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4th December 2007, 08:28 PM
How do you start doing meditation! I can never relax, I have chanted lots of mantras before but I was always thinking about something else even though I was chanting the words as I just could not focus or relax. Someone mentioned something called NEW but I searched and couldn't find anything on it?
I want to work on 'opening the third eye' if thats the right terminology, I want to be able to project and to see astral things like other people here!

4th December 2007, 08:35 PM
NEW is in the AD Pedia. The link is in my sig.
But for simplicity's sake, sit on an interruption free spot, and revel in your placement for a bit. If you can just sit there and be in the center of your universe for 10 seconds, you've meditated.
Baby steps, as they say.
NEW=New Energy Ways (there's a direct link in the energy forum)

4th December 2007, 11:03 PM
I was always thinking about something else

Sometimes, you just have to let your thoughts flow. It's okay if you have some random thoughts while you are meditating. If the thought pressure gets to be too much, just release your thoughts.

Also, make sure you are physically relaxed and free of tension. Stretch, then imagine a light relieving all of your tension. It's very hard to focus if your body is not relaxed, so do this.

And try some different techniques to getting your mind relaxed. You can count down from 10(or whatever number). You can count your breaths, or just focus on your breathing entirely. I imagine that my mind is full of clouds. With each breath, I blow some of the clouds away. Eventually, I am left with a clear blue sky in my mind. For me, this really clams the thought pressure.

Also, I would suggest some type of hypnosis. Hypnosis will give you an experience of what it is like to be in a meditative state, to give you a better idea.

Good luck!


4th December 2007, 11:15 PM
Practicing physical relaxation is a good start. Start with your toes and really concentrate on them, and relax them. Just feel the tension flowing out. Then move up to your feet, ankles legs, etc. Stay as long as you need to on each area. If you feel yourself tensing up, go back and gently release the tension again.

Practice this regularly and you'll find you get better and better at it. I can do a full body relax in under a minute, sometimes instantly. It also carries over into "everyday" life, and I'm less physically tense almost all the time.

It takes dedicated practice, but it definitely and absolutely does work. I suffered from anxiety/panic disorder for many years, and yet I learned to do it (it took a long time and a lot of practice, but I did master it).

5th December 2007, 02:10 AM
How do you start doing meditation! I can never relax, I have chanted lots of mantras before but I was always thinking about something else even though I was chanting the words as I just could not focus or relax. Someone mentioned something called NEW but I searched and couldn't find anything on it?
I want to work on 'opening the third eye' if thats the right terminology, I want to be able to project and to see astral things like other people here!
The question is not "How do you meditate?" but "How do you meditate faster?" Meditation is a normal everyday thing. When you daydream, you're meditating. Some people even automaticaly meditate while they're brshing or coming their hair in the morning. i would give you a few meditative techniques from Robert Bruces' Mastering Astral Projection book, but i'm not sure if i can get in trouble for that (Mods?) :wink:

5th December 2007, 02:55 AM
We do it all the time-just keep it short, don't quote the whole chapter. Lol.

5th December 2007, 10:25 PM
Thanks everyone

7th December 2007, 02:48 AM
ok great. well here's one meditation technique from Mastering Astral Projection, that worked for me.

Elevator technique:

"1. Take a momement to stretch, relax, and resettle yourself.

2. Let your thoughts wind down and then clear your mind by focusing on breath awareness for a few minutes. You may find this easier if your first deal with any pressing thoughts or worries. Simply cnsider and deal with these for a few moments each and let them go. This will greatly ease their clamoring thought pressure. If you have serious problems, write the down to reming yourself to deal with them later; this will help silence them.

3. Imagine that you are in an elevator with one side-the side you are facing-open to bare rock or brick. Feel the elevator start moving down with you in it.

4. Imagine you can see the exposed side of the elevator shaft passing upward as you move downward, falling deeper and deeper into trance as you go. Imagine the texture and features of the shaft moving upward as the elevator carries you down, down.

5. Imagine you can see a large number as you pass a floor every few seconds, and count these as the elevator moves deeper and deeper. Call upon the memory of the last time you were in an elevator or go ride in one and relive and memorize the sensation. Remember the slight feeling of vertigo it causes in your stomach as it starts going down. Recreate this feeling; feel it with your body awareness. Keep imagining and feeling while this while making sure you do not allow your physical body to tense up. Feel your body letting go and sinking deeper and deeper into the trance state as you ride the elevator down, down, down..."

7th December 2007, 02:58 AM
The feeling of falling can occupy and relax the mind at the same time, making it an ideal meditation technique. The elevator feeling is one of my favorites, but I like the technique where you pretend you are a feather drifting down from a cliff. Both very relaxing....

8th December 2007, 05:50 PM
i also favor the smoke ring technique.

28th December 2007, 10:32 PM
Chips, could you tell us more about it?

27th February 2008, 12:51 PM
As everyone is different, I don' think that there is one way that will work for everyone. But this is what worked for me.

1. I set aside a time and place to meditate and do it every day. Your body and mind will start associating this time and place with meditation making it easier for you.

2. I wear loose fitting clothing

3. I started by sitting in a quiet place, sitting up straight, head slightly bowed, body relaxed, left hand under right hand, thumbs touching, hands in lap an inch or so under the navel.

4. Close eyes and start breathing in through the nse and out through the nose.

5. Pay attention to the in breath and the out breath...follow your breath mentally. But don't focus on it so hard that it is frustrating.

6. Thoughts will pop into your mind. As they do, simply tell yourself to let the thought pass and get back to your breath.

7. For first timers, see if you can do this for 5 minutes. Slowly increase the amount of time so that in a few weeks you can sit for 30 minutes.

8. You may also try labelling the thoughts that pop into your head, such as thoughts of the past, present, or future. Then letting them pass and sitting with your breath.

This is how I have done it and it has really worked well for me.

Good luck!