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3rd December 2007, 04:11 PM

6th December 2007, 03:38 AM
dslandolfe, you said some really intelligent and some insightful stuff there, but i'm not sure how to respond to it, because you covered so many concepts that it would take a dissertation to cover them all.

I'm going to do some house chores and think about your post...i'm going to think about it and try to get to the bottom line of it...

6th December 2007, 05:01 PM
do you dream lucidly often, dslandolfe?

31st December 2007, 09:33 PM
The nature of dream lucidity is the fact, that in reality we can do everything, what we can do in lucid dream.


Because we never can propose any metaphysical argument, what can induce, that it exists some difference between "dream" and "reality".

Jenn Lynn
13th January 2008, 03:36 AM
i dunno... i can think of a few arguments for the differences between the dream world and the physical realm we inhabit...

i can definitely see a connection between developing awareness and becoming more fully involved in the "now," but it could be a combination of factors... one of the repercussions of bringing your mind away from thoughts of the past or future and focusing on the present is that you kind of clear out the transceiver sitting in your head, when you dont have all those thoughts cluttering up your mind, you clear the way for information to travel. this has been my experience with gaining awareness.

BUT, on the other hand, oddly enough, i find that as i divorce myself from the conceptions i have regarding who i am here in this physical realm, the conscious self that i have in the dream world is becoming more defined... im beginning to notice more of my own personality traits manifest there. and the awareness of self i have in conscious dreams is also beginning to bleed over into my unconscious dreams. so i dont know, im not entirely convinced that merging with the source means dissolution of self entirely. currently i see it as more of a caterpillar\butterfly event. :D


13th January 2008, 10:04 AM
I noticed, that in a dream we can have more consciousness and awareness than in a physical realm. We can´t say, that we are only in our head - for example in a dream. We are connected with immaterial - akashic principles, for example Astral Thought Forms System and other. In a dream we are floating in astral. It depends on our abilities we can make an AP form it or not. But we are communicating with astral constantly. It is possible to understanding the physical realm from astral, but it isn´t possible to understanding the astral from physical. It induce, that astral is higher than physical. And if we get control of astral systems, it obviously affect material systems.

In any case, astral is the source of our knowledge. Nothing can provide so much knowledge like spiritual way. :wink:

13th January 2008, 10:54 AM
The fact that I realized is that this only happens when absolutely 100% of our consciousness is in this moment and not distracted by thoughts of who we think we are based on our conditioned understanding of our selves based on the past, or projecting this understanding of our selves onto who we think we will be in the future.

Dslandolfe, this is definitely key for me. I don't know why it is so. I've always thought that it's about the preservation of energy but that assumes limits on consciousness. I certainly feel my consciousness is limited but that doesn't mean that the consciousness of others is as limited as mine. It could well be so for other reasons.