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View Full Version : Encounter with aliens?

4th December 2007, 10:49 PM
I had this dream a few months ago. I was in the shower when I suddenly remembered it, out of nowhere.

I was in my room. I was lying down in my bed, sleeping. It was night. Now, I have a sliding glass down on one wall of my room, which connects to my private deck outside. The weird part was that everything in my room was very detailed. Nothign was missing. In my dreams, there is usually only what needs to be there. There is usually not much detail at all.

I heard a whirring outside, which woke me up. The curtains hiding the glass door were blown to the side. A grey alien was standing on my deck, a weird light encoating it. It's eyes were blackish-blue, and very shiny. I was in a mixed state between awe and horror. I hid under my covers.

The alien creature raised a very long finger tip. It pressed it on the glass. light spread over the glass as it started to crack. The glass soon exploded in a blast of brilliant white.

I woke up. I was actually really scared. I affirmed that I would journal this dream, but soon forgot about it. ANd now I'm remembering it just now, months later.

Did this have something to do with aliens? It was all very strange and creepy. I have never had an encounter with aliens, if that was what it was, before or after this experience. Does anyone have any explanations for this dream?

4th December 2007, 11:52 PM
Instead of trying to figure out if you were visited, I would advise you to see how your life has been since you had this dream. I do not recommend that you try to analyze it too much or start having lots of thoughts about it. I'm sure there's many ways to look at it, but I just wouldn't. I think I'll send you a pm in a few minutes.