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View Full Version : aprehensive but curious

26th December 2007, 05:33 AM
I understand hemi-sync and brainwaves, I think. Im curious if it would help my messed up mom and I would like to see it's effect on me, anything to make this easier.. However, I havent had any luck integrating outside help in the past, it just made me feel normal (eek! Hsssss!) and threw a wrench in my own source of wisdom, so I dont want to spend loads of money to try something that probably wont work. I'm also aprehensive about picking random ones off the net for free/cheap.. theres a lot of people out there who want to harm others. Im especially interested in the alpha state.

26th December 2007, 11:22 AM
There's two easy ways into the alpha I can recommend: The Silva Method or getting a Hemi-Sync tape. Jose Silva's first book should sell at below 10 US$ and a Hemi-Sync tape at about US$16. Any HumanPlus tape from the TMI has a teaching exercise for learning to go to Focus 10 (an alpha state), and the MindFood CD "Transcendence" leads you into Focus 3, 10, 12. The TMI people say that you can go to these states again if you remember how they felt, so you can use the "Transcendence" tape for getting a feel for these states and revisiting them.

Hemi-Sync is not recommended to replace medical treatment, but maybe it can help with stress.

Take good care,