View Full Version : Energy Raising Question

3rd December 2007, 05:19 PM
Lately when I've been doing energy work, when im spunging up energy, as soon as it gets to the base center, and im spunging the energy ball through my torso, it starts swirving. It seems to be following thee condoits that cris cross the central channel. It always goes up my right side and then follows the condoit. I cant seem to get the energy ball to go directly through the central channel area. Can anybody help me?

3rd December 2007, 05:39 PM
What's wrong with allowing the energy to go where it wants to?

If you force the energy to go a different way when it is clearly taking a leading role, you can end up making yourself sick. This is probably a temporary situation if you allow your energy to do what it needs to do and then you can go back to what you are trying to do.