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View Full Version : F27 Ashram Colour Breathing Ceremonie

3rd January 2008, 03:28 AM
Hi All,

Just a quick note to see if anyone has any insights regarding this.

Spent the morning in projection. About 4 hrs worth. While there decided to meet and old friend. After a few click outs and back to my body instances. I was invited to what see called a "colour breathing" ceremonie at an Ashram.

I went and was told to write 3 things on a piece of paper- then to approach some type of priest who from what I could see burnt the parchment paper with my wishes on them and smudged my energy body with the smoke. At this time, I feel there was also a type of energy work initiation going to take place.

While waiting for my turn- and laughing to one of my best friends who I know here on the physical that its a shame he never recalls these experiences- I could feel myself starting to manifest or show symbols on my body ready for the ceremony.

The energy symbols that I projected/manifested were.

1) 2 Purple/violet Dragons mouth to tail on like a ying and yang combination-creating a circle on the front of my body. The dragon circle went from chest to navel. (this is called the sun stone area?)

2) On my forehead on my 3rd eye chakara- a large symbol appeared. It was one of a large circle about 10cms in diameter which was golden in colour. IN the middle but straddling he size of the circle was a symbol of an eye- red outlined in colour I think. Also from memory- I think around the eye was a golden triangle but Im not sure- since I could feel the energy imprints of both the symbols but only got flashes of what they looked like from the outside when I thought about it for a moment.

Also these symbols/energys I felt are already in me- and the activation of them had something to do with attuning myself for the ceremonie- rather than having them activated. Hence which is why I was activating/preparing the attunement before I stood before the priest or who ever he was.

Any insights?



3rd January 2008, 03:40 AM
Lots, but they'll take some time to put them together.
I just have to say how cool!!! 8) 8) 8)

Aunt Clair
4th January 2008, 01:50 AM
I was invited to what see called a "colour breathing" ceremonie at an Ashram.
Whose ashram was it ?

1) 2 Purple/violet Dragons mouth to tail on like a ying and yang combination-creating a circle on the front of my body. The dragon circle went from chest to navel. (this is called the sun stone area?)
The purple is a secondary colour of water which has been called the" l'eau de prima materia ". The sun stone is fire but the core of any energy centre is the opposite energy . The opposite of fire is of course water . Rings have manifested around me and my peers this week but not vertically . Yet I feel it is the same message from Mahatma . The rings we had were around the girth of the chest like a high belt , for example .

2) On my forehead on my 3rd eye chakara- a large symbol appeared. It was one of a large circle about 10cms in diameter which was golden in colour. IN the middle but straddling he size of the circle was a symbol of an eye- red outlined in colour I think. Also from memory- I think around the eye was a golden triangle but Im not sure- since I could feel the energy imprints of both the symbols but only got flashes of what they looked like from the outside when I thought about it for a moment.My peers and I also had an attunement on each stone . The moonstone is water and our ring of energy had a jewel on the third eye and was golden fire around the head .

Also these symbols/energys I felt are already in me- and the activation of them had something to do with attuning myself for the ceremonie- rather than having them activated. Hence which is why I was activating/preparing the attunement before I stood before the priest or who ever he was.
You might be interested then in learning about Initiatic Magick which is about receiving attunements in the ashrams of the masters . Many of us do this in dreamstate lessons without recall but if we sit daily in meditative trance we begin to recall our diverse journeys . Here are some authors who wrote on that ; Alice Bailey , Dr. Joshus David Stone , Helena Blavatsky , and James Hurtak .

Congrats on your initiation and on your recall too !

4th January 2008, 02:13 AM
Sounds like that's what's happening. I was also going to add that from what I've read the ourobouros ring also symbolizes the 'egg' surrounding the alchemical child, signifying some sort of 'cooking' going on-of the good kind. :D

4th January 2008, 02:39 AM
To Aunt Clair or CF:

You 2 speak or water and fire, moon and sun and these stones. I don't really know what you guys are talkning about, think you could post a link explaining it if there is one. dkane would probably want to know too.

Thanks JS

4th January 2008, 04:16 AM
Hi guys,

Thanks for the response.

AC in regards to recall i didnt realize you can actually go into trance to remember past events-interesting.

Is this like a past life regression or hypnosis situation?

