View Full Version : Hmm...fillling subnavel seems to stimulate primary centers?

28th January 2008, 01:11 AM
I've been sending energy to my subnavel storage center exclusively apart from activating the arms and legs as described in NEW. A lot of systems besides NEW also say that filling that center exclusively is really safe and will be kind of a catch all to doing much of anything else. I've also felt recently that my base center, and to a lesser extent the genital center, needed energy. However, after seeing how powerful this stuff is I just have been sticking with the subnavel. But.....it seems that while I'm moving energy to the subnavel, it then distributes it to the base and genital centers. I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced this. ANd also perhaps posting it because it seems to validate how safe it is to fill the subnavel. Most traditions that I've read into and practiced (though I've never felt the energy like I have recently, not by a long shot) have advocated this method, basically saying that if the subnavel storage has enough energy, it will intelligently distribute it throughout the other centers. Usually it is said it will awaken the heart center in a very balanced and safe manner. Anyone else know anything about this/experienced it?

28th January 2008, 12:49 PM
The Lower Dantien, or sub-navel storage, is something like the energy railyard of your physical and etheric bodies. It does not only store, but also regulate - helping to keep your system in balance. As long as energy is circulating freely in your system, it will be effectively regulated by the sub-navel storage. Working with your sub-navel storage is therefore rather safe and can lead to an abundance in energy and health.

This self-regulating system can be thrown off-balance by blockages, but still the sub-navel is a good place to start. Many meditation techniques work on the sub-navel storage to center and ground the meditator.

About the chakras - they interconnect with the main energetic lines or vessels and channels of the energy body, and these all incorporate the Lower Dantien.

About the sub-heart storage - Robert writes that the sub-navel storage can overflow into the heart storage and that this is a safe way to fill the heart, but that filling the heart storage directly can lead to emotional imbalances. Generally opinions about this effect differ - some say, this does not happen. As in a physically healthy and vital person that is still emotionally a jerk or imbalanced. I do not know, but it is my personal speculation that if a person is also emotionally open, this overflow happens, and if a person is blocked and emotionally tightened up, it does not.

Physical/etheric development does not spare you the emotional work, however it can severely ease the process by opening up energy flow and unblocking awareness required for it. Some schools force this emotional process by unleashing energy at it - which can lead to emotional turmoil like if you tried to unleash the stress and trauma of years within minutes - head-on. Most meditation practices favor a softer approach of recognising and resolving your emotions in some way, and this surely helps developing the heart center and its associated storage most.

Take good care,

28th January 2008, 09:43 PM

Thanks that was really informative. I've *read* most of this stuff and to some degree I think I've done nearly all of it in an unconscious fashion, but feeling it so strongly is VERY new to me. So hearing that the sub-navel overflows is one thing, but it's nice to check with others to see if it actually happens in practice.

As far as schools of thought, the one I've followed is summed up in a tantric quote "Plunge into the poison". I'm not sure of the exact story but it was about 3 monks, a hindu, a buddhist, and a tantric all debate how to understand a poisonous flower or something. Like everyone else seems to say, I don't recommend it. But I've always had the opinion(this is totally an opinion) that if you can't go for it all in search of truth, you might as well not go at all. While true, being dumb and banging yourself into a wall to get through it is often not the best approach.....

By doing things this way I find myself....here. I have basically developed backward with many of the higher qualities having no grounding. So the boring work of brushing my toes is *sorely* needed for me. I'll tell everyone a little secret lol....if you don't have your basic energy raised up and nice and healthy, you can have all the psychic power in the world but you won't have enough energy to use it! It can also cause such fun side effects as thinking your crazy, doing extremely silly things because you can't handle your third eye energy you were so interested in, and degenerating for years at a time just to say, "oops!". Shortcuts sadly don't work.

But I have cleared out quite a bit of emotional gunk this way and now my energy body is moving quite fast by all accounts. I would be alarmed normally except that I am exclusively concerned with filling the lower dantien but I'm seeing major chakra activation all over my body. This is the result of trying too hard to get high before I was grounded. In retrospect it really wasn't neccessary but.....I guess it makes for a cool story, or hopefully will lol.

29th January 2008, 10:22 AM
That's indeed interesting and ties in nicely with what Robert writes about energy body and chakra development. That it requires a balanced approach so that the chakras develop evenly, and also secondary energy centers need to be developed in order to make the energy strong and capable of sustained energy flow.

If you look for more info about Robert's methods that go beyond the good NEW tutorials, have a look at Robert's book "Energy Work", too.

