View Full Version : Death

26th November 2007, 10:08 PM
I read what RB had to say about what he thinks death is like and i found that i think the same. So im just wondering (just for personal knowledge) if a person were to commit suicide would the same proces happen. Because in the bible is says that its a sin to commit suicide.

Thanks JS

Robert Bruce
1st October 2008, 04:57 PM

Suicide's far no differently in the afterlife than any other person.

You find in the afterlife what you take with you, by way of beliefs and expectations.

Suicide is no escape from life problems.

However, if persons suicide they are obviously troubled and they will have to process a lot more pain than most people would. This can take a long time, reliving their lives over and over until it is processed and accepted and understood. So in that sense, it could be said that suicides go to hells of their own making. The Buddhists say this can take several hundred years.

It is by comparison relatively fast and easy to process life events, even very painful ones, in the physical realm.