All my "recall" is done in real-time. I guess I must be lucking in regards to this as I am lucid for a good 3-4hrs at night and usually become lucid or project at about 3-4am each morning an remain lucid until I shift to my physical body at about 8am. I dont really have a break in consciousness in this period -but sometimes do have click outs back to my body- but usually shift back after about 30 secs. Due to no break in consciousness and full to high lucidity my recall is the same as remembering and hour ago in the physical-because I dont really have a break in consciousness when I feel the shift back to the physical. I guess my mind doesnt really tell the difference between the two states because the lucidity is the same for me as the physical and I dont lose any memory when I shift to the physical?I just feel the movement and open my eyes.



4th January 2008, 04:25 AM
Oh I forgot.

What is the reason behind the attunements? What do they achieve? What are the symbols for?

In regards to who the Ashram was- Im unsure- I was just invited and didnt really ask- just spent time talking to my friends most the time and being told what I was meant to do by the cordintators.

I did though the day before have a visitaton by some sort of monk or priest who sat on my bed in robes cross legged who looked about the same as the person leading the ceremonie. I asked his name and he let out a laugh and told me a name I couldnt pronounce. It was in a language I dont recognise. But may have been Sanskrit or maybe Japanese it seemed a little slurred and he was laughing at the same time. But he sort of just sat there in gold robes cross legged. I didnt get a real close look unfortunately. I will ask next time.


4th January 2008, 04:42 AM
I posted a response but the computer flaked out so I take this as a message to go to sleep now. I'll try to answer your questions with what I know (or think I know) but dkane, look at what AC replied to me in my 'weird paralysis thing' to begin to answer your question. Tomorrow I'll rewrite something that explains things. Good night, guys.

Aunt Clair
4th January 2008, 07:54 AM
To Aunt Clair or CF:

You 2 speak or water and fire, moon and sun and these stones. I don't really know what you guys are talkning about, think you could post a link explaining it if there is one. dkane would probably want to know too.

Thanks JS
Well you probably know about the chakras which are stacked bottom to top like the visible light spectrum or a rainbow .Around each pair of chakras is a stone or as Robert Bruce calls them an energy storage centre . See the chart below . The stone of the crown chakra is not manifested until the Tree of Life is imbibed with light . The chakras fill slowly and naturally on each incarnation of a monad as the lessons of love are learned . Most people today are born with the 7 chakras lit . But there are many more beyond these that nest on the spine which is the trunk of the Tree of Life .
-------------Heavenstone female magnetic cool light bright moist air energy
--------------Moonstone female magnetic cold heavy dark wet water energy -Shen intuitive psychic ie clairience
--------------Sunstone male electric hot light bright dry fire energy -Chi vital essence - ie healing
---------------Earthstone male electric warm heavy dark damp earth energy -Ching regenerative -ie OBE

The nature of the stone allows for the development of certain metaphysical abilities and the core of the stone is the reciprocal energy .

Here is a link to more about the stones

and reading IIH by Franz Bardon would be most helpful to your understanding of energies .

Aunt Clair
4th January 2008, 10:00 AM
AC in regards to recall i didnt realize you can actually go into trance to remember past events-interesting.

Is this like a past life regression or hypnosis situation?
The megician can
open in protection
deep cleanse breath crown to toes
raise energy toes to crown
lie down
affirm your intention to see a past life
slow breahe
enter trance
watch the visions that appear

There are some good CDs that have meditations to regress I like the One by "Artemis " the best . It can be googled and bought on line .

What is the reason behind the attunements? What do they achieve? What are the symbols for?
It is easier to see a vision then to hear a teacher . The attunements lift the vibration of the mystic allowing them to ;
attain higher realms
see and hear the teaching spirits more clearly
to ascend
to improve all metaphysical abilities ie remote viewing , psi shouting etc .

I did though the day before have a visitaton by some sort of monk or priest who sat on my bed in robes cross legged who looked about the same as the person leading the ceremonie. I asked his name and he let out a laugh and told me a name I couldnt pronounce. It was in a language I dont recognise. But may have been Sanskrit or maybe Japanese it seemed a little slurred and he was laughing at the same time. But he sort of just sat there in gold robes cross legged. I didnt get a real close look unfortunately. I will ask next time.
It is difficult to say but it sounds like Kuthumi .Kuthumi looks nothing like the images I have seen on the net . One person some time ago drew him to look like Christ and he has never been drawn anyother way since . But he is a punjab . His beard is quite round and soft . He is dark in complexion . His face is round . He often sits crosslegged in flowing robes and a turban . He has a wonderful sense of humour and laughs often .

Aunt Clair
25th February 2008, 10:51 PM
Rereading this , I realised I may not have understood the question . It is possible to trance and see the past lives a circle has had together and in circle a group of mystics can trance and attaining a realm in mystic projection and bi location , give off what they see and hear . In this way they recall more of the journey .