Take good care,

2nd February 2008, 08:28 PM
Wow, we really are similar LuxFlux.. Guess we arent so alone in the world afterall huh? :)

I've been having pain in my subnaval whenever I put the energy back after doing my thing. Normally its just a little amount of pain, but last night it was like it exploded when I put the energy back into it, it stung quite bad for awhile after, and it still hurts. It isnt physical related, it markedly hurts more when I return the energy to it, and when I take the energy out for practice it feels fine. I thought growing pains but it should have stopped hurting by now. Wierd things have been happening lately, the energy I witness in meditation changed a lot, and the things I see are very different. I had a strange dream about it also. So many coincidences I think they must be related. But after reading
Robert writes that the sub-navel storage can overflow into the heart storage and that this is a safe way to fill the heart it presents a possible explanation. I have had a blocked heart, something I have been making some progress in. But it may still be blocked enough to prevent energy from flowing over from my sub. Now that I think about it, the pain does feel just like a super high concentration of energy packed into a ball unable to go anywhere. Hmm.. but on the other hand, I witnessed all my heavenly circuits flowing for the first time last night. I didnt think circuits could flow with chakra blockage. But perhaps the heavenly circuits and the chakras are in different dimensions and contain seperate energy forms?

This might actually be related to the "charged music" topic I posted about energy overflowing to an external storage.

3rd February 2008, 08:04 PM
From the small bit of energy work I've been doing with NEW it does seem that there are levels to flow and blockages. I've felt blockages clear and an increase in overall energy movement only to discover a deeper blockage shortly thereafter. I understand this is typical as well. It seems the energy can flow through at some level depending on how blocked up an area is, but there are multiple degrees of this flow. It doesn't seem contradictory because currently my energy is see-sawing between high and low. I've attributed that to the clearing of blockages, which raises more energy, which finds more blockages etc. I'm not sure how long the clearing process continues, perhaps for years but the overall feel is one of increased energy.

From what I've done and what I've read in Robert's book on energy, it seems you can either leave blockages alone and raise energy gently or push right at them, although the effects will be more acute but most likely shorter. Kind of like ripping a bandaid off fast or slow. I usually opt to just go right at it but I may not do that if I hit a really tough block. Lately I've been much more aware of just how many of these blockages there are. There seem to be sooo many but I'm sure my energy has increased enormously, so I think that energy still flows in some way even if you are very blocked as it seems to be in my case. I still feel pretty good so I suppose it can only get better :)

I think the energy body generally has some kind of intelligence for how much it can handle, similar to the physical. I'm sure if I was able to push too much energy through at once I'd be really sick and perhaps die from all the toxins released from cracking the many blockages I am aware of. It seems to me that it isn't only the NEW movements but the amount of energy released as well, and this seems proportional to ones growth. Usually the pressure I've felt in a blockage is just uncomfortable enough to force growth, but not *too* overwhelming. Should be exciting to feel your heart area clear alaskans!

3rd February 2008, 10:38 PM
a hindu, a buddhist, and a tantric all debate...

And the bartender says, "What is this, a joke?"

Sorry. I had to. A bit of humour never goes astray. ;)

4th February 2008, 09:05 AM
From what I've done and what I've read in Robert's book on energy, it seems you can either leave blockages alone and raise energy gently or push right at them, although the effects will be more acute but most likely shorter. Kind of like ripping a bandaid off fast or slow.

Here I disagree with Robert, because I had the same feeling that this is what Robert is recommending when reading the blockages chapter in "Energy Work". Robert uses tools like a "jackhammer", and so on, and I simply wouldn't do that. I don't know why, maybe I am having very different sensations of Robert, but every time I tried to force a blockage I was just in a world of pain. To me some of Robert's methods seem to recommend just that. I would say if that works and is bearable strongly depends on the amount of blockage and what you can endure. I can only say this does not work for me.

I also had problems with energy raising, so I had to find a rather fine-tuned method of energy blockage countering, which I found in the methods named "Outer Dissolving" and "Inner Dissolving". Unlike other methods these techniques exclusively center on working with blockages and removing them. They basically helped me regain a lot of life quality in restoring my body and also helping me with stress and emotional pain over time.

viewtopic.php?f=46&t=9353 (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=46&t=9353)

I usually opt to just go right at it but I may not do that if I hit a really tough block. Lately I've been much more aware of just how many of these blockages there are. There seem to be sooo many but I'm sure my energy has increased enormously, so I think that energy still flows in some way even if you are very blocked as it seems to be in my case. I still feel pretty good so I suppose it can only get better :)

Energy blockages are seldom total blocks. I guess total block would also mean that the respective tissue supported by this energy would be dead or dying. So let's assume energy blockages just denote reduced energy flow. When you clean them up, you increase energy flow, and your channels surge with new energy "downstream". Now you become aware of the places all along the channel that were less blocked, but still blocked in a way. Like removing a blaring siren from a room just to notice there are several radios playing - removing the worst offender makes you aware of lesser offenders.

