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19th November 2005, 05:44 PM
Now that I have thrown myself back in energy work, I started experiencing a problem I had when I begun- When I do any kind of bouncing/(especially the full-body bounce) My eyes start to follow the mental picture of my body- when I try to stop them they go into a REM-like activity (they just go crazy) as I move energy around. This is extremely difficult to stop and I end up with either a headache or extreme tension in my 3d eye area. I tried holding my eyes to a spot when I do it but it also gives me a headache.
1) Does anyone else experience this?
2) And if they have, how did they manage?
Thanks for your help! :roll:

19th November 2005, 08:11 PM
I find that sometimes minor muscles in my eyes move, or perhaps it is energy moving simultaniously near my eyes, I cannot tell which.

I know that my eyes themselves are not specifically moving because I can do the same excersize open eyed, without my visions moving. I have even experimented in front of mirrors, and can tell that my pupils themselves are definatly not moving.

It is interesting to note, though, that in some Daoist excersizes, every time you do a major energy draw you want to feel a slight muscle tension in your eyes. Perhaps this is a natural effect that could be used effectively.

Clearly though, as you have shown, fighting activly against this is detimental. I have not experienced the REM-like sensation that you discribed, but it is sounds like it is probably caused by your applying mild tension to an area that is very relaxed by your meditation, like how muscle spasms often occur.

Do your eyes have clear physical movements when you are doing your energy work, or is it more subtle like I discribed?

20th November 2005, 09:57 PM
Hi Celeborn- I think it's more subtle than what it seems- when it gets to be obnoxious and I pay attention to the eye area I don't feel them move, but it almost feels as if they move "on the inside", as weird as that sounds. It's more like the muscles around or behind?(I don't even know if we have muscles behind the eyes, but that's what feels like it's moving.) So maybe it is energetic and it'll go away (or settle down). Hmmm. :roll:

1st December 2005, 01:15 AM
How long have you been doing your session before the REM thing starts? How long after it starts to you start to feel headachy?

1st December 2005, 02:38 PM
It depends- sometimes it doesn't happen at all, sometimes within the minute. I think it depends on how tired I am, and the headachy thing has happened on and off since chakra work was introduced. I am almost into the 10th week (I took a few months off due to exhaustion and possibly Neg-related experiences) I've actually been working the program longer than that.

2nd December 2005, 05:16 PM
Would you say the REM thing happens when you are more tired?

2nd December 2005, 09:14 PM
I hate to be vague, but I haven't decided if I "pseudo-rem" because of being tired, or get tired because the eye-movement is exhausting. But I think maybe it happens more when I'm tired, since for a while I was passing out after doing pre-stimulation exercises, not even making it to primary center work.

5th December 2005, 02:14 PM
Update on my problem: This weekend was brutal, especially Sunday, because I had to work, we had company and ended up having to clean the house and do laundry in the evening after they left to get ready for the week. When I finally threw myself in bed I was bone tired but wide awake, so I decided to do energy work to try to relax enough to be able to sleep. Well, I did breathing exercises, cloud breathing, energy raising, count-down breathing, you name it, and when I felt my muscles start to relax, I started with prestimulation of the legs. Well, let me tell you!! My eyes physically went nuts, REM started fast and uncontrollable. Even thinking of my feet made the eyes go at 100 miles an hour, and my forehead muscles began to twitch. I also noticed a very firm pressure on my third eye area. It was so bad, that to stop it I took my pillow, put it on top of my forehead & eyes and the combination of pressure on the area stopped the movement and it also straightened my body in such a way that I could feel the flow from the bottom of my feet all the way to the top of my head. I could also feel the energy go from my bottom chakra all the way to the top of my head- it felt like it was going all the way through my head- like someone had "popped" a lid (like a stopper) and was flowing from the bottom up. I briefly wondered if this is what kundalini felt like, definitely snake-flow like (but no pain or hallucinations) just energy flow- very fluid. After a while I went to sleep and had sweet dreams.
Mr. Mercer- do you have any theory about this?

12th December 2005, 11:13 PM
First, going into REM seems to happen when you do your energy work when you're over-tired. I suspect you may also be susceptible to easily slipping into trance states, which adds to the problem. The ideal solution would be to avoid energy work when you're the least bit tired. If this can't be avoided, try doing the exercises with eyes open. This, of course, won't work when trying to actually OBE, but this should help prevent you from slipping too deeply into trance (and thus REM) when you're doing practice energy work. Using more "slight discomfort" would help, too, but the best advice would be to do the work when you're better rested. Would it be feasible to try taking a 20 minute nap first (20 minutes, no more, no less)?

What you experienced is not as such a full Kundalini rising; if that happened you'd know it, believe me. This is the some type of energy, just not the text-book Kundalini rising that one might occasionally hear described. That 3rd eye/brow center activity could have been a brow center strobe effect (see MAP and AD for more info) which can be a quite visceral experience. It's a perfectly harmless phenomenon, but startling if you don't know what it is.