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2nd November 2007, 08:34 PM
I am having trouble working with my legs. After a week I managed to raise some confident peculiar sensations in my big toe. Lesser toes are big mess for me. Stirring action is the most difficult. I think, its because i can't visualize/feel smooth movement of the point of awareness on certain areas. It moves somewhat discretely. Is it normal?
It takes a lot more time for me to start feeling something. Brainwave Gen 20 min, breath awareness 5-10 min, energy exercises nearly an hour. I don't feel satisfied if i haven't summoned tingling or buzzing or whatever else. Sometimes I repeat day exercises the next day or even days, because of not feeling completed them. Thus, my progression extends in time and that confuses me. Should I leave my progress as is and continue with program, or repeat my exercises when I am not confident in result?
I read somewhere through forum, that sensations easier a lot with progress. If that so, can you describe me more precisely what should I feel then?

2nd November 2007, 10:05 PM
I am having trouble working with my legs. After a week I managed to raise some confident peculiar sensations in my big toe. Lesser toes are big mess for me. Stirring action is the most difficult. I think, its because i can't visualize/feel smooth movement of the point of awareness on certain areas. It moves somewhat discretely. Is it normal? Yes. The other toes are not as sensitive as the big toe, but any sensation at all is ok.

It takes a lot more time for me to start feeling something. Brainwave Gen 20 min, breath awareness 5-10 min, energy exercises nearly an hour. I don't feel satisfied if i haven't summoned tingling or buzzing or whatever else. Usually that's ok, sometimes there's more sensation than other times, just try not to expect too much-avoid frustration.

Sometimes I repeat day exercises the next day or even days, because of not feeling completed them. Thus, my progression extends in time and that confuses me. Should I leave my progress as is and continue with program, or repeat my exercises when I am not confident in result? It's ok to repeat exercises if you are definitely not satisfied with the results, but I wouldn't do it more than three times- then it's time to move on.

I read somewhere through forum, that sensations easier a lot with progress. If that so, can you describe me more precisely what should I feel then? This is generally the case, but occassionally you get 'feeling flareups', so nothing is written in stone. But I think you have the right idea- maybe tingling, maybe a bit buzzing, sometimes just 'awareness of a body part'. Some parts are more sensitive than others, for example the feet and hands tend to be prob. the most sensitive. Some people by definition are more sensitive than others, so that is also a factor- makes the feedback more difficult, but please know that even if you don't have strong feeling it doesn't mean that the energy isn't flowing- it may mean that if flows already easily.

Thanks! You're welcome.

3rd November 2007, 12:57 PM
Sometimes, while listening brainwave generator I start feeling energizing all over my body which is followed by heaviness. By "energizing" I mean tingling and buzzing sensations like those I feel when I'm doing energy work. After a while I stop feeling energy and start feeling heaviness in my body. Is this some sort of trance?
I often catch myself following with my eyes while I'm doing energy exercises, especially while doing stirring action. (eyes are closed)
Do I have to avoid such attempts?

3rd November 2007, 03:07 PM
The feelings you get are normal, and believe it or not, they'll reduce the more you listen to it. I had the same reaction (and they are reported by people all the time) in the first tracks (the lucid dreaming ones). The later ones (closer to the last 'exit tech' ones) didn't have the same effect. I do not think this is due to trance- I think this is your brain getting used to these frequencies, and producing electrical feedback that are felt as vibrations or rapid muscle twitches. Just my observation.

I did this also at first. If it is annoying to you (as it was for me) try doing energy work with your eyes open and the lights off. This cures you of doing it, as it did me. If it doesn't bother you, then just ignore it. In other words, in and of itself, the problem isn't significant, but if it annoys you to the point of interfering in your concentration, then try this 'open eye' method. You decide which is less annoying. :lol: