View Full Version : Health balls

29th December 2007, 01:48 AM
I just bought a pair of health balls. The ones you move around in your hand. They say it stimulates energy in ur hand but i dont seems to feel it (but theyre fun to use). Any one else use them and have different results?

30th December 2007, 06:09 AM
Are these the sort that have a chime inside each one? I have a set of those. I find the chiming quite pleasant and while I'm not positive it actually stimulates energy in my hand, it is good exercise for my hands (I have a long history of carpal tunnel problems, tendonitis, etc.).

Again, I think there is some intent stuff going on, as well, though. If you intend it to stimulate energy, it's more likely to do so, and the biggest key is that if you're concentrating on your hand, you're going to automatically stimulate the energy there, because where your thoughts go, so goes your energy.

31st December 2007, 01:09 AM
Ya those are the ones. I usually use them while watching TV so i never really focused on my hand, ill try it tho. But i bought them offline and my chimes are broken. Its those postal carriers.


7th January 2008, 09:57 AM
Ya those are the ones. I usually use them while watching TV so i never really focused on my hand, ill try it tho.

I think that is the key. When your awareness is elsewhere, you do not work your energy as much. Try moving the balls, and feel them fully on your hand. Where they touch, how your muscles feel, how things contract and unwind... Where your awareness goes, your energy goes. When your awareness is somewhere else, energy work is rather ineffective compared to what is possible if you keep a (relaxed) focus on what you are doing.

Take good care,