I think the energy body generally has some kind of intelligence for how much it can handle, similar to the physical.

And similar to the physical body this intelligence is limited in that way that it can be overridden by the conscious mind.

I'm sure if I was able to push too much energy through at once I'd be really sick and perhaps die from all the toxins released from cracking the many blockages I am aware of.

This might IMO be one of the side effects of a premature Kundalini raising - clearing out more blockages at once than the body can handle without going into shock.

It seems to me that it isn't only the NEW movements but the amount of energy released as well, and this seems proportional to ones growth.

Each energy blockage removed increases the total systems capacity to handle energy and reclaims a bit of awareness for stronger awareness in more energy work. As long as you keep practising the process is self-accelerating, with temporary setbacks. (It's not linear, but the tendency is towards improvement)

Usually the pressure I've felt in a blockage is just uncomfortable enough to force growth, but not *too* overwhelming.

My personal hypothesis about energy body intelligence is this: Some of our resurfacing blocks that come up during meditation or energy work are what our body "thinks" is the next problem we should abolish. This also means the problem is somehow solvable or at least you can do something to ease it.

Take good care,

4th February 2008, 09:19 AM
it presents a possible explanation. I have had a blocked heart, something I have been making some progress in. But it may still be blocked enough to prevent energy from flowing over from my sub. Now that I think about it, the pain does feel just like a super high concentration of energy packed into a ball unable to go anywhere. Hmm.. but on the other hand, I witnessed all my heavenly circuits flowing for the first time last night. I didnt think circuits could flow with chakra blockage. But perhaps the heavenly circuits and the chakras are in different dimensions and contain seperate energy forms?

I think the answer is not as complicated. Different parts of your energetic anatomy can be blocked regardless of the other, depending on your personality and how you live your life.

If you have the feeling you "overfill" the sub-navel, you could "circulate off" the energy instead. Take the energy out of sub-navel, and circulate it up the back and down the front (connect the tongue to the roof of the mouth while doing this). The energy will open up the two main vessels, and when the two main vessels are full, they will overflow into the twelve primary meridians, and open them up, giving health to your organs. When the primary meridians overflow, they give health to everything else in your body, until the energy cleanses up the millions of small "Luo" in your body and evaporates through your skin to strengthen your "Guardian Qi", which is your first layer of disease defense.

This "circulating off" is usually practised with enery raising and storing techniques - raise the energy level, and cleanse the body by circulating off. This is one method of taking advantage of high energy levels.

If you run into pains during this process, you have strong blocks. In this case, depending on your ability to handle that, you might want to ground the energy instead and work on the blocks first.

When you open up your channels and cleanse yourself of physical and etheric problems, your capacity to feel and clear emotional problems will increase and this might help in opening your Middle Tantien / sub-heart storage. This center is your access to the emotional and mental bodies and their more subtle energies, which reside in your energy anatomy, too, but more subtle and therefore harder to feel. That's why a cleansing of the channels of blockages of the etheric kind can help in finding those and at the same time to gather the energy levels required to work with them.

Take good care,

5th February 2008, 12:55 AM
Ooops another post didnt post (line was dropped) I didnt have anything usefull to say anyways.

This "circulating off" is usually practised with enery raising and storing techniques - raise the energy level, and cleanse the body by circulating off. This is one method of taking advantage of high energy levels.

If you run into pains during this process, you have strong blocks. In this case, depending on your ability to handle that, you might want to ground the energy instead and work on the blocks first.
I was doing that exercise. I had a bad throat block at the time.

Different parts of your energetic anatomy can be blocked regardless of the other, depending on your personality and how you live your life.
I know the reason for the throat block. And I havent been having thoughts up to par with how I like to think (because of recent subjects I have had to face), I disolved most of the thoughts I didnt like. But it could have conjested my energy body. I was curious if others sometimes had acute pain during energy work, seems so. There is often a little pain, but it becomes acute when I am around energy that is very different from my own. That night the energy was very foreign, I didnt like it, but I dont think I could call it bad. The other times were when I visited LA for 4 days (felt like 4 weeks... >flashback< gack! :shock: how can life survive there? makes me sick just thinking of the place, sorry), actually I started getting pains when I was about 200 miles from LA. I dont go looking for blocks, I mainly clear them by changing my actions, but maybe I should, one could probably make very rapid progress clearing them both ways.

Should be exciting to feel your heart area clear alaskans! Very. I tell you, you guys are lucky to have yours freed.

Sorry. I had to. A bit of humour never goes astray. ;) Yea! :D

5th February 2008, 09:03 AM
Hello, Alaskans.

