View Full Version : I have a problem with separation..

28th November 2007, 12:00 AM
Hey. I've been practicing NEW Energy Ways for a while and have been working towards having an OBE. Lately, I can successfuly relax myself, clear my mind, move some energy around, and use an exit technique. When I'm using the exit technique I feel completely relaxed and as if I can't move my body. I always use the "third eye trigger", or atleast thats what ive been told its called, where I focus my eyes upward toward my forehead until I see two small yellow lines appear (i figured this out on my own, ive asked here and have been told its called the third eye trigger). So, I start to feel some vibrations and a feeling of being a bit outside my body, but after I feel I'm outside my body I once again feel in my body, and then it goes back and forth. I can keep this up and maintain the feeling of being out of my body for a small amount of time, but out of no where my eyes begin to drift open! It has occured to me last week that could be my astral vision, or astral "eyes" opening, but when I tried last night I was almost positive they were my real eyes. They opened gradually just like my normal eyes, and I could pretty much feel them.T hey also open from the perspective of my body, so they cant be my astral eyes. I always try to shut them, but they end up opening again until i am fed up and give up the projection attempt. Do you have any ideas on how to keep my eyes shut and immobile? Thanks alot!

Robert Bruce
1st October 2008, 08:54 PM

You are doing well. all you need do is practice.

You do not have to open your eyes during or after an OBE. your astral body does not have eyelids per se, so sight will just automatically happen.

If you feel your physical eyes opening, focus on relaxing and keeping them closed, and go on with what you are doing.
