiming the branch ends in your chakras. (This seems to work by the way). I have also read that you can absorb energy from animals... one old time Physician used to advise his patients occasionally to go lay next to a cow (Had to have been a tame one!). And I also recall reading once of a team composed of someone that could see auras clearly and a healer. The healer summoned a bunch of energy and the aura reader reported a nice blue cloud of the stuff around the person, but said that noneof it seemed to be going IN and the person said that he felt no better. Then someone rubbed some oil on the guy's thrid eye center and foop! all the energy went whirling in and he felt much better. And Finally when a person has "piles" of energy, OBE seems to happen of its own. So... that is my general question... what about energy.. what kinds of sources and techniques (like the oil thing) are out there.... and: is it all the same kind? If not, what ARE the kinds, or how does it vary?


9th June 2005, 05:44 PM
This section is from Robert's NEW training section and might be useful. But is all I can think to add because I'm suffering from a bit of insomnia right now and am feeling a little dumb headed.
http://www.astraldynamics.com/tutorials ... etinID=242 (http://www.astraldynamics.com/tutorials/?BoardID=6&BulletinID=242)

Donald McGlinn
9th June 2005, 06:26 PM
A few of the strongest sources of energy I have found is water, sunlight and lightening.

With the water, I find a different kind of energy comes from a large body of fresh water than comes from the ocean. I find dams very good sources for very clean, cleansing and energising energy.

Sunlight I use to raise my energies when it feels low or when I want soft mellow energy.

Lightening is very effective for raising large amounts of energy to use in healing or for other energy work.


9th June 2005, 10:16 PM
Dear MontanaHayseed,

To add to the list we can even tap energy by strong recall of a high energy event. Think of the smells, sounds, visual sites etc surrounding an event and you can tap into this event through time and draw energy from it. For example: A high energy crowd in a statium cheering. There are so many possibilities it is really sort of endless. Have you ever worked with akasha energy or with orgone energy?

Very Best Wishes,

10th June 2005, 10:57 AM
Energy is everywhere, plain and simple. In Chinese practices there is the life energy known as chi. In my unexperienced opinion this is probably the most basic and common form of all energies. But from this energy you derive many variations that are both positive and negative in nature. If newtonian physics can be trusted then all energy would be evenly distributed throughout existance. If that is in fact the case perhaps what we humans consider to be good sources of energy are in fact just the easiest ones for us to tap into. And perhaps animals and other spiritual beings find other forms easier to connect with. It is my belief that only when one is able to connect to the most primal form of energy, chi, that one can truly connect with their higherself and the source of all existance.

As for actually answering your question I have found that the earth itself is my most abundant source of energy. I never feel more energized and alive then when I am digging my way through dirt with my hands and feet.

10th June 2005, 05:25 PM
Dear Linksshadow,

I agree. The movie What the Bleep do We Know, discussed how we live in a sea of seething energy. However, like fish in the ocean we don't notice the water. Or like humans in air we do not really notice the air. This sea of seething energy is what is what some refer to as akasha energy.

Very Best Wishes,

10th June 2005, 05:59 PM
A lot of people advise doing nei gung exercises next to big, old trees. It has also been said that if you are feeling drained of energy to go out and, pardon the pun, hug a tree. I've never experimented with doing energy work outdoors next to trees, boulders or what not, but any time I'm relaxing and reading a book or something while sitting under a tree I always feel at peace, relaxed and very energized.

10th June 2005, 08:01 PM
I agree. The movie What the Bleep do We Know,
I don't believe that this one has reached these shores as yet or I am simply in the dark. I run with the idea that energy is prevalent and can be drawn on in a just in time manner but then my earlier activities included contact healing. My experience is that providing obstructions are kept reasonably cleared and coupled with somewhat frequent use good flows are possible. :)
So with the above I tend to aim for a neutral energy level unless otherwise required so I do find some energy raising practises a little strange but my start in this stuff had a different approach.
To the original poster and considering the above postings of freely available energy I would avoid specific drawing of energy from objects and animals due to the vampiric nature (but I guess a case could also be made for not doing it by proxy :) ) and also the nature of the energy may not be quite what we are expecting. Humans do have a tendency to anthropomorphise such things when the actual nature of such may be somewhat different and may add an unexpected component to the energy.

Donald McGlinn
10th June 2005, 08:48 PM
The movie What The Bleep Do We Know isn't on the normal movie circuit.