I was doing that exercise. I had a bad throat block at the time.

Different parts of your energetic anatomy can be blocked regardless of the other, depending on your personality and how you live your life.
I know the reason for the throat block. And I havent been having thoughts up to par with how I like to think (because of recent subjects I have had to face), I disolved most of the thoughts I didnt like.

Blocks to the throat chakra could mean that you don't speak your truth, don't speak your mind in the presence of others, also could mean self-loathing inner dialogue. Dissolving of blocks in the throat is part of my routine, because I need it.

But it could have conjested my energy body. I was curious if others sometimes had acute pain during energy work, seems so.

Pain is sensation driven to the extreme - an overload of the senses that we perceive as negative. I once dissolved actual physical pain - I either broke my toe or a capsule at that time, and opening that up in energy work is like diving into pain headon, but it helped.

Many blockages are points were we block our own sensations because we don't like them - physical pain, emotional pain, the pain of thought. Energy work restores this awareness, and discomfort can arise during the healing.

There is often a little pain, but it becomes acute when I am around energy that is very different from my own. That night the energy was very foreign, I didnt like it, but I dont think I could call it bad. The other times were when I visited LA for 4 days (felt like 4 weeks... >flashback< gack! :shock: how can life survive there? makes me sick just thinking of the place, sorry), actually I started getting pains when I was about 200 miles from LA.

IMO it helps to visualise a bubble around yourself with the intent to shield yourself of the ambient energy and also with the intent to charge the interior of the bubble with positive emotions.

I dont go looking for blocks, I mainly clear them by changing my actions, but maybe I should, one could probably make very rapid progress clearing them both ways.

One reinforces the other. Working on the blocks removes resistance to changing behaviour. Changing behaviour can ameliorate the blocks.

Take good care,

5th February 2008, 03:21 PM
LOL @ alaskans talking about LA. I went there a couple years ago and all I could think of was the biblical verse about shaking the dust off your feet when you leave.....yuck.

Olderwiser.....I'm just gonna shake my head at you. Smart ass. :) It's sad I didn't even notice that when I wrote it....

And how did Korpo get so smart lol?

Just last night I had some interesting new experiences with blockages. I think it was said above (by Korpo?) that energy work tends to be a "two steps forward, one step back" process sometimes. This has been my experiences. I cleared some blockages, mostly in my feet, and experimented with dealing with some core image removals as I found them. I'm not sure, but I think I was successful. I can say after doing major work with blockages and images like this I had about 5 days where I felt lethargic, spacey, and tired, but I was still able to function decently. Then last night I laid down to do some work, which I've not done much of because I was "sleeping it off" in a sense, and felt a drastic upsurge in feeling the energy actually moving as I've not felt before. This has continued into the morning.

I make two observations from this. If you clear a lot of stuff intensively, it is more painful, it can shut you down a little while you heal up, but if you have the time it is probably ultimately faster. Also, it seems that what RB has said is true in my case as well, that clearing a blockage makes you feel a bit empty until you fill it with new energy. I think going at a blockage head on is ok if you have few obligations and lots of time (I'm a college student so....that's me.), but if you are working or a parent, etc. another approach is probably better. Some blockages caused acute pain for a short period (the feet and the site of my broken arm especially), and after clearing those I felt most "vacant". But if you have the time and can handle it I think it is worth it. However, I've not eoncountered a huge block that might derail me for longer yet, so I'm not sure if that holds for all cases. But I tend to hit stuff head on so I'll let ya know. My suspicion is that most of the largest blocks have been cleared before this time externally through my life and the other work I've done.

And an interesting aside about the throat chakra - I've heard in Kabala it also corresponds to ones connection with the higher self as well as the attributions korpo has named. Something to think about I suppose.

Oh....forgot. The only other byproduct of this heavy blockage "attacking" has been a few nights of strange nightmares....I NEVER have them. My first in years. They have yet to subside, but they aren't horrible either. Perhaps a way of my subconscious pitching in and releasing in its own manner? Not sure yet. Maybe someone else has experienced this also?

5th February 2008, 03:43 PM
Hey, LuXFluX.

I agree with your observations, and what you cite from Robert has been my observation very often, too.

It happens to me if I go to the "fatigue level" or strain myself at some level of mind - this can be mental exhaustion, when I keep up concentration after I can do so without strain (= force myself). This can be when my body already shows slight toxic reactions, like rising of body temperature, headaches and other things. If I stop before that or as soon as this conditions arise, this "step back" can be largely avoided.

I know from personal experience that ambition to get rid of the remaining discomfort is often stronger than the "voice of reason". ;)

Take good care,