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View Full Version : Turquoise's Aunt

10th January 2008, 03:15 AM
Turquoise has asked me to make this post here for him, as he seems to be having some difficulties logging on, but that is a different story.

His aunt has cancer, and has just had most of her teeth removed because the radiation will rot them. So prayers and any healing energies are appreciated!

Thank you.


10th January 2008, 03:17 PM
My prayers are with his aunt, and him too.

Neil Templar
10th January 2008, 04:10 PM
hey i read a book years ago-THE JOURNEY by BRANDON BAYS.
it's her story of how she beat cancer by self healing,on a molecular level,thru meditation.
apparently now she does seminars to teach folk how to do the same...

anyway,i've lost a few family members to cancer over the years unfortunately. my thoughts are with him and his Aunt.