I would suggest looking up it's website as they have the showing schedule on there.

It is highly recommended viewing


p.s. I recommend you watch it without reading what it's about. the less preconceived ideas you have, the better :)

10th June 2005, 09:39 PM
The movie What The Bleep Do We Know isn't on the normal movie circuit.

I would suggest looking up it's website as they have the showing schedule on there.

It is highly recommended viewing


p.s. I recommend you watch it without reading what it's about. the less preconceived ideas you have, the better :)
Have already done some reading so too late to heed the advice :)
Not currently showing anywhere near me but it looks like the DVD may be coming available.

13th June 2005, 12:00 AM
THanks to everyone for all the useful responses!

I wll continue to puzzle about sources, measurability, and parrellels with more familar types of energy management (can it be conducted? What forms resistors? How about transistors? To what degree can the stuff be concentrated? Can it be bottled or packaged in some fashion? In what states does it occur? Canit be transformed from one state to another? Does the law of entropy apply? Etc.).


13th June 2005, 12:11 AM
I have a preference for trees. They are like giant energy beacons rooted into the ground!

13th June 2005, 02:00 AM
Hi all

I just finished reading an excellent book that deals with some of the questions asked in this thread.It`s called"Science and the Akashic Field" by Ervin Laszlo.In it, he makes a persuasive case that the zero point energy field that science is investigating is equivalent to the Akashic field that has a long history in various mystical traditions. Lazslo is a philosopher/scientist with very impressive credentials and is not afraid to break new ground. The book neatly laid out many ideas that I have intuitivly felt to be true.

Happy Trails

13th June 2005, 03:42 AM
Hi folks..!
I advise to visit (and learn from) website tagged "The teachings of Ki" at foolowing link:
As you'll see its author advices first gather dominion of NEW.
Best regards...
Natalia Parker

13th June 2005, 04:02 AM
Hi Donald..!
At your post you established:

Lightening is very effective for raising large amounts of energy to use in healing or for other energy work.

You want to say Lightening or Lightning (those huge sparks what rises in space between storm clouds and earth) ? At the second acception much more energy is of sure available, lightnings are a powerful source (but uncontrolable and wild) of energy.

By the way... for to gather energy from them do you advices to connect to a lightning rod (lightning conductor), like BenjamÃÂÂ♥n Franklin (its inventor) ?

:D Don't worry, that was a joke.

Best Wishes,
Natalia Parker

13th June 2005, 10:47 AM
What forms resistors? How about transistors?
These are not really storage devices although they may get hot which I accept is a form of storage ;)
One area of possible interest is to view areas of psychic/ magical operations and observe how the energy raised saturates etheric material (we call it goo simply because of its feel), this can sometimes be felt around churchs and other places that people gather in close proximity (small stores and the like). But it is not a method I choose as it can form a blot on the landscape in that it can effect others in the locality, rather prefering to draw energy on demand.

14th June 2005, 04:10 AM
THanks to everyone for all the useful responses!

I wll continue to puzzle about sources, measurability, and parrellels with more familar types of energy management (can it be conducted? What forms resistors? How about transistors? To what degree can the stuff be concentrated? Can it be bottled or packaged in some fashion? In what states does it occur? Canit be transformed from one state to another? Does the law of entropy apply? Etc.).


Dear folks...

MontanaHayseed has done a critical question.

By "energy" I will understand "energy from the viewpoint of N.E.W.".

Well, from my actual state of knowledge there are two references to such a type of energy.

1. The one related to works of a german man called Richter, who invented a special tool named "Orgon Condenser". By the way, if my memory is right, Richter researched on his properties in impovement of healing and increased rate of growth of vegetables.

2. The another related to works of a canadian inventor John Hutchison (google keyword: "poltergeist machine" or "Hutchison effect").

This are all the references that I can provide to forum members related to storage energy problem.

Natalia Parker

14th June 2005, 12:27 PM
Well, from my actual state of knowledge there are two references to such a type of energy.

Another reference to energy storage is the work of the Aetherius Society. they charge batteries during prayer meetings. Have never been near one so have no knowedge of their effectiveness.

Here is their site http://www.aetherius.org/

Have attended a presentation re. the Hutchinson effect. Came away with mixed feelings. Video of old film shown was not convincing for me but there are those with more direct experience who are convinced. The equipment shown looked to be essentially lots of high voltage equipment some of it said to be strangely connected and said to counter gravity.