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1st February 2008, 02:13 AM
Don't know if this is the right place.

But i'm wondering if anyone has a technique or something to help bring back an old event with clearer details. I figure this might have something to do with shadow memory. But any ideas?

Thanks JS

1st February 2008, 08:37 AM
What is "shadow memory"?

Bruce Moen recommends a technique for memories of both the normal kind also altered state memories, in which you try to expand from some initial starting point. Then you try to remember sensations of all kinds, everything that makes a memory vivid - smell, color, sound, etc. - until you get to something close to reexperiencing it.


2nd February 2008, 04:37 PM
Hmm ill try that.

Shadow memory is those memory's that are on the tip of your brain but u just can't remember them. Like during the day u see something, mabye a car, and then a dream from last night reoccurs in your head. The car triggering the remembering of that dream, that would be shadow memory recall.

Thnaks JS

15th February 2008, 04:42 PM
Carlos Castaneda describes a technique called the "recapitulation" which is a detailed re-living of all past experiences. Done correctly, this lengthy process is said to make available to the pratitioner previously unavailable energy. Castaneda also combines this practice with silencing the internal dialogue.

Eckhart Tolle has somewhat similar things to say about the emotional/energy body and the silence of the Now.

Robert Bruce has an excellent article recently on void meditation which will blend nicely with these similar/compatible practices.

So I guess what I am saying is; harness your untapped/scattered energy by intentional memory revisiting (not random self-pity/indulging/wallowing) in combination with the practice of void meditation. Then come back and share your results.

18th February 2008, 09:17 PM
Wow, it's completely offtopic, but I just had to say that:
I was in the bedroom of my father to check something, when I saw a book laying down on the floor. It was called 'The Power of Now'. I dunno why I looked at it, but remembered we had it for quite some time. Anyway, it appears to be a book from Eckhart Tolle :mrgreen:. The last time I saw that book I didn't gave it any attention. It's really already there, you just have to see it!

18th February 2008, 09:42 PM
Major coinkidink! Read the book or listen to the audiobook on your iPod (they probably have the cd at your local library).

5th March 2008, 11:13 PM
harness your untapped/scattered energy by intentional memory revisiting (not random self-pity/indulging/wallowing) in combination with the practice of void meditation...

thats a very very good summary...

I guess thats what I have been trying to do...