View Full Version : Question about energy work

9th February 2008, 04:30 AM
This is a little embarrassing - but I've been doing energy work for the last few months, and in a couple of situations recently it has become intensely erotic (eroticism centered not on the genital chakra but the heart chakra) - I feel like (and I'm sorry if this sounds blasphemous, it isn't meant that way) like I'm making love with the whole cosmos, or more precisely that it's having its ecstatic way with me.

I stopped energy work for a while after this first happened, because I didn't know if I was doing something horrible, or dealing with an evil entity. I'm a (gnostic) Christian, have prayed about this, and am reasonably assured this is an okay thing. I just need to know if it's "normal", or perhaps I am doing something wrong.

I have yet to even try OBE's, I'm working my way up to that with the energy work I'm doing.

Any guidance/advice would be most appreciated.

Thanks in advance, and God's blessings.

9th February 2008, 04:43 AM
It sounds perfectly normal to me. *shrugs*

Why don't you see how far you can go with this?

9th February 2008, 05:17 AM
I've been doing energy work for the last few months, and in a couple of situations recently it has become intensely erotic (eroticism centered not on the genital chakra but the heart chakra) - I feel like (and I'm sorry if this sounds blasphemous, it isn't meant that way) like I'm making love with the whole cosmos, or more precisely that it's having its ecstatic way with me.

That's bliss. I get it, too, sometimes. It is almost sexual (but not quite). I think this is because humans associate intense pleasure/bliss with sex, rather than it being actually sexual.

I'm a (gnostic) Christian, have prayed about this, and am reasonably assured this is an okay thing. I just need to know if it's "normal", or perhaps I am doing something wrong.

Nope. God DOES love you that much. :)

The bliss can be very intense, yes, but believe it or not, you do kind of build something of a tolerance to it. It doesn't get less blissful, but you get to where you handle it better and you're not so freaked out. When it first started happening to me, I would walk around and get NOTHING done because I was just "blissed out". It's better now. Still blissful, but I still manage to function in the material world and I don't feel like I'm on the edge of orgasm all the time (hard to think in that state ;)).

Thanks in advance, and God's blessings.

You're welcome, and right back atcha. ;)

9th February 2008, 05:58 AM
Thanks CW - your answer made me laugh from pure joy, and cry from sheer relief! :D

Thanks also, Tom - I will continue on this road, and will keep checking in on this forum. Tonite's the first time I even knew it existed. :)

9th February 2008, 06:20 AM
Thanks CW - your answer made me laugh from pure joy, and cry from sheer relief! :D

Glad to be of help.

Do hang around. I think you may learn a lot of interesting stuff here. I certainly have, and continue to do so. :)