View Full Version : Is heart more relevant than brain..?

28th January 2008, 06:15 PM
Dear Sir...

Mainstream Science viewpoint tell us brain is main structure related to conciousness, personality and mental development. But recent discoveries in the New Age borderline, point to heart and its related neural networks as residence site of personality. Apparently, heart transplant results in a partial personality transplant. ¿What's your opinion about such claims..? ¿Or may be it all nothing but a fake..?

I remember have seen a special at Discovery Channel or Infinito Channel but with precision about date or issue label, I don't remember.

http://www.nexusmagazine.com/articles/C ... ories.html (http://www.nexusmagazine.com/articles/CellularMemories.html)


Robert Bruce
2nd October 2008, 10:28 PM

The brain is a transceiver, the interface between your mind, which exists in spirit, and your body.

Your entire body is a part of your mind and certain areas, like the heart center, have special properties. The heart is your seat of emotion and your feelings.

Your higher self works most strongly through your emotions and feelings and urges.

Follow your heart and you'll never go wrong, life wise. It might lead you down some dark and scary pathways at times, but only to get you to the light on the other side, light you'd never have found otherwise.

Its like picking out a significant other with your mind.....fraught with danger...as if there is no chemistry and heart there, the relationship is doomed to boredom and unhappiness. Following your heart might be a wild ride, but you'll learn and grow and always be where you need to be.
